[A] [Kingsblade] [US West - PvE] [Myzrael] Semi-Casual Raiding Guild

Hello All,

I am forming a new guild with my friend for Classic! It will be on the server, Myzrael in the US West timezone. Raiding will be semi-casual, looking at a 7-10:30PM PST raiding time a couple nights a week. Accepting of any races/classes! Looking for people of all playstyles, with a semi-focus on chill-play style!

For more information, contact me at:
BNet - Mxdarin#1546
Discord - Mxdarin#8826


I sent you a request on Bnet so we can chat. Look for Squeebs :slight_smile:

Iโ€™m keeping an eye on this one๐Ÿ˜‰

Night Elf Hunter - Trippy (WoW Classic - Server: Mzyrael)

Im looking for a guild myself.

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