Mage feels really bloated or over complicated

Arcane is a lot better since the mage rework in Abberus.

Still a bit penalizing if you mess up a window but definitely better than the awfulness that was 10.0

The pay off is big damage when played correctly.

This is literally any dps spec.

It’s stier because it is when played in an organized group.

Yet I do see mages in sub 26 keys

Sounds like you need to keep your trash opinion to yourself

  1. Subpar payoff for extraordinary effort

  2. Wrong

  3. Hardly sought after and very few at all

You’re subpar

It’s not my fault you under perform.

Then you’re not pushing buttons correctly.

Not wrong

Mages are sought after. Idk what game you’re playing but LOL

  1. Post on your 3600 mage or shut up
  2. Nobody wants to play a piano
  3. Yes, still wrong
  4. LOL. Wow, you are a pathetic forum troll

Post on your mage. I have mythic raid exp on mage as well as pvp experience. Mage doesn’t come close to rogue bloat

I don’t have to be currently playing the class to have an opinion on it.

Playing a mage isn’t playing a piano. I suggest BM hunter if you find mage buttons too much.

Not wrong.

If you want to talk pathetic we can talk about green and grey heroic logs

Lol sick burn

No one’s saying Fire doesn’t have a skill ceiling, just that it has comparatively few core rotational buttons. Managing those is pretty much the complexity of the spec - not a good or bad thing just arguably a different playstyle than many other keybind-heavy core rotations.

Just adding my view to the many that I personally think that there is too much complexity for me for most classes, and the reason is that I don’t enjoy watching timers and weakauras. I want to be able to look at the game itself and not have to contantly concentrate on a plethora of things happening on the user interface.

Maybe an unpopular opinion but I absolutely loved playing mage in season 1 before the rework with the simple, flowing rotation, and the rework completely ruined it for me.

I absolutely understand that some players like to be able to have skill expression, and many feel that for that, the class needs to be complex to min-max. I don’t have an issue with that, but I do wish they would organise talents and choice nodes in such a way as to make a far more simple build for the different specs in the game viable.

For me, the problem comes when there are no more simple, passive options, or when playing a class more simply would be too great a loss. Gaining no more than 10% damage by making something far more convoluted seems like a reasonable figure to me, but I recognise this will differ for many people. I found it heartening to see that the devs seemed to be bringing more of these choice nodes in for some classes.

I know many people on the forums and discord servers tend to be the players who play at a higher level and tend towards skill expression, but the number of players who gravitate towards the few remaining easier specs in the game tells me that I’m not alone in enjoying more simple rotations.

I currently feel limited to playing either destro warlock, BM or dev. It would be nice to feel like I could have more choice to play the class fantasies I love.


Spending an hour or two on a training dummy will fix that. You shouldn’t be staring at your bars either way.

There should be a penalty for playing all
Passives and that is lower damage.

Someone playing passives shouldn’t be rewarded the same as someone playing actives.

The majority of the forums posters do not play at the higher end.

BM and ret have always had higher popularity.

There are classes that have simple rotations and there are classes that don’t. If you want easy play the classes that are easy.

You can also change the way you do your keybind s.

Firstly, absolutely LOVING the post which literally just came through from blizzard.
’ * Simplify rotational complexity.

  • Provide tools to help you adapt your damage profile to better match a given encounter.

  • Provide competitive choice nodes that let you opt-out of complex gameplay.’

Now that sounds like a really good set of aims. Literally feels like someone at Bliz just read my post and then quickly posted that message. :rofl:

Are you suggesting that a player should intuitively know when 30, 45, and 60 second cooldowns come off their timers without having any trackers or weakauras to tell you? Or without anything showing you when you have a buff or a proc?

Imagine playing with a completely hidden UI, and no weakauras tracking 50 things.

Sounds like we are in agreement.

You mean like frost mage? Oh wait, that one was ruined for me.

Sorry, you have missed my point. It’s nothing to do with keybinds - I have plenty of them. It’s to do with how much you need to track and rotational complexity in terms of timers, procs, priorities and so on.

1 Like
"Allow you to acquire each specialization’s core gameplay with less talent point investment.
Simplify rotational complexity.
Provide tools to help you adapt your damage profile to better match a given encounter.
Provide competitive choice nodes that let you opt-out of complex gameplay."


With the exception of a few talents, which we’re looking to address, we’re feeling good about Frost’s gameplay and tree. Our first batch of changes for Frost will be small in scope, and targeted at adding a new build that should reminiscent of the Deathborne playstyle from Shadowlands, while also freeing up some talent points.

Thank you for your continued feedback, and we’re excited to hear more from you in the weeks to come."

I’m saying you don’t need to look at action bars for that information. Most people use weakauras to customize their ui.

And most people hated the no ice lance build

I played when it was still the ice lance build - frostbolt, flurry, ice lance, ice lance.

I don’t understand your initial response then. I specifically said in my post that I didn’t like enjoying watching timers and weakauras, not bars, and that I wanted to look at the game itself not the interface.

Completely agree. I do like fire mage though, but yeah the other hybrid casters are much more engaging I think

I just threw up in my mouth a little. Nothing should be brought in from SL. It is the worst expansion to date both from both story and gameplay perspectives. Blizzard would do better to just pretend that expansion doesn’t exist. How about actually fixing the spec, rather than listening to a streamer who said they liked that gameplay.

I don t think we would agree some day, but even me who liked the former mage gameplay with fb, flurry 2x lance…is not happy that they rly want to dig out the boring ONLY FB +shatter gameplay again.
Better bring something rly new and pls Blizzard don’t stick to the only FB gameplay.
If they tune it a bit (less ramping, fractured frost hitting 5-8 targets, put another spell into gameplay and let it play like former frost before rework…THEN it could be ok, but then it would be no Deathborne gameplay anymore.
Its rly the same as +again+ destroying Dalaran.
It seems they are out of ideas or creative heads.

Get out