Mage feels really bloated or over complicated

I’m out of binds! I have no room for new spells and I bound my caps lock to my alt key to unlock another 9 binds with capslock+asd capslock+qwe and capslock+23 and capslock+spacebar. Capslock+1 is too hard to press.

I literally have focus 123, decurse 123, poly 123, ss 123, cs 123, focus ice nova, focus slow, bound plus all the other abilities except those I don’t want to play like mass poly/snowdrift/ring of fire. I also have focus poly and focus ss for open world and random BGs.

I have no room for new binds, I suggest they remove icelance for frostbolt build. I wouldn’t miss comet storm, ray or frostbomb either. I would gladly drop those for 20% frostbolt damage. They could also merge orb+blizzard into 1 ability where after you place orb, it unlocks blizzard on the same bind. And if orb is on cooldown, it defaults to blizzard. Also, I feel like they can make frost nova a ranged spell also, where if used at more than 12 yards it only lasts 3 seconds like ice nova and defaults to a ranged spell. They would have to give all mages 2 charges of frost nova and make sure if the frost nova was used at range it didn’t DR because ice nova doesn’t currently DR frost nova. That way we can remove ice nova. Clearly the developers are not thinking about this because ice nova is literally listed in some of the hero talents :joy: and sun fury adds a new stun bind.

This was the only time I PvEd and I loved the no ice lance build as a PvPer in PvE. Was easy as hell to sim too because it did not have a complicated rotation.

Less talent points does not mean less abilities. There are only 2-3 abilities in the frost tree - comet, ray of frost and glacial is irrelevant to death borne build because we didn’t take glacial anyways. Comet was optional as a PvPer already. There is also icy veins and flurry but those are a prerequisite. Orb and ice lance are so high in the tree I can’t see them removing them, both are pretty good in PvP. Orb gets rogues out, and icelance the capstone allows you to DPS when melee is on you and while you are on the move. I couldn’t see them removing them to create less keybinds. The only talents that would create less keybinds would be comet+ray and possibly frost bomb for PvP.

It was not my opinion.
Only a quote :wink:

And i agree. I still hope we will have more than 1 fine playstyle in the next addon.
Not again super boring glacial :< we have that now AGAIN+sigh+.

I miss rly NEW innovative gameplay. Not only the same old again and again and again.

Okay true, yea, well the crazy thing about less talent points is, it can be even worse, because it lets you put those points in other abilities you couldn’t get previously instead of passives lol.

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Yeah not many people enjoyed the braindead that was no ice lance

It definitely was braindead, but it allowed easy entry into PvE at a high level for those who were not into PvE. Simming and rotations were so easy anyone with half a brain could play at the highest level. I don’t PvE at all and I loved that lol. It allowed me obtain a couple of haste rings that were only 3 ilvl less than PvP gear. Now it’s irrelevant with crafted gear. I’ve not PvEd this whole expansion and I don’t plan on it, the rotations are complex and the sims are even more stupid lol.

When Castle came out and the build switched to icelance weaving and complicated rotations, I quit PvE entirely. Most PvErs love min maxing like that. Personally I feel it should be around the game play and not so much the rotation. You don’t need to do high DPS to have a hard game.

Some of the hardest content can be pushing ZG cata last platform boss to last phase after your entire team dies by weaving through ghosts. Kiting vanilla spellmaw at level 58 with perfect blinks to everlook in which you have only fireblast damage. AoE ziggurats/all ZG crocs with cone/nova only. Faxmonkey also had some cool challenges, there use to be forum posts about. Solo challenges are actually impossible to find now, the game has such a short leash in open world(75yards?) and players have so many spells and movement abilities hard content simply does not exist lol. I feel like people just don’t care about challenging content anymore either. Now that everyone is older and has real life. No one games hardcore now days. It’s all about cooldown management, knowing the fights and rotation now. Though if blizzard wants to make their game popular again, they will make it the hardest game in the world while still having content for casuals. Hard doesn’t mean grinding for 12 hours farming mats. You can have a hard game by only play 6hours/week. Hard just means clever use of game mechanics/abilities/roles of players, where you have to be pro or the top 1% to complete your assignment. Things like dead zones, mob pathing, leeway, max range kiting could all be used for all roles. They would never do this though. There’s no way to get 20 people in a raid that are the top 1% unless you are already full clearing mythic every patch.

Crazy how we are no where near having the most difficult gameplay in the game that the WoW engine is capable of. It’s such a good engine, I just wish the developers understood that more.

A hard game doesn’t need more buttons,
complex rotations and more knowledge of fights, it just needs appropriately tuned mechanics, proper roles and movement. You should understand the roles needed for a fight after watching someone else complete fight 1 time. Blizzard could even release a tutorial video for each fight that raiders can watch pre fight. No need to read the adventure guide. All the tutorials now are about not standing in fire and trivial mechanics that don’t take skill but take fight knowledge. Skill is fireblast kiting where if you don’t use your fire blast or blink on cd the mob will 1 tap you or reset, deadzoning, mob pathing, etc. Developers think not standing in fire requires skill. When it’s all about interaction with their engine/mob that makes for a difficult game. Frost mage aoe is a great example. Like you could literally have a mage use clever use of mob pathing up and down stairs like locks do in vanilla Mara while other team mates complete other roles. If they did this though, they would have to implement a non hard mode, that grandmas could participate in. Ghostcrawler explained this several times too.

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