Mage feels really bloated or over complicated

Well they have every right to see you are running suboptimal and remove you.

Nope. I’m just playing the game as designed instead of expecting to take passives and be just as competitive.

They do. They other play styles have a punishment for being easier to play. Each class is designed to play one way for balancing purposes.

It’s wanting to cater to bad players for playing easier guilds. No thanks.

I don’t care what people like. People liking things is subjective and you don’t balance around that.

Wrong. Mage has never been a pet class. It’s been a class with a pet that didn’t fit the lore.

Say the difference out loud.

Pet class
Class with a pet.

There’s a difference.

While that does happen on rare occasions, it is by no means “most grps.”

And here it ends.

Youre just egoistic and don t care bout others.

Pls play SP game. Bye bye +ignore.


Because you don’t have a valid point.

No I don’t care about players asking the game to be dumbed down to their level.

I have mythic raid experience as mage shadow priest and warlock.

You’re wrong

Typical response when you can’t refute points and hiding on an alt

There is no difference of opinion, Snozi is just talking out of his derrière again and being a contrarian. There is absolutely no choice but to play a Glacial Spike build atm and that will be the case for the rest of the expansion as well, just like you pointed out. He’s also being incredibly disingenuous about not getting kicked for doing low damage, he’s like on his tenth guild and 4th class this expansion, precisely because of that.

The player base has become incredibly obnoxious and discriminating when it comes to group content, especially in group finder but in guilds as well. And this isn’t new either, it has been going on for years now and has gotten completely out of hand since SL.

In fact, it’s so bad the entire MMO genre is experiencing a near total paradigm shift where the majority of players basically treat it as a solo game and only a very small minority at the top truly participate in group content together and even then it’s mostly just for a few weeks at a time at the start of major content releases.

There is no sense of community anymore and part of the reason for that is the strictly enforced homogeneity of meta builds when it comes to higher end group content like raids or M+. Anyone who doesn’t comply with that is pretty much excluded because the emphasis now isn’t to take your time and have fun but to just get everything done as quickly as possible.


Says the chicken little of the mage forum that doesn’t even play the game?

Incorrect. There is always a choice. No one is forcing you to take into GS.

Aren’t you playing arcane without using radiant spark?

Imagine lying about me because you can’t refute facts.

I have never been kicked for low damage.


I’m on my 3rd guild this expansion because the first three were heroic/early tier mythic guilds and I wanted a CE focused guild. I’m
In the same guild since mid Abberus.

I also have changed classes based on guild needs and now back to playing a class because I enjoy it.

Lying because you can’t argue facts is a super cringe look for you bud.

The hypocrisy where literally the paragraph before this you’re slandering me because once again you post based on feelings and ignore facts.

This is a lie. Multiple guilds have a sense of community. There are guilds at all difficulty
Levels that play to have fun.

Cope harder.

I don’t think anyone is arguing to go back to the 2-button spam that was NoIL. That was a garbage rotation, held up by garbage design and even more garbage borrowed power systems. I agree with you that Frost is more fun now than it has been in years, but that’s not necessarily a good thing, because we know that it was terrible to play in both BfA and SL (and half of Legion). The AoE rotation feels fun and fluid, even if it does mean having to be in melee. The ST rotation could use a little pruning though, as it doesn’t seem right to be using an aoe ability, a cleave, and a channel - this is where the Cata trees were better, because that should have been the talent options. Functionally I also think Flurry could just be removed.

I think most of the problem with Frost at the moment is that you have core abilities, or defensives that we never really had before, and these require keybinds. As part of your M+ rotational kit you have ice nova, frost nova, blast wave, dragons breath, and often poly/curse - these were not a requirement in previous expansions. Shifting power adds to that, as does things like ring of frost if you take it. Then defensively you have 5 abilities, while in past expansions you had 2.

So yes. Frost might not be as bad as other specs. And yes, it might not be as bad as some people make it out to be with 5000 keybinds needed. But, the reality is that within DF, the number of abilities needing keybinds has more than doubled compared to the past couple of expansions, and has massively bloated the bars when comparing to “peak” expansions.

You simply can’t read if you don’t understand his opinion. You’re saying that players have the right to play specs that are suboptimal in normal or heroics, yet you think it’s perfectly okay for people to kick others out for playing specs that are suboptimal in parts of the game that don’t, according to you, require an optimized spec. His point is obviously that you can’t play suboptimal specs, because you’ll get kicked out. Yet, you’re wasting his time by going around in circles. It’s so detestable. lol

You’re a walking contradiction. And if this forum actually had moderators, you would be banned for openly antagonizing every user you’re interacting with.

Seek help, because you won’t last by being this miserable.


I understand his opinion just fine. I am saying its invalid.

Yes to both and heres why.

You can choose to play the game/spec any way you want too. If you want to play an extremely sub optimal build and knowingly handicap your team you have every choice to do that.


The people leading the group that you join also have every right to kick you for underperforming. No one is required to carry you if you are doing tank level damage because you dont like buttons.

It has zero to do with requiring a “optimized spec” but if you choose to play a build thats doing tank level damage you dont get to force people to carry you"

I can play affliction which is a sub optimal spec as demo or destro are better in most encounters but not get kicked because im pulling my weight.

If you dont pull your weight you can be kicked. If you knowingly choose not to pull your weight thats on you.

Its not a walking contradiction at all. You have the choice just like group leaders have a choice.

No need to seek help as im not miserable either.

You are. You’re on the brink; it’s obvious lol

As I said, get help. It could help with the anger issue, and perhaps make you a bit more sociable.

While I don’t always agree with the way he gets his points across, I do agree with Snoz on one thing: I have signed up for many, many keys this expansion as Affliction and never once got booted from the group for it.

I’ve even gotten “You’re Affliction? Respect!” comments before the key starts. On fort weeks I’ve even gotten “oh good! an aflock!” before.

I think the forum claims about not getting invited due to a certain spec are maybe a bit blown out of proportion. Most people make decisions on who to take for a key based on needs for the group and ilvl/io score for the player (which, while not perfect, is at least an indication of the players ability).

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They are vastly blown out of proportion. Think of the WOW forums, or any forums, like you think of a nightly newscast: The stories are predominantly negative which gives the viewer a sense that everything in the world is bad. They rarely talk about the good things that happened because they are considered boring or less newsworthy. “Politician celebrates 40th wedding anniversary” is much less of a headline then “Politician caught with prostitute in seedy hotel!”
People come on the forums to complain about a bad experience or something they don’t like and thus the forums are a collection of negative stories. Like yourself, I’ve managed to make it through this expansion on my mage as arcane, never having been booted once, despite it being “less optimal” for m+ than fire or frost. While it definitely sucks when that does happen, the idea that it’s common or that “most groups” kick people for the less optimal spec is blatantly false.

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I mean the only one here who’s out of touch is you.

I don’t have any anger issues. It’s why I don’t ever lash out at people.

I’m not here to be sociable. I’m here to discuss things in the classes I play. I’m not going to hold back stating things because of peoples feelings.

It’s vastly blown out of proportion. The main issue is peoples io being the reason they aren’t getting invited to groups.

Unless you’re pushing very high keys spec doesn’t matter.

Everytime I see someone complaining about being declined their IO has been super low.


Warms my heart to see newer forum-comers back and forth with snozy ad infinitum lol

Mage class is bloated garbage only surpassed by the nonsense coming out of Snozex’s foul mouth.


Fire is prob the least bloated spec in the game button-wise and I pray they never touch that. Arcane can go get their splinters or whatever

Beg to differ. It’s hectic, bloated, chaotic in it’s rotation for very little payoff.

You have to have a group pull around your cooldowns to be the laughable “S Tier” Wowhead assigns you.

Theres a reason you don’t see them in M+ outside of premade groups doing 26’s

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Sounds like you need to play BM or Ret.