Mage changes coming next patch

Taking bets on

Option A: A load of lazy half delivered crap that will be some minor talent shuffling and a 5-25% living bomb buff

Option B: Insane rework we’ve been begging for. Talent overhaul, tree fixing, pruning dead stuff and breathing life into class.

I’m going with option A and a vote of no confidence.

There has been zero community engagement from Blizz, no acknowledgement on feedback. I’m not optimistic for those reasons. I have an inkling it will be some stuff that was dartboarded and served up like this is what you get enjoy we don’t care if you like it or don’t.


Is that a link to something official?


Cool, mages are the first ones noted, that is exciting! who even cares about the new evoker spec right?

Oh no. I know it’s a meme that mages get no changes.

But changes can make things worse. They did for druids lmao

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Rune of Power alternative/removal. Calling it now. It’s by the far the most complained about Mage ability.


My money is on option B with the caveat that this forum specifically will spazz about it regardless of how good it actually is

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Notice in the blue post that ‘mages’ are in lower case, but ‘Holy Paladins’ are in upper case.

Option A… I have my doubts they even know what to do with mages at this point, let alone tune or rework them.

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Option C: Blizzard finally discovery that mage exists and asked for themselves “Whys this class still exist? We have evokers and warlocks” and will delete it.


Seeing that announced at least gives some hopium.
I only hope that it won’t be just “Glacial Spike damage buffed by 10%” or “Living Bomb now has 10 sec CD”. There should be meaningful changes to talent effects / pathing / design / talent placement at the very least.

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I wasn’t even kidding. I am so done and reached my limit of their BS that I am willing to put up with a long time ago. I very much doubt this will be the proper rework we deserve but if we get anything short of that I am out. I’ve already barely been playing DF as it is.


Guys read the new blue. We are getting a pretty significant rework and rune is gone.



Wowhead. Sorry im not good at linking things. My guild has a wowhead bot that updates us when things are changed with tuning and classes and what not.

I got you.

Edit: I wonder how the Snoz character feels about the removal of ROP after defending it for so long.


This one has the specifics : Dragonflight 10.1.5 Developer Patch Notes - Fractures in Time - Wowhead News


The Gift of Prophecy.

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Brooooo! I am ded! :skull:

They were actually listening to us! I’d actually feel bad about being so critical lately but they really should’ve told us they were working in this and not been deathly quiet. Anyway, WoW’s suddenly my main game again, KEK! :crazy_face:


Dont forget that level 11 classic troll hunter too.