In Development: Fractures in Time

The previous races didnt need to do anything special to be a new class like rogue draenei, so no.

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I mean, they both utilize and associate with demonic magic and the fel. Demon Hunters literally transform into demons and command fel fire, and Warlocks channel fel and demonic magic to subjugate them (demons).

Blade (of Marvel fame) hunts and kills vampires. He is also a vampire (half-vampire/dhampir anyways) himself, and utilizes his abilities to help kill other vampires - so you wouldn’t argue that blade is not the same thing as a vampire, because he is a vampire (well, again, half anyways, but that’s irrelevant). A demon hunter may hunt demons, but you also wouldn’t argue that they are not explicitly tied to demons, just as warlocks are.

Their goals may be different, but they are intrinsically linked together through their association with Demons and the fel, in a way no other class’ are, save for perhaps paladins and priests.

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For all thats unholy please give us red draenei skin :pray:

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All this and still no vulpera druids


I can see Night elf warlocks in pvp especially with shadowmeld nothing like running up a path only for a night elf to come out of shadowmeld launching a chaos bolt on ya.

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I should know better by now and not get excited but istg if y’all don’t do a proper rework for Arcane I am going to ragequit and never play WoW again, even though I’ve been playing since Vanilla.

You should check out the patch notes

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Yeah but are those stories even written well?

Id play a different game if you’re that serious about the story& lore , blizzard hasn’t given a crap about it in a long time.

Ffxiv sound more up you and your friends ally’s.

Mag’har Warlock?
Lightforged Draenei Warlock?


Your company’s grasp and respect for the lore of the game has now gone from whimsical to outright absurd. It’s not even about the game, story or anything else remotely associated to an MMORPG is it? It’s all about how many Character Service sales you can make.

Well whatever. We all know you’ll shove this in the game same as every other bad idea.

But can we finally drop the pretense? Because if your finally showing how little you care about the franchise, or those who play it; by adding such blatantly lore-breaking combos like this, let’s skip ahead to the good part where we have the “Zero Hour” equivalent of WoW, where everything is rewritten for the hell of it.

Not angry, but I sure do find it sad to see that this is what a professional company produces now. But then, I guess Blizzard really has sold out and given up if these changes were green-lit.

I suppose this also means the entire Warcraft series was just a Warhammer knock off in the end that was a vessel simply crafted to make money; instead of becoming something greater than the material that originally inspired it to be created.

Oh well. Good luck with that.


Dude just shut up.
You’re a classic toon, stay there and you can have the game how you want it.

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Make me sunshine.


The changes to mount learning unfortunately signal the maintenance of the philosophy that everything should just magically happen to you and there is no need to explore the world or seek trainers, which is sad.

That said, I think you need a MASSIVE rework of the new player experience, and I hope this is in the works for the future. The completely solo experience of just questing mindlessly to 60 before hopping into whatever is the current expansion can’t stay as it is, no one is sticking around.


Still nothing for guardian which need q major re work like pally did. Also the same can be said for hunter and DH.

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They will if it’s from the RTWF mob or MDI players.

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I expect that will come in in 10.2 or 10.2.5 or 10.2.7.

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It’s nice to see new race/class combos. Player characters can have backstories that differ from their race’s culture. Maybe a night elf was adopted by dwarves as a child and was acclimated to dwarf cultural values leading them to choose to become a paladin or warlock. There’s a variety of ways that players can create their character’s own unique path to unconventional race/class combos.

I want night elf paladins to be available sooner rather than later. The Legion paladin class hall gave me hope that night elf paladins were realistic. It’s been way too long since Legion came out with lore to allow night elves to be paladins. I can’t wait to change my pally from a draenei to a night elf.

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In the Fractures in Time content update, the Warlock class will become available to Night Elves, Draenei, Lightforged Draenei, Pandaren, Kul Tiran, Tauren, Highmountain Tauren, Mag’har Orcs, and Zandalari Trolls.

Warlocks will also be able to undertake a new quest line starting with the quest "Beginning Impositions,” which will unlock a new imp pet customization. Players will also be able to visit the Barbershop to customize their pets.

Can’t say I much care for the notion of Night Elf, Draenei, Lightforged Draenei, or Mag’har warlocks due to the in-universe culture of these races, though that isn’t to say that there can’t possibly be any warlocks among them, as I would expect their to be some outliers. Tauren warlocks also seem like such a strange combo, but I suppose if they can now be mages, why not let them be warlocks as well, since Orcs, Trolls, Undead, Belves, and Goblins, and may have picked it up from them, not having any strong cultural taboos against it. I’ve also always felt that maybe some of the Grimtotem that follow Jevan and stayed loyal to the Horde could be practicing warlocks, though I never really found anything to indicate so.
EDIT: Still, overall, I see this as more character customization options, so I honestly can’t be too upset, because I like more character customization options, and no matter how many players end up making these otherwise weird race/class combos, it can at least be justified as them just not adhering to their society’s normal way of thinking in regards to Warlocks. Also, doing the new questline on the PTR (though it just ends at one point with no follow-up quest, nor do I have the option to customize demons), the Tauren Warlock initiate you meet during the questline explicitly mentions having “a cousin who’s a Grimtotem” who suggested he learn the ways of the Warlock instead of becoming a Shaman.

Otherwise, I’m excited for customization options for my demon pets, and especially for finally being able to customize them in the barbershop like druid forms got. Even if the extent of the customization is “change your Imp to a Fel Imp” or “change your Succubus into a Shivarra, Shadow Succubus, Fel Temptress, or Incubus”, and not the ability change smaller parts of their overall appearance (mainly because it’s that “change their form” thing that I’ve been wanting, and want to keep each individual name for my demons).


So playable race means nothing anymore? Tauren, Night Elf, Panda Warlock? Hmm, idk

Excited for everything else though! Especially the custom pets!!

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Ok so if Nelfs and KT can be Warlocks surely they can be Paladins! Come on, make it happen.