Maexxna and Sapphiron "Double Attack" Hidden Ability?

You’re telling me I can’t DW tank with death wish and reck popped so my DPS can zerg the boss down? How dare you tell me how to play!!! /s


You can if you do it right. Don’t be such a noob.

But… The meta!

Its or Meta Slaves… SLAVES! Just so NO to Slavery!

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Literally no one is this thread has asked for a nerf or QQ’d.

The adults are just trying to have a conversation about whether it’s actually happening and if so, why… and yall are interjecting with a bunch of histrionic nonsense about complaints literally no one is making.


oh no suddenly the easy classic wow is too hard all of the sudden please nerf!

I challenge you to quote a single person in this thread who asked for a nerf.


People wiping in raids? That shouldn’t happen. It’s not the meta.

Why are you guys so hellbent on turning this into a “lol PvE raiders wants nerfs” thread?


I remember back in MC someone bringing up a combat log for Golemagg where he just double tapped their Tank and there weren’t any Parries nearby. No one could really figure out what was going on because nothing indicated why he would suddenly smash two rapid fire autos, but since it was just Golemagg, no one really investigated further.

With the dramatic reduction of spell batching, one thing I was looking forward to in Naxx was no longer going from 100-0 and seeing 4+ attacks land on the log, alongside 3-4 heals, but I die anyway because of batching. Incoming damage is a lot smoother now because you aren’t getting sudden random bursts of 7-9k that also ignore your incoming healing because the game still thought you were full health. But with that increased smoothness is the much more recognizable double hits that shouldn’t be happening in the absence of some kind of hidden thrash/flurry mechanic.

I have no desire to remove the ability, as no one else is saying to do so either. Rather, understanding how and why it happens (low CD? mild proc chance?) so you can plan around it is all that is needed.



Honestly, I have no problem with exploring the mechanics.

Lots of folks seem to find it fun to follow a guide to the letter to collect all the BiS gear, cheese every mechanic there is and get big numbers. I find it fun to make fun of that. We all have our own ways of making the game fun.

The OP did say “tanks are dying” and “plz hlp” in the thread… which does reflect a frustration with the mechanic.

Regarding the combat thread that was pasted here: If it was from a warrior tank, and they got crushed, then that warrior is going to need to rethink their gear before crying here on the forums.

Looked through our logs since the patch and I can also confirm this behavior on Maexxna and Sapph. Anub and Gluth also appear to have this behavior.

The Tl;DR of my trip into logs pre and post patch, is that it seems like certain raid bosses do have a Double Attack ability (not to be confused with Thrash) that batching helped to mask until now.

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It doesn’t seem like you know how tanking works… How uncrushable do you think a tank is gonna be when they’re getting hit twice within 10 miliseconds?

Yea… And immediately after “plz hlp” he said

But yea. People are LITERALLY crying with frustration on the forums and begging Blizzard to nerf bosses. You nailed it. :roll_eyes:


I’m pretty sure a few bosses in all of classic can “store” autoattacks if their threat target is out of melee range. Pretty sure that’s what this is.

Ah yeah, I forgot about that.


Being able to dish out the ZG buff is kinda absurd and awesome.

Nope tanks aren’t out of range on Maexxna or Gluth and it is happening.

BTW this is happening on raids not Naxx as well. Tank had similar attacks happen on Twin Emps just looking at that fight quickly.

This is like one of THOUSANDS of different BS mechanics that were fixed, nerfed, readjusted and pruned from fights that existed in ALL raids over time across all patches. Since people only seem to know 1.12 and stack world buffs, people kinda forgot that bosses did things.

Well if the boss can 1 shot your tank, the person who is supposed to be the tankiest person in your raid, yea. There is a difference between hard mechanics and bugs resulting from a new change in the core design of a game.