Maexxna and Sapphiron "Double Attack" Hidden Ability?

It is absolutely not parry haste. In my guild’s run this week Maexxna did the double attack twice during web spray and looking at our logs our rogues didn’t vanish the spray and nothing was attacking her at all during it.

Oh. The bold ones. I see. Within the same ms.

So are those from warcraft logs? I’m curious how those are tracked.

Still, I’d imagine it’s quite likely the spell batching change has something to do with it. That’s my point.

Easy there, tiger. No need to get all emotional. Just having a discussion.

And this double attack was not occuring until this latest patch, right? Got to be some bug that was introduced. If it’s not parry haste I bet it has something to do with the new 10ms batch.

Raid got harder… “NERF NAOW” Truth is most of these guys want ultra EZ mode (May as well play retail LFR)


I’ve only checked two prior weeks logs but the closest any swings have come in those is .4 seconds apart. Something else to note is that those .4 second apart swings are suspiciously absent in the run from this week.

And so it was the wow classic community, having faced an actual challenge for the first time, heartily took on this task and overcame it with courage and hard work- oh, no, nevermind, they did what they always do and whined to Blizz until the game was made easier.

No wonder this community loves boosts so much, even the Naxx raiders buckle the first time they might have to try.

Pretty much nowhere in this thread is anyone complaining that it needs to be nerfed or that the game is too hard. We are just trying to figure out exactly what is going on, if it is intended or a bug, and if/how it came about due to the batching change.

Meanwhile there are multiple idiots jumping in the thread providing nothing of value to the discussion so they can complain about the raiding community.


What are yall even talking about? Bunch of non-raiders overcompensating AF lol. No one ever said anything except that its happening and it didn’t before the patch. Stop sounding so desperate, its transparent.


Imagine making posts like this when your raid has ended the last 2 weeks with wipes… 5 months into Naxx

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You’re a real winner, aren’t you child.


Sorry you couldnt make it past 16 on faerlina. Maybe a RP server is more your speed.

I’ve got multiple 60’s that clear Naxx in one night actually. I can’t imagine still struggling to clear Naxx 5 months in tbh…

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.4 seconds, you mean like the former batch rate? Definitely sounds like something to do with the new updated batching.

Aha! 400ms! The old batching window!

you mean parry-haste?

They fixed city buff in 15 minutes. Think they’ll fix this before 2022 hits?

Gender fluid, buddy!

Pointing to a possible bug post patch that saw

  • Being able to bottle the Ony buff but collect the Nef buff
  • Not being able to bottle some DMT buffs
  • People having the ZG buff in their spell book and able to buff capital cities with it

Does not mean people are demanding nerfs or that they even struggled to clear the content post patch. Just that it’s happening and unknown if it is intended, or if it is in fact a bug.

Buncha non raiders really desperate to feel good about themselves eh

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Sorry but its ironic that so many people were crying for harder raids, got harder raids now they are crying again.

I asked for harder content, and not complaining at all. I actually enjoy a challenge.

I asked for pre-nerf NPC’s for TBC with 360auto cleave and sweeping strikes, and got told “That’s excluding people” LOL it doesn’t its just not fun for people who like to face roll content.

Point is, people seem to want easy content, they don’t want a challenge of any kind they want things to just work without really thinking, go though the paces without any kind of adversity of struggle.

Soon as adversity in PVE is met, they QQ up a storm even if its just an unintended bug that can and is played around when you know what to expect.