Maelie the Wonderer not moving after 1st day

I also am having the same issue, Maelie is stuck behind tinybell even though I have not reassured her today. :confused: Really hope blizzard does something and soon.

Day 5: Maelie is still behind Tinybell. I WANT TO PROGRESS BLIZZ. FIX THIS

Clicked her tuesday night around 11pm or so and she has been at camp since. what really blows is we all know when this gets fixed we will still have to go out and find her for the quest complete.

Or it resets our prog

maelie was available for me to find, now to wait til tomorrow to see if she is able to be pet again and if it will count as the last day or the second.

Throwing in my experience as well. I was able to find and pet her for 3 days in a row; on the 4th, she was still sitting in camp. I checked again this morning (day 5), and there she is in camp again.

So it’s happening on more than just the first day. Getting past day 1 & 2 doesn’t guarantee you’re safe.

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Still can’t interact with her, she has been in camp since Wednesday. Save for a small window yesterday where she wasn’t in camp, but still couldn’t interact with her or even see her where other could out in the zone.

same for me Maelie the Wanderer is bugged and the “daily” to find her is not resetting for me. :frowning:

Same issue…Found her the first time on two separate characters. Tried to get her again on the same two characters and she is standing with Tinybell. Has been there all day. Two different realms. Really annoying.

When I first found out about this mount it was day two. I got to pet her that day and the next day but ever since then she has been stuck in camp with Tinybell only saying thank you.
Really wish this would reset :frowning:

Oh? seems they fixed the issue.
This evening, Maelie finally wasn’t with Tinybell and I was able to pet her in one of her spawn points.

Not fixed for me, still standing there in town, looking dumb, since day 1.

Still hasn’t moved since Day 1.

3-4 days and Maelie hasn’t moved from behind Tinybell.

Tacking this on because I’ve seen it elsewhere in the thread, but I’m also bugged on the Razorwing Egg mount. Turned in 6-7 eggs and it didn’t trigger the mount event (for lack of a better word).

Same. Petted Maelie 2 days in a row & has now been in camp with Tinybell for the last 3 days. =(

There was a bug on launch day where people were able to get all six Maelie credits and the mount. My guess is because we had already found her just once before this was fixed, we somehow got broken in turn.

update she is not pettable again today, and still no blue post?

Bumping, she’s still sitting there for me. Day 1 and nothing since then.

Day 5 since Patch day: She is still in town. Doubt blizz will fix this.

Yep, 5 days, Maelie the not-wanderer still not wandering.