Maelie the Wonderer not moving after 1st day

also having the same issue

Still having same issue as well.

She is still parked in camp. I pet her Wednesday night, that’s >36h and 2 resets later and still not resetting. Other people have been able to find and pet her multiple times per reset/24h period.

lol i want my free mount after they fix this lol. no petting necessary

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Same. Day one at around midnight. Tinybell keeps saying thank you

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Chiming in to say I’ve the same issue. Found her once, then the next two days she is still back at Tinybell


I found her on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday she was still in the camp, was able to pet for a second time today about 2 hours ago.

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She is finally not in camp for me, but still can’t interact with her (or even see her) outside in Korthia. Literally just watched 20+ people pet her and not there for me. Been 43h since last time I interacted with her.

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I am experiencing the exact same problem with Maelie being stuck in the camp for several days.


when you do get all six eggs, I advise you to not turn them in right now. many of us going for that mount have turned in all six eggs with no mount reward. I tried again today with eggs 7 and 8, thinking maintnance wednessday reset it, but still no mount. I put in a ticket and got a response back stating that they are aware of the issue and are investigating.

as for maelie the wanderer, I do not see her in camp, but I also do not see a quest and on top of that, have been unable to find her in any of the known spawn spots

I am also experiencing this issue.

Maelie still has not moved today. I haven’t been able to interact with her since launch day.

Just checked and she is still behind Tinybell.

Today is Saturday, day 5. Tagged on Tuesday for the first time. Ever since shes been at camp everyday. Iv reported bug and also made several Tickets. Blizzard CS members (GMs) always say the same thing "I will also report in your issue from my end to give the team more information on fixing it. Please give attention to our forums for they will announce fixed bugs from there.

Hope this message finds you well!
Although this response may not be the answer you were seeking,
I still sincerely hope you have a great day!

Feel free to reach out to us anytime in the future!
Stay Safe & Stay Strong! And wash hands!"

How is this helping any of us ? this is ridiculous id be out here everyday clicking her and the best u can do is report it on the forums? HELP ME unbug this so I can get this mount and be done with it tomorrow (Sunday June 4th) Would be my final day of tagging this for the mount. I dont expect you to magically put this in my bag but damn atleast fix it. WHY IS THIS STILL A PROBLEM day 6 of the patch. Iv only been able to tag her once becuase shes still at camp everyday for me on every toon I have !

This post is not similar to the previous post please post this


Same issue here,for 2 days now, how is blizzard going to compensate? there are others who is able to do it.

I’ve also been having this issue. I found her, clicked her, got the flavor text that she was back at camp (and she was) but no quest appeared to claim the mount. Submitted a ticket and was told to submit a bug report. Very dissatisfied with the experience.

I am having the same problem.

Sorry wrong character

Note: I was in a group all week and other group members are able to complete the quest but I cannot.