Madseason is a very smart person

No. It’s about skipping the content of questionable relevance (in the context of the expansion) which serves as an arbitrary time gate.

Weird, everytime it’s : “it’s nice because i don’t care about the Classic content”

The issue here is : this content and the players “achievements” in this content matter for some of us. Yes, some of us are “proud” of having multiple 60 characters no matter how “easy” you find it.

Somehow i’m glad that boost will bring a lot of players but the ideology behind it doesn’t fit to the “Classic” mentality. We know that, Blizzard won’t stop here if everyone is fine with it.

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No, it’s not. That’s the least common argument.

  1. Elitism is not a compelling argument.
  2. The levelling experience is subjective. It changes from server to server, faction to faction. You can’t claim your experience as definitive.

Slippery slope fallacy. The sky is not falling. The world will keep spinning.


How is it elitism ??

If elitism isn’t an argument why you said that “End game content services” is out of question ?

What if some players don’t want (or can’t) or have time to raid weekly but still want to be well geared ?

Just because end game content matter for you they shouldn’t be able to buy gear ? Let me think about it… you are against arena boosting or gear PL ?


I had to do it, therefore everyone else should. That’s elitism.

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Both are content.
Why not being able to skip it to the end then ? Only a part because “i think this part doesn’t matter”.

1-58 in TBC include the changes from TBC : new quests, spells/talents, level 30 mounts, xp reduction
What about BE/Draenei ? They should ONLY do their starting areas then being able to skip to 58 ? Because the 20-58 content in Vanilla content :scream:


It took Blizzard till 2014 to ruin WoW, it took the community not even a week to ruin classic, the irony.

Says the bad player who’s never played a MMORPG outside of WoW, don’t talk like you know anything about the genre.

Boosts are first step to making classic more like retail. If you want to skip content, go play retail. You can skip whole expansions on it, have at it. I try not to think about it, but it does effect the player base, floods of 58s going around farming stuff, selling it, repeat. That will effect other players.


So true. Although the term itself is relatively recent, I think. A construct of our modern pseudo-intellectual society. And those using the term to try to invalidate something are usually blind to the fact, (or just ignoring the fact), that they themselves are exercising confirmation bias while pointing fingers. And will usually get very angry when you point it out to them.


I dont care about clout or bandwagon. AM immune to its effect but am very curious why you disagree were . I think when it come to botting its hard to go not see it since retail is full of bot.

I very interested in your point of view since i feel like you saw something i didt.

Plz sir

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I see. Wow, such a strong accusation of malicious intent just because the guy’s opinion doesn’t match your own. And I suppose that your statement is not “just your opinion?” I could say the same about your statement.

What if I say…“Actually, your statement is full of logical fallacies, intended to mislead, all under the false pretense of exposing malice.” See how that works?

You should be very careful, and stop to think, before assigning labels of deception and malicious intent to people who simply have a different opinion and don’t think the same as you.

Sorry but this kind of attitude really gives me a rash. I don’t suppose the fact that it may actually be his opinion has any reality for you? But, I’d bet dollars to donuts that if someone made a video with an “opinion” matching your own, you’d be defending his “opinion” to the teeth.

disclaimer: No, I haven’t even watched the vid yet due to it’s length, but now with all the efforts by some to completely invalidate the dude I’m going to make it a point to watch it just to see if I agree with him or not.


And the reason you think that has nothing at all to do with “confirmation bias?” That term gets thrown around way too much these days. The term itself is invalid in most cases, in my opinion, since people on both sides of any argument have “confirmation bias.”

I watched the video and listened to his words, that’s why i know he makes no points that are backed logically

In your opinion. And that’s fine. But then you accuse those who agree with him of “only agreeing” due to confirmation bias, while your accusation implies that your own opinion is not based on confirmation bias. It’s convoluted thinking.

People tend to forget, when they point fingers at others and make accusations, they are usually pointing right back at themselves as well. That’s all I was pointing out. I haven’t watched it myself yet to see if I personally agree with him or not.


“they have no idea about”

That’s a pretty unfair assessment of a player who has not only played to rank 14 when ranking was still challenging but has also cleared all of Naxx and been playing since actual vanilla not to mention since Classic released.

One could argue you’re being quite reductionist there. I would posit his opinion is actually quite informed as a player of his disposition, whether you agree with him or not is irrelevant to that.


ok einstein…why dont you tell me why on retail, all people do is level alts nowadays via threads of fate instead of playing the expansion itself?

I daresay you are probably all too right about this part. I personally don’t like the idea of boosting. To me it defeats the very idea of “playing.”

I think it’s a sad state that mmorpg gaming has turned into this mentality. And I heartily dislike the fact that nearly all game companies are now enabling, encouraging, and catering to this mentality. But there it is, and no escaping it. SMH.

edit: In fact, maybe Blizz should make a server like that. People would flock to it and have to admit that’s what they wanted all along, despite all the denials. lol


I level 2 toons to 60 in classic, 3 in vanilla. Let me have my boost.

I think a large problem we’re having on the forums is that folks are posting that video as “proof” that they’re right. Madseason did stress that the video consists of only his opinion, and encourages “constructive debate.” However, we’re seeing a number of topics pop up here where people cite that video and essentially “mic drop” over it because it coincides with their opinion. This is indeed confirmation bias. Citing an opinion piece, regardless of how popular it is not they way to “prove” one’s point.

Now regarding the video itself, I didn’t find a single point made in it where I wasn’t scratching my head thinking “this doesn’t quite make sense.” As I’ve said a number of times, it consists of speculation and reductive or circular arguments. He’s right that the boost won’t fix the problems in WoW. He’s wrong in thinking that is what it’s intended for.

Boosts aren’t going to ruin WoW. If that were the case, the game wouldn’t be going as strong as it has been for 17 years (the first “boosts” came out during TBC, though they weren’t the same as they are now.) Sure, they’re not part of the “Original” version, but the players aren’t the same, either.