Madseason is a very smart person

Yea, yea… I know how we all feel about content creators, I used to be all for levelling boosts, until I watched his video. He makes ALOT of strong points and I suggest you all watch it.

The meat and bones of any RPG is levelling. Build a world, make content around it. Early game, Mid game and End game should all have content to keep the player going and coming back everyday to the game. Just my 2¢


Actually, his video is full of logical fallacies, intended to mislead, all under the false pretense of ‘it’s just my opinion’.


Classic is an endeavor on recapturing youth.
We’re not the same players from 2007, we have different expectations and different mindsets and have already proven that re-creating the Vanilla experience is not possible. Mage boosting wouldn’t be as big as it is if there wasn’t such a high demand to skip Azeroth content.

Disregarding all the ways the boost can be “misused”, it does cut out a chunk of the game, but it’s not the focus of the game. Most people don’t pick up MMOs just for the leveling experience, it’s an afterthought they look back on after it’s finished.

If Blizzard ran a Tournament realm with free level 70 characters in full s1/s2/s3 gear A LOT the people interested in TBC would play it regularly.

People that buy a boost may skip Azeroth but they are still forced to experience TBC content, at least until someone figures out a Mage or Paladin 60-70 dungeon boost method.


I think it’s a good thing you’re giving people the option to bypass wasting 12 hours a day for two weeks to get leveled up, but hey that’s just me


This. Madseason makes a shallow attempt to address both sides of the coin, but his confirmation bias against boosts underwrites the whole video. I don’t think it’s malicious, he probably hasn’t even realised he’s done it.

I like Madseason, but I disagree with this video. Crazy, I know - celebrities aren’t always right.


I didn’t watch the video. I subscribe to his channel but I saw it was an hour long and skipped it. On the issue though I’m disappointed they are doing boosts. I am going to be leveling a Draenei in prepatch and I was looking forward to a vibrant leveling experience but boots are going to put a damper on that.


Your post is a Fallacy Fallacy… either point out the actual fallacies or don’t talk about them.


I wouldn’t call any of his points strong. Speculative, at best. Some are circular id reductive.

Comparing mage boosts to buying a tank service was way off.


His video is all strawmans, appeal to emotions and slippery slope fallacies. The only reason you think he made strong points is because of confirmation bias


Thank you for calling this out, too. I’m all for research and encouraging educated debate, but expecting people to watch a one hour video on one guy’s opinions is pretty obnoxious.


ty actiblizz employee


Retail is everything wrong with this game according to fans of the older version of this game. Retail is the evidence that the strawmen and slippery-slope claims are not fallacies but realities based on the current state of the game.


I don’t think I’ll ever understand this whole streamer thing. Like I’d used to watch starcraft streams from Korea, but that’s because those gamers were doing things i could never do and the commentary was exciting, even though I had no idea what they were saying.

These are just like random people talking about a game they have no idea about.


I notice that really dumb people with zero arguments use the phrases slippery slope and whatever fallacies a lot to make themselves sound smart.


Anti-boosters have lost, it’s 2021 get with the times. This isn’t 2004 anymore where the experience is fresh we all know what a slog levelling is and most people will want to jump into TBC right away.

The fact people feel the need to flag the OP once again demonstrates they have no argument and just want to silence someone who thinks differently.


Yes we get it, you hate content creators, this is the forums after all


Imagine not being able to read.

You try speaking out against pro booster retail ppl and they mass report you. Complete scumbags who get off on ruining the classic franchise.

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Agreed, we don’t get anywhere by closing our eyes and pretending it doesn’t exist. Need to talk about it.

Seems like the flag threshold is too low, I can’t imagine there’s more than 10-15 doing it.

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