It’s plausible this was flagged because OP seems to have made the same general thread at least twice under different toons, judging by his character naming conventions and writing style.
So his “two cents” is more accurately a few dimes.
Or that there are literally dozens of threads of people speaking against boosting, and people don’t need to create a new one every time they feel like making the same arguments again. Here’s a thread from four days ago also talking about Madseason’s latest video.
It’s honestly hilarious how a milk toast post like this gets flagged but looking at the comments explains everything, just ignore these armchair intellectuals.
Why are you subscribed to a game where you think playing it is a waste of time?
He would have to write a response to an hour long video full of BS. But lets go down the major pointers.
Botting problem- wrong compare bots from retail to classic, there’s rarely any bots in retail and the ones that are, aren’t using boosts they are just aoe farming. Buying a boost for botters = net loss
Boosts killed retail WoW- wrong again, it’s not even a top 20 of what killed off retail WoW. Ion, Professions being crap, PvP being trash for 2 expansions, borrowed power, stupid grinds like anima/heart of azeroth, mythic+, covenants, garbage story, piss poor class designs, removal of talent trees, removal of glyphs, removing basic abilities/spells and putting them in the stupid tier tree/pvp tree, NOT STOPPING THE MASSIVE INFLUX OF HORDE PLAYERS…aka destroying Alliance end game content aka FACTION CHANGE (there’s like 12 Alliance guilds in the top 100 world wide…), Merc Mode only for Horde, locking new races behind stupid rep grinds/time gating, Metzen, Jeff and GC leaving left NO creative talent left at Blizzard, locking flying behind a time gate, literally every new thing in BFA and SL was garbage and even to an extent Legion besides AFs/Leggos were fun, removing tier sets. The list goes on so hopefully you get the damn point.
Destroys the lvling community/new players- AGAIN WRONG, your typical person doesn’t have the time to play classic 10+ hours a day. Your R13 scrublord boomer doesn’t work 40 hours a week, doesn’t have a relationship nor have kids…guess what the rest of us do. The world record for lvling is 21 hours with a boost, 36 hours w/o a boost. Getting to cap from an avg casual player is 8-11 days played…that’s 192 hours-264 hours to ACTUALLY GET TO THE CONTENT THATS MADE FOR PEOPLE. Imagine playing a prologue to any game that took 190 hours. It took me 5 days and 16 hours to get this mage to 60…and that was with extreme help from lvl 40-60 which your avg player and certainly not a new player can achieve w/o pumping 17 hours a day into lvling. When you see more people run dungeons in retail than classic…that’s a problem. Lvling in a 2004 style of questing is a **** design, there’s a reason why no MMORPG still does it and the ones that do it and aren’t backed by the tag “Blizzard”, they fail and can barely hold 1k players on steam. Sorry but killing 50 boars for 6 meat is not fun and when you got to do that for over 100 hours is to put it simple and nice…crap.
There’s nothing wrong with TBC boosts, you get one and you start out at lvl 58 and you can’t boost a BE or DR…
This seems to be a disease in most studies, reports and news articles across the globe since the dawn of time.
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The game doesnt start at level 60(70) it starts at level 1.
Do you hate the game so much that you see it as a chore?
Some of the best content in the game is along the way, plenty of excellent dungeons
Prescribing to the notion that everyone needs to rush to end game and that everything in between is pointless is pretty lame
Wow streams technically started in TBC, a friend of mine streamed his Rank 1 team in TBC and made commentary about the plays and why they attacked certain comps in certain ways, and the logic and plays behind it. This style of high quality high skill arena based stream was the standard for a few years, it devolved into entertainment for the sake of entertainment…
This begs the question, why watch a video game on a stream where you’re not the one participating for entertainment when instead you can be the one actually playing?
I understand watching arena streams in an effort to get good, this is akin to watching the SC streams, because there is something to be gained. The grand bulk of the streams now are simply for entertainment only, and I wonder why people watch them…
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if you’re for the level boost then you shouldn’t be playing an mmorpg, a genre that is made to consume time.
Glad you ignored the reason why people hate lvling
Sorry to burst your bubble no one cares about killing 40 mobs that they need 3 items for and the quest gives 5% exp. If people loved lvling so much there wouldn’t be boosting, the irony I know.
Game doesn’t start at lvl 1, it starts at lvl cap when you get all of your abilities and talents, even then your class doesn’t even start to progress till it gets gear. A lvl 20 character doesn’t play the same as a lvl 60 or a lvl 70. You’re not gonna do any raids or end game dungeons at lvl 30, you’re not gonna feel the same pvp at lvl 28 compared to a lvl 60
Prescribing to the notion that everyone needs to waste 140 hours looking at a exp bar and everything at lvl cap is pointless is pretty lame
Oh damn I can literally say the same thing as you, but again you can’t grab the simple concept on why people hate lvling. If 192 hours means nothing to you, ether you’re jobless, don’t have a relationship or have a kid. Congrats you get to waste 14 hours a day in a video game.
You don’t really understand delayed gratification do you?
It’s a shame that levelling for the first time during TBC means you’ll never run any of these excellent dungeons - except maybe Deadmines if you’re Alliance, and Scarlet Monetary if you’re Horde. You’ll never experience the “best content”.
I’ve played (Inc WoW since 2005) BDO, ESO, FF14 ARR, Guild Wars 2, Guild Wars, Swtor, WAR (Warhammer Age of Reckoning), FF11, PSO2 and Neverwinter.
Do you know how many of those take 120+ hours to lvl up to lvl cap, only 1 and that was FF11 since back when it first released you lost exp when you died which in turn means you can lose lvls and hours of grinding. Clearly you’ve never played a MMORPG outside of WoW cause you’re too afraid of playing anything else.
Why are you assuming his intent? Yeah, sure, he might have used logical fallacies, I don’t know. But saying you know the thoughts in his head is a little insane and unhinged.
you’re a bad player, never @ me.
This post is a really inoffensive, middle of the road anti-boost take. How are people so sensitive that they can’t just disagree and move on? They can’t bear with the fact that people who disagree with them, so flag and silence them? Reminds me of Twitter.
A slog to you. Many people were under the assumption we were getting the old game back with Classic, without the ability to pay for success at the cost of the integrity of the game. Why try when you can dish out some $$$?
If you only care about doing instanced dungeon all day you should play Hack&Slash/Dungeon Crawlers games for PvE or MOBA for PvP.
You won’t have to “waste” your time or pay to skip this “waste of time” + devs will focus on creating only content that you like.
In MMORPG they “waste” their time creating an open world/leveling content/quests.
If some players can’t (or don’t care) raid weekly, should Blizzard add a 50$ T6 to the shop ?
Specious argument. You are equivocating a skip to the beginning of the new content with a skip to the end of the new content.
“Skipping the content i don’t like” isn’t it the main argument ?