I have to join the community trying to stop Blizzard from damaging classic in the name of short-term profit, and add my voice to those against the lvl 58 boost. I wanted to share Madseason’s excellent video for why the lvl 58 boost doesn’t make any sense, as he dismantles pretty much every argument that has been used to justify it, and lists all the way it hurts the game.
Please Blizzard, understand that you are putting short-term profits ahead of the long-term viability of the game, and it is in all of our best interests for you to stop trying to turn Classic into another pay to win retail environment. Creating Fresh TBC servers for those who don’t want to start the game “behind” is a much better solution for those who have not played classic yet, and it doesn’t cause all these problems for the rest of us. Please watch the video above for all those who want to dismiss this issue as “not a problem.”
It won’t damage the game. TBC will be a huge success. It will likely surpass retail in subscribers.
I really dont care about your video link. Im capable of thinking for myself and dont need others thinking for me
Its coming. Doesnt matter if the vocal 9 people on the boards dont want it. Saying stupid crap like
Just makes your argument worse. If anything it actually improves the long term viability. The leveling process is a minor part of the game, most of the game is spent at max level so it has little to no downsides in the long haul. I want more people at max to do content with. More people makes it a better game
Until another low level poster moves to their other alt to make this post again
Sick of brainlets citing the fotm streamer’s opinion as gospel. I love madseason but on this topic he’s 100 percent wrong and acting like a wow boomer.
You realize this is the exact argument against classic wow in the first place?
1)Only a few people want it so its not worth it
2)It will take players out of retail and shrink the population
These are bad reasons to disagree with something
Hot damn a 1 hour madseason video.
He said he was enraged about this and was gonna make a video about it later, guess this is why it took so long.
I’ll watch it later tonight.
I’d say this is really inaccurate for the way the vanilla days worked. Lots of people in Vanilla and TBC did not necessarily play a lot of max level content for various reasons and this stayed true in classic as well, albeit I’d say more people saw naxx or got R14 than Vanilla players ever did. That being said the leveling aspect of Vanilla was a pretty important chunk of content and even in classic takes a typical players a good month of not longer unless they’re boosting. Took my warrior 11 days of playtime on launch, warlock is just gonna hit 7 and is 3/4 a level from 60. It’s a noticeable time investment to say the least.
And given how classic unfolded I lost a lot of interest in it because I found max level content underwhelming. Now that I’m back I have zero interest in it, but I’m still playinf despite that as I’m focused SOLELY on leveling. And I’m having a blast.
What about the stuff involving botting and the economy. That was prob the best argument to be made, the fact that botting will just get worse and in turn make the economy worse. I’d prob buy a boost myself in all honesty, but I wouldn’t really care if it wasn’t there, it prob would be better off in the long run and slow down the natural addition of more paid services
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I agree please NO boosts a FRESH tbc server would be better
This. I imagine boosting has increased the longevity of classic at it has resulted in people having farm more 60’s than they otherwise would have which, at least at 60, means more people to raid/run 60 dungeons with.
Botters are not going to pay $60 USD for a boost.
Would it be mor efficient for them to just level to cap then start gold farming. Or boost to cap and gold far immediately. He says while levelling there is still the chance of being caught and reported. But if they boost they can just skip the long levelling process and go straight to gold farming.
Idk I’m not familiar with the specifics of what boosting entails it just sounded like he had a good point wrt boosting.
Like if you buy 50 boosts, you save so many hours levelling and that time saved levelling gets directly transferred to time gold farming so investing more in the boost could potentially offer a higher payout over multiple boosted toons that can use that levelling time just farming gold.
I guess what I’m wondering is this; if you take the time a bot takes to level and convert it to time the bot is farming gold. Do you make enough gold to pay for your boost and profit at the same time.
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Daddy Blizz isn’t going to change what features TBC will have. Not even if you ask real nice.
Sorry about that. It hurts my heart, too.
You have far more faith in Daddy than I do
Daddy got burnt pretty badly on spell batching. He’s not going to make that mistake again.
We don’t know the price yet do we?
Although $60 seems reasonable I’d say as low as $40 would be safe.
I went down the rabbit hole a little lately.
The problem is risk. Most of them these days are starting with $4 wow accounts, and they play the numbers. So you can get 25 bots going for $100 which is a relatively low investment, and if a couple get knocked out along the way which is almost inevitable from reading forum posts, you’ll still get most to 60.
He’s right that the leveling process is one of the most dangerous because you’re largely out in the open world and vulnerable to reports, but you’re only in $100 on 25 bots. If you were to try to boost them all, you’d be looking at over $1500. If that operation get’s shut down, well now you’re out real money.
So, assuming the success rate of a bot getting to 60 is better than 1/10 or so, it still becomes smarter financially to let them bot their way up at a $4/risk, then to risk $64 even if you lower the risk slightly in the process.
What’s even the general consensus to people who want the boost.
Is it that the boost brings more positives to the game overall versus not having it at all.
I would imagine just by the natural growth of vanilla in the past that the growth should be relatively good without the boost, and adding it could create an earlier onset of the dropoff after wrath just from the negatives a boost could bring in and of itself.
Appreciate the explanation. Very well said, makes a lot of sense and I see what your getting at.
No doubt, alot of people will have multiple accounts to get multiple boosts.