Made a RSS Healer Post, I Miss Anything?

Since I don’t play healer, I’m checking to see if I missed anything healers are asking for in RSS, outside of class balancing, that’s a different thread. I made it relatively quickly, and am curious if I left anything out that healers want me to add.


Dps are also very mean to healers. I have been healing lately and I have never been named called so many times. Especially when I do my best to earthen them just to have them step a yard outside of it. And when I project it to them, they move slightly outside of it again.

No joke. It’s like bro I’m in a stun, just stand in the rain puddle and earthen PLEASE.

And then after the round they’re like “this healer is so trash.” And I’m just like, “there’s no way you’re serious, how can you not understand I’m in a stun?” And if I trinket theyre dead next go cause they wasted wall when they were fine.


oh no


There are a lot of small issues I have with shuffle, but if they fixed the way climbing works for healers then most of the other issues wouldn’t matter to me.

I understand why the people in your screenshots didn’t get mmr for their wins. The healers they were up against were lower than them. But no amount of understanding makes it okay to go 6-0 and not gain anything, lol.

If you’re forcing healers to go against healers that much lower than them to make queues shorter, you then need to also force that healer to gain mmr/cr for the same reasons. Otherwise, it just should not be possible to go against another player when you have absolutely nothing to possibly gain (and frankly, even a 4-2 should guarantee you something, but a 6-0 definitely should).


After experiencing this, there’s times where the higher rated healer could lose despite being “better”. Because it healers can sometimes have low impact on who wins or not. Not always, but there are times, especially the higher rated you go up. Some dps have the ability KO someone by themselves and 6-0 the lobby.

So one healer has everything to gain and the other has nothing to gain but everything to lose.

It’s a recipe for a lot of frustration.

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The issue with CR and MMR gains are definitely bad but I’d say the current situation is more of a symptom instead the root cause.

You have a game mode that just before releasing dragonflight, we buffed dampening. Which over time of the match the healer role becomes less and less relevant to the outcome of a victory.

So we’ve just stopped playing and have gone elsewhere, it’s not fun. Since there’s even less people queing, the MMR gaps between opponents are even more noticeable hence these screenshots.

Giving gold is cute, but just another “dampening” bandaid.

With how uncoordinated RSS is, I’d say if you heal a match to 60 % dampening (or whatever number brings you joy). You deserve an mmr boost.


It’s becoming increasingly apparent that DPS classes tend to have higher ratings than healers. The system’s bias is evident when considering the difficulties of advancing as a healer. The game’s composition of four DPS and two healers inherently favors DPS players. As a healer, I’m pitted against my counterpart, whereas each DPS player has three potential targets, increasing the statistical likelihood of outperforming at least one opponent. The disparity in these odds is glaring.

It’s frustrating when a well-fought 3-3 result yields no rating gain for healers, due to one DPS 0-6. The difficulty in achieving a balanced performance as a healer, given the inherent disadvantages, should be recognized and rewarded. A 3-3 record in the scenario when a DPS does 0-6 should definitely be awarded(same as it is for DPS).


I’m just going to say, I appreciate you guys.


hehe they can be mean because most healers don’t wanna get suspended/silenced just for defending self.

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No amount of gold is sufficient. You should be suggesting/considering something that transfers to other characters like honor/conquest BoA items or straight up BoA gear tokens. This would enable healing in RSS/other arena to be used as a means to gear another character and/or would give regular healers an option to gear up an alt they could use to detox after frustrating matches.

This remains a bandaid, however, and the wound can’t be closed by compensation. Healers need more agency in arena. Dampening needs to remain high in order to keep the games moving (nobody wants to sit in a solo lobby with 4 bad dps for 40 minutes), but a side-effect of this is dramatic reduction in healer agency. This season and last i’ve done a fair bit of healing, and the number of rounds that reach the 3-minute mark is very small. The last minute of a round is reliably painful, with both healers eventually spamming their highest hps heals to little effect until one of the dps clicks their brain back on long enough to hit an interrupt.

People should be considering things like enabling drinking in arena to encourage/force positioning mistakes, removing more cc defense abilities from the gcd, or alternative scoring methods (meaning rating gain/loss based on more than win/loss). My personal favorite is the last one.

Currently, going 3-3 is almost expected, and most 4-2/2-4 lobbies are the result of a dps making a boneheaded move in the first or second round before everyone figures out who the worst player is. Imagine if the game gave +1-5 rating for most cc landed, -1-5 rating for dying with immunities not on CD, -5 to +5 rating for lasting longer during lost rounds.

These are just examples of the kinds of things that need to be considered if they don’t want a de-facto healer strike as people drop off from frustration. I already reliably see the same healer every single lobby until the 3-3 streak breaks


I think more healers would que if 3-3 gained you some rating instead of 0. I hear the argument “if you’re going 50/50 you are where you belong”. Well okay then… if you 50/50 your way to 2700 is that where you belong?

I’d be okay with a bigger negative trade off for going 2-4 to equalize the gains made from a neutral 3-3 but at least people will understand why they didn’t move or they moved down from a 2-4. Going nowhere after a 3-3 when you’re puckering your cheeks sweating your butt off for 20 minutes feels so defeating.


dude ur a healer and u know what u just wrote is bs lol

Just had a match where the enemy healer was 300 mmr and I’m at 1650 mmr. The mage on the team went 1/5.

They are bursting on him, I dome him, he runs out of the dome, I leap of faith him back into the dome, he runs out of the dome dies without blocking. I lose 45 points.

There is literally no point in healing solo shuffles at all.


It’s harder for healers to climb the ladder and get rewards.

Currently, in NA, there are 121 players above 2400 in RSS. Out of those 121 players, only 3 are healers.

118 DPS vs. 3 healers.

When a DPS goes 0-6, it means nobody managed to carry them. The healers go 3-3 and get 0 rating. The other 3 DPS go 4-2 and get rating, even though they also couldn’t carry the 0-6 DPS.

Healers are in a pseudo-1v1 duel. They’re about the same rating, so they’re likely to go 3-3.

Frequent 3-3 and 0 rating games is a poor experience. Healers play a more stressful role, they put forth significant effort trying to keep teammates alive in high dampening, and then they end up with 0 rating.

When a healer goes 2-4, it’s commonly because a DPS randomly made a critical error when they were on that healer’s team. Healers feel like they have less agency over the outcome of a match and they’re at the whims of the DPS.


I think I’ve seen people like Kydrav (spelling? - big fridge warrior) mention solo or duo queue into 3s.

Being able to duo queue with a buddy of mine into 3s or 5s would be great, I’d have someone I can rely on, we’ve always had scheduling and comp issues with our third as is.

To put so much emphasis on solo queue, which in turn destroyed the 3s ladder early in the expansion just made my friend group log off indefinitely, and if I’m not playing with my group then why the heck am I still bothering to invest time into this game?

I understand LFG sucks and finding healers is awful, I get it, I’ve tried to play some Thunder or a caster cleave every expansion for years with near zero luck finding a healer so I always end back on resto, but solo shuffle is not how I want to experience it.

POV of a mid 30s healer that barely logs on.

Edit: for the current iteration of SS, the system trying to avoid mirror healer matches is awful, it just ends up with oppressive specs beating on the garbage ones.

Babying healers with extra rewards isn’t going to fix the que issue to be honest. A small portion of players enjoy healing to begin with and an even smaller portion of healers enjoying rated PvP. Also healing is in of it self a harder skill than DPS.

Like this for any game that has a support role option.

Doing the lord’s work, Efx.

No not happening. Stop saying this.

Yeah you forgot to mention giving conquest per round won instead of requiring 3+ wins. Us healers really hate going 2-4 and getting nothing for it.


I actually think that’s an interesting way to see about handling healer mmr.

I also wish that if you died without blocking or bubbling your mmr tanked. I hate playing with rets so much.

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