Healer Solo Rewards and CR

Queues as dps are long right now, a cause of this is a lot of people don’t even want to heal. Some don’t like the meta, but also the rewards for healing are pretty meh, and you’re also tied to the other healer. Imo healers should also be getting gold. I have seen so many screenshots of a 2k healer being out into a lobby with someone at 1600 and going 5-1, to only end up losing mmr and gaining nothing.

Why is the game even putting healers into a lobby where they have nothing to gain, and everything to lose? This is only making people play less as a healer. We need to remove the role restriction on healers and just have it be the lobby.

5-1, no CR -1 mmr

6-0, no Cr, mmr went up

5-1 no cr, 3-3 lose mmr


Maybe I’m crazy and people will disagree with this, but in 10.1.5 they’re adding a low percentage drop to the mega-dungeon that gives you a random mount that your account hasn’t unlocked. I don’t see why they don’t add a similar drop for healers is RSS. It would have to be low percentage chance but maybe that, as well as the random tmog item drops, but limit it to PvP specific mogs you’re missing but mounts are not limited to PvP only.


Since I do not play healer, I’m gonna drop some good feedback I received from healers. Most seem to believe the 30 conquest is very underwhelming, but it is nice that there’s attention being paid. Not to mention needing to 3-3 for actual conquest rather than credit for any wins:

One of the more alarming signs was 118 dps vs 3 healers above 2400 *5 days ago, not sure about now


Can we get some clarity on this issue? This has been going on the entire season so far and there’s been nothing done or even said. Going 4-2 or 5-1 is hard enough as it is. People don’t like healing shuffle as it is. Why is nothing being done about the obvious issue with healers not gaining rating with winning records?

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