Yeah, while blizz did mess up here, it’s still unfair for the majority of players.
They clearly intended a certain progression amount for everyone with knowledge, this includes reputation with artisan. But like, nothing was done to anyone who exploited anything related to that.
I remember a guy getting MAXED RENOWN with every faction in like the first week. But that was hotfixed nerfed a week later once more people started to know.
AH has ALWAYS been bad… its just getting worse and worse as time goes on… some people can make gold decently awhile others can’t… it just depends on how hard you want to farm wq’s and mats that everyone wants because its over used in everything (which is decreasing at least).
No one should. Its a flat out lie. OP claims there was a bnet balance of 6,000 Wow tokens. I have capped mine out multiple times. It doesnt even take a months worth of buying tokens to cap it out. You can do it with 16, 17 or 18 depending on how much they are valued at currently.
WoW tokens are also very limited in how many you can buy. You cant just buy 6,000 dollars worth. I have capped out on them a lot and it is only a few hundred dollars worth you can get at max. And it is battlenet locked so you cant get on another account and buy more tokens. If you buy the max of 10 back to back and do it for a few weeks on end, then you are put on a cooldown and you cant even buy anymore tokens until the CD is over.
Even if you get lucky and are allowed to get 20 a month every month that is 36 million a year at the max, but the tokens sell for less gold every time you buy lots in bulk. Getting to 1 billion gold from WoW tokens alone would take you 27 years.
You know there are macros out there that you can type in while you are playing or recording to make it show as though you have way more gold than you actually have? You can make it look like you are at gold cap when you actually are not.
A lot of us have had over a million gold. That is 7 tokens. That is 140 USD.
A billion is 1,000 million. So you would need that 140 times 1 thousand to get that amount of gold. Which is 140,000, double the amount stated there.
That is my response to some of these comments, to prove it wrong.
Now for how it was ACTUALLY DONE. He played AH and did Auction House flipping across multiple accounts. You cannot equate this value into WoW tokens, and I just proved that.
Blizzard not doing anything at all to punish them is really dangerous as its gonna make even more people wanna exploit the next thing. Im not sure i would exploit anything but i sure as hell got a feeling that if they are not gonna be punished then im gonna get a piece of the next goldpie
Actually USD value is $0 as you cannot legally sell it for real money. You can just exchange it for WOW tokens so in 500 years you will be able to cash in on all of those tokens lol
When I saw the guy is playing multiple accounts and essentially playing the game like a job, it sort of changes the perspective of how much gold he is making, and trying to compare that to a casual gamer…it just won’t work.
The biggest goblins are the ones that play the game like a job and have a ton of accounts. There is only so much you can do on one server.
IMO trying to keep track of it all is crazy and he should quit wow and put that time into the stock market. (Maybe he did and he’s rich and so needs a hobby? I don’t know anything about the guy on the YouTube channel)
I dunno, it doesn’t sound like this guy set out to exploit anything, he just planned out what he wanted and then went hard on the grind that he’d set for himself. Obviously he benefitted from some of the early shenanigans but nowhere did I hear him specifically say “I knew this trick existed and set out to maximize off it”. If he did, I missed it, so point out a time in the video for me to re-watch.
I mean, what he’s describing takes a lot of mental fortitude and understanding of very specific things. I can’t even plan out a route from Iskaara to Valdrakken without looking at the minimap and going “oh! Shiny!” like Bud, then jumping off the ship (or dragon in my case). And of course, I find something else near the dirt, kill a few gnolls, fish for a minute, and generally forget what I was even going to Valdrakken for.
I’ve tried so many times to focus on making some gold and inevitably lose interest every single time. I get bored and go off to find something else to do, so part of me really respects the ability of these guys to make a plan like this and see it through to completion.
This is not to say I respect obvious cheats and botting, but there are honest people out there who can set very specific difficult or boring goals, and actually stick to it. Credit where it’s due, you can accomplish a lot when you focus and set your mind on something.