Made 1 Billion gold = 70,000 USD Bnet balance = 6,000 WOW time tokens

If you are aware of what dragon shard farming was, you would be aware that it wasn’t a bug.

It was an item with a ~1% drop rate. Blizzard didn’t expect people to farming thousands of piles to get tons of them the first week. When people did, they hotfixed it.


They didn’t ban the early exploiters nor did they remove those knowledge points of those.

Exploit early and exploit often.

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How do you figure?

He boosted TWENTY EIGHT toons for DF. He made 8 Dracthyr, which suggests he has several accounts.

He rolled on a low pop US server, did some mad farming, was a first mover and very early to market in a lot of areas (all opportunities which have passed). Which means he did a lot of research before hand to plan out his approach.

He’s a pet guy, he has toons on almost every realm shuffling account bound stuff to the different local AHs.

Far as I can tell, he’s simply organized, experienced, and motivated. I haven’t seen him exploiting anything.

He just does stuff at a scale I would never want to do.

Finally, all of his gold is from the AH. This is all just monies from willing players to his vast AH empire. He’s not even “making” gold from thin air via mob farming or vendor shuffling.


Again, it’s a weak generalization. People who say, “Don’t timegate flying, gear progression, etc” don’t have to immediately support what the video in the op is showing(legit or not).

I really don’t care what they’re doing but 1 is not the same as the other.

But it looks more like people are more upset that an easy path to gold was allowed for a short period and shortly after everyone discovered it, they were locked out by blizzard. And yeah, they do have a gripe if those that used it are allowed to keep what they earned(and I think they SHOULD be allowed to keep it) while they are locked out. That’s an uneven playing field.

So to say that people who hate the normal timegating are somehow hypocrites because they don’t support the controversies is weak.


Gold cap should be 300k. All gold you make above cap kills your character.

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I dont even know what that is , I dont farm gold cuz its a full time job

I bet that you have a Che Guevarra shirt, don’t you?

just before the dragonshards were hotfixed.

Could not agree more !!

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Not that this ever happens because people with this much gold should always sell it for IRL money and make a year’s salary. But if he wanted to he could single-handedly make the cost of the WoW token rise like 100k in a day.

He was farming dirt piles for renown on a low pop US server at 4am. Do those drop Dragon shards? I didn’t see that on Wowhead.

It did drop fair easily before the hotfix.

Thats what exactly i was about to say !!!

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I’m content with having a life outside of WoW, tbh.

Are you seriously suggesting that the community isn’t hypocritical?

Maybe you, as an individual, are not. But in general, breaking the timegate allowed crazy renown farms that pushed players weeks ahead in story (good luck not being spoiled on Ysera already), weeks ahead on wrathion cloaks and assembly rings, and yes, weeks ahead on knowledge points.

If you are against someone being able to grind their rep out to such a point that they can limitlessly shovel a 1% shot at knowledge points, then you are for timegating that player.

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Right? Time is money and this guy traded life for digital game currency. 1 flip of a switch and it’s all gone. That doesn’t seem like a great way to spend time.

But I am sure he has a backdoor way of trading that gold for cash. Otherwise that is just sad.


I already stated that I am not against what they did. It appears as though people are against blizzard’s reaction that negatively affected THEM. And that is a legitimate gripe.

Never did I say I support timegating the people who took advantage of blizzard’s screwup. Some might show that hypocrisy but all in all, it’s a legitimate response to blizzard’s failure in the situation.

No one likes getting screwed.

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Great points !

The average casual is still making 50K gold per day. What is the problem?

Its not just legitimate gripe. Blizzard’s reaction to this issue really creates an uneven playing field to most of players. Professions in this patch is more important than ever and they allow first exploiters to take advantages from that and locked it to others. Why are people thinking this is not an issue ???