Made 1 Billion gold = 70,000 USD Bnet balance = 6,000 WOW time tokens

How many chicken nuggets is that?


Too much work and mostly Blizzard’s fault for not catching this IN TESTING OF A FRIGGIN CORE FEATURE … but billion dollar company I guess.

I have nothing against that content creator but what annoys me are the gold goblins that act like it’s ezpz getting this or that and think it makes millions when there is one like Hikons who has several things up, is highly efficient in his gametime and gets help from others to get something. They know what to tackle and at launch have millllllllllllllllions of gold to take advantage of it all.

Makes plebs like me sad lol

It doesn’t do all that much ~ Blizz has done a lot to take it down a peg but people who think it needs to be broken don’t have a good understanding of what it does to begin with and that its current state is hard to use.

If anything I’ve only used it for prices, that’s it, as opposed to even in SL having groups etc to have a more tidy way of crafting. Not our fault Blizzard’s UI is just to get you staying there longer.

Blizzard has always been slow on doing anything to players who abuse a bug. Unless its 1000% ground breaking they don’t care. they have only cared when it was effecting world first runs, or HIGH end M+ leaderboard runs

correction: criminals and people who lean in that direction don’t like snitches.

yes it was a majorly exploited bug that screwed up professions for everyone else

but there’s a bnet balance cap of ~$350, and there’s throttling of how many tokens you can buy with gold, so it’s not like he can cash out $70k

The ingame AH market broken affects players much more than anything else… Super Inflation is happening in the game.

That’s a pretty weak generalization.

Believe or not, Real money trading does happen A LOT in this game.

if you sell gold RMT are you getting Bnet balance?

Sadly, world of warcraft became a game where you should:

  • Exploit early and exploit often
  • Scam early and scam often.

And you get away with it.


You get real USD in your bank account and spend whatever way you want.

then why did you specifically say bnet balance?

edit: not that you should do anything that might be seen as condoning RMT

Good point !

Kids: Say the line GD!


Exploit Early.

Exploit Often.


Generalization or not, OP is making a thread on the presumption that the person in the video abused an exploit, which simply isn’t true in terms of “farming dragon shards.”

Blizzard gave us lots of degenerate ways to grind with nebulous consequences, from shovels for dragon shards and valdrakken rep, to leap frogging characters at renown 10, to key fragments, to unlimited 1% drop rate +1 knowledge items from both mobs (profession specific) and dirt piles (dragon shards), to cobalt accord rep for rings.

Obviously, there is a pattern: Blizzard hears the people who say “don’t time gate me” and offered them a diminishing return way to progress.

And naturally, people abuse any inch that they are given without time gating, whether its by 2x4 farming for key fragments for a cloak during push week or slamming their face into cobalt assembly for rings or killing 1000 elementals for 10 knowledge splinters or looting 1000 dirt piles for 10 dragon shards.

None of those were bugs or exploits, but they were all tuned further because of players taking them to the extreme.


why did Blizzard place the hotfix to nerf the drop rate then ?

If you watched the video, you will know he benefited from the bug.

Exploit early and exploit often. This new proff system favors hardcore goblins and not much else.

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because thats how tuning works when they recognize players are going to use their system in a way they didnt foresee. those players weren’t cheating, they were farming a low drop rate item. they didn’t magically force it to drop.

you’ll notice they explicitly banned accounts abusing tailoring and alchemy cooldown resets, but did not punish anyone for farming low-drop rate items.

one specifically circumvented the cooldown, the other was just “playing the game too much” and might have serious consequences on the AH if it wasn’t hotfixed.