M+ unfun this season

Strange take, considering mining is still decent gold even with bismuth and null stone prices falling (as more and more people finish getting the knowledge to maximize the both of them).

If you’re getting gilded crests for 636s, you should have no real excuse to feel pressured to buy tokens for gold unless you only do M+ and only M+ and nothing else but aren’t selling carries.

lol wat. addiction is a helluva drug?

Yeah I get the same feeling, my end game was M+ and I enjoyed it till about mid DF. Was hoping delves would be a nice replacement, but just don’t vibe with it. Maybe they’ll fix M+ but I’m not getting my hopes up.

That sosorry guy gets pretty trolly, but there are plenty of folks who prefer the challenge like myself.
I’m not going to pretend some win conditions for some encounters in the 4 TWW dungeons aren’t a bit too much for m+ and should stay in late-game mythic raiding,
But my main grievance with this season is (as usual) the mean-spirited community tbqh.

Mythic+ has always been not fun. It was just the only path to gear. No one wants to run the same stuff 100 times.

How exactly do I get “trolly”? Disagreeing with people and having different opinions isn’t trolling.

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a variety of your posts. Do your own inventory.

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That’s a non-answer. Give specifics if you are going to quote me and call me out of something.

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I didn’t quote you and I don’t care about your feelings. You’re a forum troll based on your mood.

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You literally did.

I didn’t say that you care about my feelings. That has nothing to do with anything I said.

Mood? You mean calling people out, like you, who make accusations and initiate name calling out of no where? I wasn’t engaged with you at all. You quoted me and called me a troll.

Mythic+ is awful this Season. If I didn’t have a group of friends to run stuff with there is no way I would pug this mess.

  • Tanks nerfed. Too little reward vs difficultly for playing a Tank
  • Healing is awful. So much unavoidable/non interuptable damage
  • Mythics are just a lot harder now for no useful reward until you get to +8

Can’t imagine what Blizzard was thinking. Mythic+ was thier only Esport that actually had a following. It was also something a reasonable pug group to push 15+ and beyond without too much trouble. Now its just a mess most of the playerbase will avoid.


healing is fine. We have stuff to do.
It’s more of an issue if you didn’t want to heal, but wanted faster groups.

I learn dungeons, stuff becomes easier. It’s great.

I completely agree but I don’t know why

Maybe it’s because you get heroic gear at 7 keys but can’t fully upgrade them until 9s

Maybe it’s the death penalty. Lots of the keys don’t get timed because of the deaths.

Maybe it’s the dungeons.

But so far this season it’s just meh

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If you have a dedicated group, then sure. I see on Wildestrasza you mostly run with the same people which is great. Pugging it is another matter

I wouldn’t take him seriously. He hasn’t even ran one yet lol

you said “used to be” but thats not true. get your facts right.

you can enjoy whatever you want but this season is the hardest ever and there is no used to be hard

? I pug.

How do you get the impression I do it with the same people?

I’ve done like 3 keys with guild total I think. maybe less?

It used to be challenging. That’s a fact. SL S1 & 2 was challenging. DF S1 was challenging.

The data proves this statement to be objectively false. 20+% have already achieved KSM in week 3. Typically we see 30-35% by the end of the season, 6+ months from now.

The irony is uncanny.


Terrible becoz they are not faceroll? I hate faceroll.

BTW, I like Grim and Siege… and NW.

I am okay if my weak group failed to time keys. I just have to find a better group. But it seems, it looks like… need a better HEALER… many DPS seems fine. It’s just when we are getting hit by AoE, the healer cant cope up… there’s always someone dying.

Its pretty aweful. the other day someone was showing me ranking data from Raider IO and to put into perspective.

At the time they showed it to me which was a few days ago, less then 5000 halers were above 2.5k. 50% of them were shamans.

Healing and damage in M+ right now is borked. Last night i was talking about it with my healer and it dawned on me, even mid level keys feel like im doing what 20s were in the past. Its all balls to the wall and you cant miss a single thing or else your dead or wiped.

Also the affixes are just bad. Like the empowered affix this week? The one that spawns an enemy that shields the other enemies until you kill her. On some bosses it cripples you and makes the fight monumentally harder, anything with adds on the boss is awful.

I get people liking challenging content, but this aint it.