M+ Tanking for the perspective of a previous key pusher who quit after KSM this season

Blizzard made the most popular mmo of all time by embracing the casual audience. Then they got too big for their britches, they want casuals to subsidize their endgame but also know their place.

Mythic raiders talking to each other about casuals: let them eat cake
Mythic raiders talking to people who don’t: blah blah bootstraps


You mean in vanilla when they added raids that casuals weren’t a part of.
Or the part you needed to go farm fire resist gear because casuals were 100% doing that
Or the part where you can craft a legendary, but you needed to raid.

Embracing those casuals?

but Pyri,
people were pushing mythic extremely high keys where ther was absolutely no rewards,
so blizzard should go back to that model,
leave titles very up at 30+ and give mtrack gear (or vault) at 7+, everyone would be happy.

Yeah. In today’s numbers, max level quests would give 619 gear and world drop epics would be 639. Crafted gear would be literal BiS for several slots. Mythic raid would be puggable by any group that had seen the fights on YouTube.

Vanilla and BC were the polar opposite of casual friendly.

Max level quests would offer: 535
Crafted Gear would offer: 530 - 600
World epic drops: 640
Raids: 575-640

Here’s how I would have written this:

  • Gearing is too slow
  • Diminishing rewards for pushing keys is too steep
  • Tanking is too hard and too thankless
  • M+ stopped being fun
  • Stop balancing around the sweatiest of the sweaty

You should have opened with the TLDR and dropped 99.8% of everything you wrote.


It sounds like they pushed further for gear and just happened to get the portals.

Any way you cut it, raising the difficulty bar is going to exclude people who previously got that level gear.

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This is such a disingenuous argument and you know it.


There’s not that much variance in vanilla wow. Max level quests were only 6 item levels behind raid loot. I only added to that because quality used to affect stat budget.

It’s not. If they were willing to do it, they wouldn’t be asking for it to be lowered.
Plain and simple. Want mythic track gear. Do mythic raids or m+ 10

There is. Raids can drop up to 73 ilvl
Everything is just a simple percentage based off of 68 (being the most common)

Even 63 ilvl based on a 72 ilvl item would correspond to 560 on a 640 ilvl

That’s not correct. It’s always a 101%^n where n is the item level gain.

Even if you didn’t know the math, there wasn’t a 50% gap in stats. You could see that just by clicking on nameplates.

So by your logic if they raised mythic gear to be given a m+ 20, you’d be fine with that. In reality, out of your skill range and completely unobtainable, but ya know, if you wanted that gear you’d just go do the content. Plain and simple.


Of course not. They don’t feel welcome. The game goes out of its way to give anyone who isn’t competitive that feeling.

Which no longer exist, so clearly those people are supposed to make their own fun. Which isn’t what they’re paying monthly for.

It must be hard being forced to play a game with so many players who don’t deserve to be in the same game with you.

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Oh okay i’m sorry, let’s move it from world quest gear to heroic dungeon gear.

580 instead of 560. Now they line up when compared to 640. Point being, you’re extremely far off base with your “matchmaking” for ilvl rewards

Yes. It would just be reverted to DF S3 difficulty. Again, the rewards are meant to match difficulty, not an arbitrary key level (which is why it’s always changing) SL: 15 / DF: 18 / TWW: 10

In the event they move rewards beyond my skill level, so be it. I’m not playing for the gear anyway.

yes, I’m fine with that.

I don’t need max ilvl in a game to have fun.

And it also gives people incentive to push for m+20. (Even if we use today’s numbers.)

Why not?


Oh, this is where we pretend like its just as easy to get myth gear as it was the previous two season?

If that were true, you wouldn’t care if people got myth gear at a lower level than they do now.

What would be the point of having an entire gear track for less than 1% of the player base?


It wouldn’t be. Mythic raid will be far easier comparatively.

Better balances raid / m+.

I don’t get CE with trivial ease, why should I clear top end m+ where rewards end?

Evading the point. Not surprised.


There’s no issue if it’s only for 1%. Just like that title for 0.1%.