Yes, this can happen to anyone, but if it’s a frequent issue then it means you aren’t vetting your groups properly.
Just do what everyone else does and pug raid mythic for gilded crests and mythic track gear since they’ve made pugging keys so much harder.
And there in lies the issue. I can go and learn the most optimal path, on the fly learn the groups output and adjust tempo to slide the group right from pull to pull, have things die just before i make the next pull, and some DPS is still going to assume they know better, and “help”. I too want to get the big io score, im already pushing the group along as fast as i can, and since i as the tank have been nerfed into a “balanced” state, i cannot save my kneaderthals from themselves anymore.
I vet via raider io. taking into account a combination of io and raid prog to make my judgements. Wtf am i supposed to do, have a sit down interview?
No, if raider io isnt enough to vet and random brickihg arent at least semi-uncommon, then im not pugging, period. Im to busy to have my time wasted, when i could just play something else instead that at least rewards the time invested.
Oh yay, the ultimate alternative, play more queue simulator! I cant wait to build for 30 minutes, carefully vet each applicant, watch as people filter in and out even though they were told at the start its a slow fill. just to have no1 decide to do mechanics cuz they want to obsessively parse, every1 get upset when it wipes, and half a dozen leave cuz “raid bad”
no, but it sounds like you’re doing something wrong because plenty of people building pug groups for 10s are not having that issue.
If you struggle as a tank in 8-10 I don’t think you’re utilizing your abilities correctly. These key levels aren’t difficult–even at launch and before they were nerfed
More just poking fun that despite mythic+ being the easiest end game pillar it gets the most complaints.
This is where you’re wrong. Are you saying a better player cannot go faster with the same character?
To be fair, he does say as fast as he can.
the “justification” for nerfing tanks was the dps complaint that we could solo the last few percentage points of a boss when their mentally-challenged butts died to mechanics.
And ALLEGEDLY some healers were complaining about being expected to dps in really high keys. (you can’t make this stuff up)
That was literally it.
So b/c bad dps players were jeealous of my survivability, i get nerfed. They should totally NOT be expected to stop dying on mechanics though, right?
And any good group doens’t NEED a healer to dps if they really dont want to, but even then, if the group isn’t taking crap tons of dmg, why would this healer be upset about possibly doing a little dmg to help the group? Hell, even the most staunchest of healers I know usually dont mind casting a few dps spells if they have breathing room.
There’s a lot more to it than that. No, you don’t need to interview them. Looking at raid prog is useless and so is looking at score alone.
Pugged my way to 2.8k (tank) and quit because my PC broke. The problems with keys 2-10 are the players that geared through delves and come in clueless to do +7, but if you get a prot paladin you still win. Just had a healer friend pick it for the first time this season and hit 2k rio in one day literally. Now, the problem with keys 12 and beyond is that most lobbies only accept tier S specs because you have little room to mistake, regardless of how good you can do on whatever spec you main
No, the argument was that tanks were capable of soloing bosses from 40% and being able to self-sustain indefinitely. Tanks were too strong and overall we are in a good spot, as is, minus balancing between tanks.
This isn’t the first time tanks got nerfed for this sadly and definitely won’t be the last.
Honestly as someone who prioritizes keys M+ felt better this season than ever before. Challengers peril was honestly the best thing they have ever added. It forced dps to actually participate rather than pew pew and ignore mechanics people finally found their inturrupt key. Gearing felt phenominal about a week to be full hero gear. If you run consistently an hr or 2 a day. The push wasnt bad at all 2-9 is a cakewalk exp on fort weeks. And the affixes besides the sometimes glitchy orbs were fairly easy to manage and most classes could handle their own portion. 10-11s was a good jump as it should be your getting mythic vault rewards it shouldnt be meant for the super casual below average group (sorry not sorry). 12+ basically becomes how well you know your class and defensives which is also as it should be because its all for bragging rights
you’re a better player than me for thinking this. I get what you’re saying, but it made the amount of keys I had to bail on go through the roof and it increased toxicity.
I understand we want players to get better, but I think they went overboard on the layers they added (too many all at once)
I’ts good to see they’re going back a bit next season. I"m just sad they dumpstered my class in the process.
Now Im playing prot pally and struggling b/c it’s such a different playstyle. /grumble
Hard disagree. Tanks having next to no self-sustain and gimped damage is demonstrably not a good thing if we look at current class distribution metrics. The percentage of players, especially in endgame content, willing to tank has never been particularly high, but it’s in free fall at this point. If people want to cling to the trinity, then it’s kinda important to ensure tanks and healers are happy enough with their chosen role’s gameplay to continue engaging with it.
Should tanks be able to solo 40% of a boss in a high key or raid? No. Should they be able to do so in irrelevant content? If that means they’ll be pretty well balanced in endgame content, yes. Classes should never be balanced around content that does not matter.
Virtually everyone I know who tanks, many of which have mained the role for a decade or longer, have simply stopped. Some even outright quit the game. Their reason? Near-universally the reduction in self-sustain and damage.
I disagree with the thought process of constantly wanting to make players get better. Wow players are on average older players with more responsibilities then someone who plays some e-sport and in addition to that, MMOs were never designed to by hyper-competitive games the way Blizzard tries to push MDI or Mythic Raiding.
I never understood the argument of making the game more difficult when the majority of the player base doesn’t even involve themselves in that games aspect. Even hyper-competitive games with player tiers at different ranks don’t cater to the low-percentage of players at the top and minimize the rest of the players getting loot. League for example, gives out the season’s skin to Gold-tier players, which is like the top 20 percent of players while the players who did +10 are like top 15 percent.
This doesn’t even account for the factor that League skins are purely cosmetic whilst +10s are necessary for receiving the top tier of gear which is what drives many players like myself to do content and has confounding effects on whether a person can push to +10s in the first place.
Tanks have self-sustain. The difference is how long they can keep it going.
What metrics? The ones that look exactly the same as every other season?
Tanks can still solo content in “irrelevant content”.