Which is how it should be. Even in ff14 tanks can solo. It’s just that it’s wildly inefficient and takes forever. Tanks should be able to self sustain for the most part 100%
No, how is it fair that they can self-sustain indefinitely in what’s supposed to be end-game and challenging content when every other role are struggling to survive? Tanks not needing heals also lead to healers complaining about having to DPS.
Tanks can currently self-sustain and mitigate damage enough, but are resource limited to not be able to do it indefinitely.
We need more tanks and healers.Both roles need to be made easier in 5 man content
For healing to be fun, people need to be able to die.
Where people can’t die, it’s boring.
And ideally, the ability to fail is needed.
People dying isn’t enough.
And LFD is super easy, but wager it takes longer to get into groups there.
Oh this reminds me, I tried queuing for LFR, but it was taking too long so I just did heroic.
Sounds like your tanks dunno how to push their buttons.
No they don’t, that’s the point of having infinite difficulties.
Which isn’t dictated my difficulty. It’s because of low tier difficulties and the community doing them. There’s a reason there’s countless threads about tanks being kicked from LFD, getting raged at, and being pulled for. There’s a reason people complain about tank shortages in low key brackets and not high keys or guild groups.
The community turns away pug tanks in low tier content.
Tanks who know what buttons to press can do amazing things
Sounds like they should learn how to play their class again?
We’ll agree to disagree then on what people want
I am super against making everything easier, we already have entry-level class for every role and some players dont have fun playing dumbed down specs (which is ironically the biggest complaint I’ve seen people doing about Guardian Druid, survivability comes after). The thing is that it wasn’t just tanks that got durability nerfs: there is also a level squish and an increased timer penalty for deaths, so people came from DF thinking they were gods while pulling every pack available and got crushed real quick with new expansion. Cmon, I barely pressed cared about defensive CDs in DFS4 until +12 keys in Tyr, if anything this isn’t right.
Well there needs to be some middle ground here but I do strongly feel tanks should be in charge of their own health for the most part when played well. Of course if you’re doing super high keys that might not be the case but for those lower keys let them be tanky
This is already how it is.
Give DK a chance!