Lol no i’m not. Just because it’s focused around delves doesn’t change the principle or how it would apply to giving mythic track gear from lower difficulty content.
Same problem applies.
Yes i know. I don’t mind going to the content that has the gear. You’re now on a pity train asking for handouts since your guild fell apart. We ALL get it by now.
pushing beyond KSM has equally been unattractive in terms of the challenge/frustration balance.
the death penalty in 7s on up is just too harsh.
I am on my 5th tank heading to a 2k score. I get the score, get 619-622 ilevel and grab another tank.
I have gotten bear, BDK, VDH, warrior, and now working on the pally. I highly doubt I will push my brewmaster. It just doesn’t feel good to me in m+ content mostly because of its lack of a mob control kit that I like.
in terms of pushing to the next title level, KSH, I think you need +8s across the board to get 2500 io. it feels more frustrating than fun. the pressure of that death penalty is just too much.
I don’t want it “easy”; i want it possible.
so, Im in your camp OP. set a goal. hit it. do other things.
Face facts the game has become too sweaty for normal people to bother. Just like Blizzard lost touch with overwatch , this game’s team has lost touch with the reality of the situation. Entertainment versus punishment, doing mythic plus is more punishment than fun, I speak for myself as a former triple threat player. I used to prepare routes etc etc but nowadays it’s crazy one foolish person can ruin your whole day–no wonder it’s toxic.
I really hope as a healer they tone down the burst a bit. I dont mind staying busy as a healer but I feel like the damage is a bit sporadic for my liking. They should put KSM down to all 5’s like it used to be because that’s a key level more approachable for people and maybe KSH at 7 or 8.
you probably won’t like what yoda reported yesterday re: season 2 dungeons. his experience was that, while there aren’t as many lieutenet mobs all over the place, many, many pulls include a mob pulsing uninterruptible aoe damage.
I think that this is blizz’s way to try to continue to shrink pull sizes down to just one or two packs at a time.
I sort of laugh at that for myself as a tank. I am not pulling entire hallways in m+ as it is.
This is blizzards way of giving healers what they want. When you take away lethal damage, the only thing thats really left is rot damage, which pulsing AoE damage falls under
So spike damage here and there is a necessary evil. I mean not every mob needs to have abilities that do 75% of your health, but having some here and there definitely makes it more exciting for everyone
A, i quit M+ for the season when my hard earned +10 key had this exact scenario play out, 5 times in a row. It does in fact happen, and hapoen often enough to brick a +10 to a +5.
And perhaps you dont need a dedicated group, but i for one wont put up with the pugs anymore. Im not willing to bash my head into the wall learning all the most optimal paths and CD timings for ppl i dont know, and who honestly couldnt care less about my key if it means they might squeeze 1 or 2 more io out of my run.
Trying to pug M+ is less enjoyable then wiping my butt with brazilian walnut. I wouldnt wish it upon the sickest masochist. Tbh i feel sorry for you, and would like to politely suggest you see a psychiatrist for your obvious stoch-holmes syndrome.
no it didnt lol. it forced many tanks to quit and the few that would actually pug outside of their guild runs just outright stopped. worst season to date. lfg is filled with crickets compared to before. blizzard did not think this one through and they obviously dont care.