i just genuinely don’t understand the mindset. when the best gear came only from raiding, i just accepted that if i didn’t mythic raid, i wouldn’t have the best gear. for some reason the average player’s mindset has changed over the years to “if it’s in the game, i have to be able to get it by doing only things i want to do”.
I dunno, I feel that healing is the hardest job as someone who tanks. Knowing the route is important, true, but most of the time for most keys it’s not going to lead to a brick and that tends to be something that once you learn is static and does not change. It makes your first few dungeons rough, but once you have it down, it’s not much of an issue.
I think it came from players that joined around the MoP era. I think that was a big shift.
And although they’ll never admit it, even to themselves, its an ego thing. They cant stand that other people are doing better and getting better than them.
“Everybody needs…” no. Theres different difficulty levels to accommodate everyone. Each of those levels over reward as is. Play at your level.
Just because you played Mario for 100 hours doesnt mean you deserve to beat the game just because someone else beat the game in the same hundred hours
To be honest this season as KSH heal,
I can tell this, if DPS aint pressing defensives it does not matter what kinda heal you are.
Same 10 key, either you HPS like mad and draining mana, or you have nothing to do and just can DPS + occasioinal hots.
The hard part is winning the roll for the gear. Unless you roll like a 95 or higher so hard to get stuff
Plenty of players have been able to pug successfully this season. Myself included. You don’t need a dedicated squad especially for anything at the 1% or under mark.
This doesn’t happen in higher keys. A one time extreme example is not the norm.
I don’t understand the mindset of a lot of people. That’s why we have discussions. Like for me I can’t understand how people find mythic+ fun this season
Because it took me longer to reach the reward cap.
DF S1 is the best I’ve experienced thus far though. TWW S1 a second (if we count the start.) Then I guess I would elevate all other seasons above TWW S1 because no affixes after +12 is a huge minus.
Also not a fan of tyr/fort removal.
sure, i’ll bite. i have enjoyed m+ since i started running it in s1 of SL. it’s not really any better or worse than other seasons at the level i play it. healing is a bit more work, tanks need a bit more babysitting, dps feels roughly the same. i have a fun time playing with friends, which is how i do most of my keys. but i pug too and usually have success and a good time doing that – i crossed 3k last night in a 12 CoT pug, in fact. toxicity is basically non-existent in my experience, similar to other seasons.
So your enjoyment is based on how hard it is to get all the rewards
Does it hurt to stretch that much?
What stretch? You mean the stretch where ion discussed people getting 619+ gear and then jumping into m+ and getting obliterated because its well beyond their skill level, even though its in their gear level
That stretch? The direct result of lowering the threshold of acquiring good gear. That stretc
Yes. Because that’s not what he said and that’s not the problem he was referencing and that’s also not even problem at all.
Coming from Delves, many players would look at starting around a +6 or +7 and if you don't know the dungeons, you're not going to have a good time getting into groups or having those groups succeed. They want to make the lower end of the range more rewarding and welcoming as a starting point. They've heard the feedback of it feeling like there's a brick wall -- where you don't want to do content that isn't going to give you relevant rewards but you're not experienced enough to succeed in the content that will.
Yes it is. Specifically that last point
Lol, exactly. Thanks for proving my point.
So you agree with me.
Giving out too good of rewards at low level play is a problem and bad for the game.
Thanks for proving the point
You’re 0/2 on reading comprehension. This is why college is important.
Ill break it down so you can understand
- People get good gears from low skill content
- People take that gear into content appropriate of that gears range and cant complete it because they lack the skill
- Giving gear beyond your skill level = bad
- Giving mythic gear out to people who cannot complete the content to get the gear currently = bad
I understand what you’re saying. You’re just wrong in both principle and in understanding what Ion was saying. That’s twice this week.
I’m not even counting you’re inability to comprehend anything I say, we just operate on two different levels.
I doubt your interpretation skills are any better.
Delves made m+ worse for me this expansion.