M+ should drop Cosmetics only

Mage Tower was only popular at the end of Legion after the general population could faceroll it by being 40 IL over it and having an insanely broken Concordance proc. It wasn’t nearly as popular on release when people complained it was too hard and were trying to do it at IL.


I don’t give a crap about what the “top guilds” do. How many guilds in the world do split runs… a dozen?

I care about the other 1,600 guilds doing Cutting Edge every tier, and the additional thousand guilds after them going deep into Mythic.

Nobody gives a damn about the “top guilds” except the spectators.

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It’s more balanced than people think aside from crests, but I’m all for loot raining down on players.

I guess Raid and PvP are not about the gear either?

It’s one of Blizzard’s identified three pillars of content: Raid, M+, and PvP. These calls for deletion of an entire pillar of content seems desperate and I can only guess that it’s raiders who don’t want to do M+ but feel they have to. If that’s an issue, fix the problems so the three pillars are independently viable, but don’t expect to just delete the most popular content form per Blizzard’s Own Poll.

My main is a dracthyr and the token thing affects all classes i think once unlocked.

It was that way in season 1.

M+ should be more rewarding to different types of players. Not just one type.

Its already setup that it can be about the challenge. Thats why you can go past 20 where you gain literally nothing extra but access to ever increasing difficulty.

I was born and raised in Minnesota and this post is too passive-aggressive even for me.
Sure, make the entire game cosmetics only, since games are supposed to be about fun and not grinding, right? Just take stats out from the game. Don’t even have abilities do damage, just make all classes do an equal amount of damage per second to any enemy they have selected with right-click (they can have a button to toggle on AOE damage for 3+ enemies maybe)

In a thread someone raised the idea of having solo dungeons.
Someone replied to that saying thats fine but solo dungeons should only give cosmetics.

OP did not take kindly to the idea that solo dungeons should not give gear, and so here we are.

If M+ Dropped cosmetic only it would completly die probably.

It always amazes me how raiders will constantly make posts trying to gut M+ and make it unrewarding and bad.

Literally no M+ players are out here making posts like “raid loot should continue to stay garbage.”

Make raid loot as good as M+. Increase the drop rate of raid loot dramatically. Let the raid loot from vault be ~5 ilvl higher than the raid content that person cleared last week not to exceed whatever ilvl ceilings exist that tier.

The idea that M+ needs to get nerfed because raid loot is bad is so stupid and petty.

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Minnesota is passive aggressive? In what? Their cow tipping technique? Or their line casting out on the lakes?

I clearly need to get back up there and study this claim.

As for the rest of the gripe in the main post. If you don’t like it, don’t play it. M+ fills gaps players want for both challenge and gear. If it didn’t, it’d be phased out by now. I do M+ because I find it fun. The gear isn’t my driving force to do it. However, the gear allows me to climb into higher keys which is exactly the idea behind progression. If dropped cosmetics scaled up only in M+ content, and cosmetic raid gear only scaled up in raids, I’d be totally okay with that too. Keep it even across all progression paths and even in world PvE baseline gear of 425. Beefs up as soon as you step through raid or dungeon portals.

The M+ recipe right now is successful to draw players in and allow them to feel a sense of ongoing accomplishment. I only do LFR raids to see the boss fights, interior artwork and cinematics. I give 0 flips about raid otherwise. 0. Flips. Ever. Raiding has not and will never be my jam. Don’t care. Never will.

If you feel like you work too hard in raids for your gear and you resent people that get equivalent stuff from M+, that’s a you problem failing to find satisfaction in how you spend your time; it’s not a game build or M+ player problem. Raid elites crying over how hard they work has been a theme since this game’s launch. We hear you and we still don’t care. You do you. You’re not the only fan base the developers have to consider.

This obsession about who deserves what ilvl for what effort is an old and tired ego rant. The only slender time I give a hoot if another player is 6000 ilvl points above me is if for some reason I’ve decided to dabble in PvP. And even then, I’m neither impressed nor concerned about the pixels they’ve equipped, because… hold onto your hats: I’m happy for them for pursuing what they enjoy in the game.

If you don’t want to feel like garbage all the time and that you’re somehow getting robbed of some kinda pixel glory over gear. Stop. It’s that simple. You sit here and blame everyone else for your imagined slight, but you’re the one who keeps logging in and going to the circus. Don’t engage in things that make you unhappy and expect everyone else to make things better just for you.

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It’s about the cascade effect.

They want mythic+ to be bad so that nobody does it, and the only source of good, consistent gear to be from raiding.

If the only thing you can do after leveling is raiding, then there will be more raiders so they can have fun.

This is only 50% serious.

Calling the OP a raider is a stretch.

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I always love assumptions as to why people do content. Any endgame pillar content should award gear to further progress that content. You could instead ask for more raid drops. Which even I could advocate for as someone who barely raids. But instead of improving the game as a whole, I guess we should just gut content we don’t like.

And no, more raid loot wouldn’t make me do it more, because for some it still is about the content.

The only people mad about M+ are the raiders

The REAL reason why raiders are mad is because deep down they know that raiding isn’t fun and they don’t like that M+ people are enjoying themselves WHILE ALSO getting good loot.

It’s not M+ player’s fault that Raiding needs improvements. FF14 has some amazing raids, Blizzard should take notes from them.

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Obviously not.


To a large degree it is, because calls for modernizing raiding are always met with M+ players saying, “no, i don’t want to have to raid”.

stop being an idiot.

if you think that, make it so raiding only drops cosmetics too. guarantee you the entire raiding scene will die without people who hate it but are forced to do it for m+ gear to carry it

Seriously, what is the point of threads like this? Would people run M+, or would they raid if they only dropped cosmetics? Getting gear and advancing your character is the main highlight of the game for most players. If that can no longer be accomplished in the end game content they choose to play, I’m sure most would find something else (as in a different game) to spend their time on.

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No, people are asking for M+ to be brought in line with the other content. There is no lockouts for M+, and people acquire gear a lot faster through M+. It has devoured the end game the way it works, killing the incentive to raid.