M+ should drop Cosmetics only

I wonder how many people would run M+ if they did not drop anything but cosmetics /pets /mounts? Since it is not about the gear? It is about the challenge right?


Not repeatedly. As soon as they got the items they wanted, they would not run again.

Also it’s never been about the challenge.


It used to be until blizz decided to make it drop raid level gear.


Eh, not really. It was about the things you could get from them. It wasn’t raid gear but it was transmog sets and cool mounts. And, once people got those things, they wouldn’t run them again unless it was a favor for a friend/guildie. Obviously there are exceptions, but the majority didn’t run them just for fun.


Sunday came early?

:face_with_monocle: :face_with_monocle: :face_with_monocle:


I have no clue why raiding and m+ are singled out in these arguments by “casuals” when they whine non stop about world quests not offering similar gear.


Same could be said about anything challenging. Why run it if you don’t get anything out of it?

Legion mage tower was a prime example. You got literally nothing but a spec specific mog.
Even now people chase it for mog.

And there are many different levels and definitions of fun, and I wouldn’t dare try to define it for other people lol.

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Grabs popcorn


Yeah me too!


This existed already in mop and wod. I’m wearing the transmog it dropped lol.

Guess how many times I ran the content? Exactly once for the mog (well, a few resets for bad first pulls, but only a days worth of content).

You would lose half the playerbase overnight thats what would happen.

I agree, world content should be brought back down to greens like the good old days.


^^^This pretty much sums it up. I got my CM sets in MoP and the title on one character, and after that, most people on my server didn’t run them. 6.4 saw them give you a little bit of Valor points back when we still had that through the Ethereal merchants, but that was probably the most you could get out of them outside of the thrill of speedrunning and bragging rights if you had Challenge Master.

M+ progression’s pretty good in my book. My job’s made sticking to a dedicated raid schedule a lot harder than it used to be, so having the means of gearing up beyond a raid run made the game way more accessible and pretty challenging with some of the higher keys I’ve done.

I’d hate to see it go - not sure why players get their panties in a twist from challenging PVE content dropping PVE gear commiserate with the level of skill required.

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Who said that?

It’s the fun content you do primarily to get gear.

But there are people that do it for the challenge. Everything above a 16 is pretty much for score.

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this is somewhere in the “bad takes of GD” book that someone could write

You mean the main reason people complete content in MMORPGS is for gear?! Thats just crazy talk. /s


So like the system we have now? Once you get Keystone hero unlocked and push all your 20s, theres no further benefit to loot. Most runs you don’t get any loot, and the loot tables are so huge in M+ that you rarely get the piece you actually want. For example, I just came back to WoW almost a month ago and pushed all 20s or higher on Fort/Tyran and I still have yet to get a pair of boots to complete my mythic level transmog :frowning: Been saving a catalyst for it too.


The whole reason I pushed KSM was for the mount.

Now they have mog tied to KSH and I’m having to do that to get more mog.

This post is continued fallout from another:

Guessing OP didn’t feel their point would be made loud enough being 600th instead of 1st in discussion.


I used to enjoy just doing dungeons for the sake of doing them, running lowbies through them, screwing around with friends while farming in them.

Then they turned dungeons from RPG things into E Sports things and that was it for me. Seat of Triumvirate and every dungeon after it = E sports dungeons.

I think Waycrest Manor was the last dungeon I looked at and went, “yeah, this could’ve been an actual real dungeon if E sports didn’t exist”. The others are so sterile and cookie cutter, literally just a chunk of the leveling zone plopped into an instance lul.