Who exactly was asking for that, except the very good players who were previously falling asleep in +20’s? Most people I’ve seen were asking for making M+ a bit more accessible and stopping the frustrating burst damage patterns.
Well look sorry if i came off as a jerk, then. Not my intent. I thought you did, tbh, but then tone and intent are hard to read in this sort of setting.
It sounds like i may have overestimated streamer impact on participation, but i stand by my opinion that this was a much better season than a lot of us expected it to be.
DF S3 KSM: 514,389/140 days = 3,674
TWW S1 KSM: 433,965/112 days = 3,874
It is more accessible.
Even if you look at the percentiles of characters that achieved KSM and KSH.
It’s not though. 10s are cake, 11s are cake, 12s suck. There is no sweet spot for me this season - I want it to be difficult but not such a steep drop off. In the past I could do a +23 and it was difficult for me, then a +24 was a bit too much (as an example). There is no step up to challenging → too hard… it just goes easy → frustrating.
I know competitive wow posts that m+ key completion chart. While its unfortunate it doesn’t have data points for entire seasons it does give a decent overview of participation during the start of them.
That being said its still hard to compare to previous seasons with the squish and delves adding an unknown drop.
I think that may be experiential, but i get your point. I thought 12’s were a healthy step. Not having to deal with the affix made it easier to really focus on mechanics, and since the key levels were squished, i kind of like having 12’s be something of a wall. But again, your opinion is easy to understand, and you aren’t the only one who thinks that.
12s would be a healthy step if I had a set group. They are not a healthy step in pugs… well at least not late in the season. Earlier maybe like right after the nerf to 12s, but I had just changed mains at that point and missed the boat. My experience in trying 12s is… DPS die in less than a GCD… after a couple of deaths (not wipes), they just leave. I go back and look at the logs and for example, this mage never used mass barrier, health pot, or alter time, only barrier. It’s not that I can’t heal a 12, it’s that I can’t heal stupid in a 12.
How does the vocal minoity who make out the top 1 % of players asking for harder content mean this is what the playerbase wanted?
Go watch any youtube vid discussing M+ and the top comment is begging to bring back the easy S3 of DF.
Stop concern trolling and arguing in bad faith.
This season absolutely sucks, and the numbers prove it. End of discussion.
12s are fine even in pugs. There’s just less room for fully carrying people who don’t know the mechanics, use interrupts, or use utilities.
Numbers prove what exactly? Scroll up it shows that the season is extremely healthy.
End of discussion.
Comparing a launch season of a popula expansion to S3 of DF
You are beyond help
eh, it’s not as bad as people raging about it let on, but there are problems, it’s not all in our heads.
I would say it’s in much better state now, but keep in mind it took a long time for tuning passes, and gilded crest adjustments from 9 to 8/increased crest drops/reduced loss of crests from failure/reduced nascent crest cost.
All of those were needed imo, and all of those would have made the season better if they’d be in from the start instead of 8 weeks in.
No, actually comparing every season with averages to account for differences in season length and even looking at US&OCE numbers to account for China’s limited-run ban on Blizzard. Scroll up further.
Keep claiming numbers are bad when they clearly show that they are not.
I’m also not saying the season is perfect or the best there is. The scaling change to +12s next season is a good one.
I can agree with this with little reservation. My bottom line, i suppose, is i hope people will try it and stick with it, and not resolve to doom. This season rewards learning the mechanics and using utility well, maybe even more than DF seasons. It’s tough, but it feels achievable, and that makes it really tantalizing to keep playing.
The best and most fun season I’ve been apart of. But that’s largely due to the fact I surrounded myself with incredibly good talent. Weird how that works out.
Speaking for myself only, I just didn’t like what the meta was this season. Not because I couldn’t find groups, but because I didn’t like playing certain classes/specs I enjoy and feeling basically useless, while other specs/classes feel so much easier to do keys with, it’s like night and day. The current specs/classes that are not a struggle bus to play in keys, none of them are classes and specs I enjoy playing, unfortunately. So I just didn’t really feel like participating much this season because of that.
I am optimistic about what I’ve seen of the coming class/spec changes coming in the next patch though, so I hope S2 is better.
The meta obsession is def an ongoing problem with m+, and it has felt good particularly bad at times this season and the last two.
It is annoying how much people stick to the meta, but that’s fine for me, I can just make my own key or play with friends.
What I don’t like is playing a resto shaman and feeling like I can basically handle every mechanic easily, but then when I play something I actually like playing, like a holy priest, I feel like I can’t handle any of the mechanics and I have to leave it in the hands of my group and it makes trying to PUG that much harder. It just didn’t feel great this season that there were a few specs that could handle all of the mechanics, and other specs that felt useless sometimes and if something happened I just had to sit there and go and pray that someone else handled it for me. It felt extremely frustrating to know that if I played a different spec/class I could just handle it myself and not have to worry.
It didn’t matter how much I knew what to do in the dungeon, my class/spec simply didn’t have the toolkit to deal with certain mechanics while others did. It felt very bad to wipe to mechanics that I know I could handle if I had the abilities to handle them.
Why am I the only person noting that the OP is dooming about S2 changes while saying that the doom about S1 has been overblown?
I just find that part of all of this to be fun.
I’ve actually had more success intentionally going for off-meta players this season. People who are experts on their class instead of meta hopping.
I don’t think that’s an abnormality either.