M+ season 1 is fine, tbh

It’s a behavior common among chronic forumites.

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Season one is always over tuned. It’s the reality slap we all get from being so op from the last expansion.

As much as folks complained about it, it was the first ‘season one’ I got KSM with after usually sitting out until the second.

Dunno, made a friend along the way, met some nice folks and a couple of jerks. Seemed on par with any previous season…I won’t be skipping anymore season ones. Heh


Interesting info, where’d this come from? Definitely changes the whole “low participation” portion

Got them directly from RIO, which is where streamers are likely getting their data. Digging up the +12 key data took trial and error to find the right page number.

Major problem in discussions is that people completely ignore the season length and go straight to comparing end-season numbers with mid-season.

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Pretty much exactly where i landed - i may have leaned a little more “this was better than prior seasons”, even

Pretty much exactly where i landed - i may have leaned a little more “this was better than prior seasons”, even

Good info, and good point. I hope people give s2 a chance - they’re already working to change/fix darkflame cleft. I even hope people enjoy s1 before it’s gone, because i think they’re missing out on a good season.


do you even read the own things you type or is it immediately deleted from your head when your fingers are done moving? the hostile one here, is you.

Glad you are able to take a step back and review the data to reassess your views. Too many people listen to streamers and take their word as gold. At the end of the day, they are just players.

If you look at this for ever 30 seconds you can easily see why people are saying that.

All Keys
TWW S1 - 69k
DF S1 - 94k

Global All Keys
TWW S1 - 196k
DF S1 - 258k

I don’t know if it requires any more analysis than that.

You exemplified the problem. Thank you for showcasing it. Every season has a different run time which means comparing end-season participation numbers 1:1 is a logical fallacy. Which is exactly why averages were used.

You also intentionally cherry picked the two global keys sets of data and left out the +12 and up.

You’re tripping, dude. You were dismissive and borderline insulting immediately, and i’ve made every effort to stay neutral and polite.
If you don’t like what i’m saying or disagree with me, that’s fine. But that doesn’t make me hostile when you came in mocking what i was saying from the jump.

If you look at that +12 and up chart, it looks wrong. Very wrong. And it doesn’t factor in that there were many other key levels. So a 12 isn’t a 12 anymore. DF a 12 was what a 22 is now. So again, 30 seconds of looking over the chart would help. That +12 chart is garbage data.

It’s not. It’s pulled directly from RIO aka Blizzard API. Just because it doesn’t fit your narrative doesn’t mean you can cherry pick the other two and accept them as valid and discard the other when they are from the exact same source.

+12 AND UP.

Meaning, yes, it did count all of the 20-30-40 key levels above +12.

it doesn’t require anymore then that.

but this weirdo OP seems to enjoy contradicting themselves while also getting into a hissy fit about it when presented with the reality of the situation they pretend to ignore

as my first post in here said its just the burning house with dog in it saying this is fine meme

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Right now a 12 and up only goes to like what 15,16?

In DF it went to 26, 27, 28?

Try to think it through this time before you respond.

LOL… No there were 19s timed this season.

Edit: Sorry, +20s timed.

Would be +30.

Right back at you. Lmao.

It doesn’t matter. In DF I’m sure you are adding 10-11 different key levels to that data. Try to focus. I don’t give a crap about what the top .01% are doing, I’m saying your +12 chart isn’t real data, and your other examples clearly show a 20-30% drop in runs.

This is dismissing the argument because you have no counter argument.

The DF S1-3 is including all keys timed and untimed at +12 and up to the #1 key on the leaderboard.

I wonder why. Almost like they didn’t delete +2-11 keys in DF S4. Oh wait, they did.

It’s not an argument. I was saying that whatever the top key is now vs what the top key was in DF season 1.

And you can’t compare seasons like that. It’s not TWW season 4. After that, you can see what it looks like.

Since you are being the worst kind of forum troll arguer, you can find someone else’s time to waste. Enjoy making your points on comparing 20 keys levels to 30 key levels, I’m sure it wouldn’t show a difference at all.

Why does that matter when we are looking at participation numbers? You’re argument also fell flat because you thought +16s were top keys right now when it’s +20.

Then explain to me how it is logical to compare the 112 day participation numbers to 140 day DF S3 numbers? Lmao. It’s not. There’s a reason why using averages is required, like I did.

That’s what I thought. Nice job digging your heels in while desperately trying to discount 1/3 data set because it didn’t fit your narrative. They are from the same source.

another way to say this is “the last season of an expansion is seriously undertuned due to power creep”