M+ ranged "meta" will only get worse in WW with the removal of talents that increase melee ranged

I’m not a fan of those changes, but the literal range at which you can attack has nothing to do with which classes are “meta.” Holy pallies were meta healers for a long time, and they’ve never had a range-increasing talent (as far as I remember). They were good because their kit lined up well with what dungeons demanded of a healer…and briefly in SL for the sheer dps they could output.

pity dps isn’t real dps.

It’s a boredom filler, not really actual damage.

Like playing well for 30 seconds out of 2 mins and go afk, might be more dps than playing the entire 2 mins.

Spiritwalker’s Grace.
Icefury - Frost Shocks.
Stutter stepping during instant globals.

1 min cd

not an ability ele sham takes for m+

so i just need to ask AEs, spells, affixes, etc work exactly on my GCD timers.

Exactly. You’re racing against time in an M+. The tank will want to do as much pull as possible that his team can handle. It is notoriously more comfortable for you to take as many ranged classes as possible. Of course, ranged has mechanics and frontals that need to escape, but if the ranged is taking frontal all the time, it’s either the tank that is positioning itself badly or it’s the ranged.

The removal of additional melee range was to match the range of melee classes (which is not possible thanks to DKS and RET), but after you compensate for a melee class with more range and simply remove it without giving anything in return you are back with an old problem, which was “solved” with the addition of this additional range.

Simply give all melees a new 1.5 or 2 yard boost to the standard melee range. It would be a way to balance “all” melee specs with the same range and without harming anyone.

Ret will continue to be a melee/ranged hybrid. Our only attacks that will require melee range are Crusading Strikes and Wake of Ashes.

I mean, they could chill with the cleaves and targeted ground effects and find something that makes the ranged dance a little more.

The alternative is put the risk/reward back into being melee.

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Not really. The only thing being taken away from Ret is the extra range on Crusading Strikes.

“being kited isn’t fun” -Ghostcrawler
Enjoy his trash design philosophies ruining the game for another 2 decades.

They’re making it so that stuns/knocks/disorients won’t stop mobs from re-casting, which should be a massive buff to melee in M+.

I mean, its not. But the problem is when they give ranged all the tools. As long as ranged is “I can do anything you can do better” there isn’t a huge reason for melee.

I wonder how many things really were his choice. Like the whole kite thing being bad, while getting rid of the hunter dead zone made no sense. It still doesn’t.

Melee range was already extended in the past. Thats why they’re removing the talents. :man_facepalming:

“Developer’s note: We are removing increased melee range talents across the game, such as Astral Influence and Acrobatic Strikes. Default melee range has increased since these talents were originally created, so they now allow specs to attack from well outside where it appears they should be able to. They make the melee experience inconsistent across classes in a way we’re not happy with, so we’re removing them.”

How about zero cast times, attack while moving, across the board higher dps than ranged classes?

As a frost DK, all I can think is… “Misery loves company”… Pretty stoked to be in even footing again for melee range.

lol pretty much.

DH never got any of that enhanced range.
Think people will be okay.

They are increasing all melee baseline distant, and removing the rogue and feral melee increase.

Whilst doing this bet they aren’t cracking down on Ranged DPS mobility like Ranged deal more damage but at the cost of mobility and having to dedicate themselves to a cast with certain mechanics completely locking them out of doing damage for a time at least thats how it’s supposed to work.

All mobs hitboxes are being extended by 3 yards are they not?

Also it’s hilarious that people are pointing to fire/shadow/aug/dest and saying they are as immovable as they are because they’re ranged.

There’s nothing stopping the ranged player from simply being in melee range. If you know the enemy has a cone for you to avoid and there’s no reason for you to be out in Narnia, the ranged player has the option of just moving closer so they don’t have to move as much. But they also have the advantage of being further away when that would be beneficial.

Honestly I think this thread is silly. Ranged classes have advantages in certain scenarios and melee have advantages in other scenarios. And then Beast Masters just laugh at both of them. I don’t see a reason for us to argue about which role’s life is harder. Ranged has to worry about moving, melee has to worry about uptime.

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Breh…first ancestor’s guidance and now spirit walker’s grace? It’s almost like you post as a shaman but someone else actually does the playing.