M+ ranged "meta" will only get worse in WW with the removal of talents that increase melee ranged

Blizz announced the removal of talents that increase melee range a while ago. Wasn’t the addition of these talents supposed to make it easier to insert melees into M+? Why the change in philosophy now that in all competitive and esports you no longer see any melee DPS?

In my opinion, this will make life even worse for those who play melee in M+, as they may even avoid inviting us into groups with all the meta and competitive aspects focused on ranged. And blizz says it is “uncomfortable” with the situation of melees receiving more range… Now the ones who are uncomfortable are the melee players, Mrs. blizzard. lol

Give us something in exchange for the loss of range. Melee already has so much to worry about in M+. The additional range is not a gift, but rather compensation for the additional complexity we face due to being melee.

Why instead of removing it completely, doesn’t blizz increase the default melee range of all classes? This would make melee classes no longer “inconsistent”.


i would also request to get more range dps classes since melee classes are more

Blizzard wants to remove more defenses across the board, so there’s that.

I’m sure healers are also going to be looking forward to m-dps standing in poo so they can dps when it’s either that or do 0 dps because of all the swirlies/frontals, etc.


I think the bigger issue was balancing vs. melee range in general. It gave some classes, like Ret Paladin, a huge advantage over classes like monk who had very few “ranged” attacks.

Now, all melee is equal for the most part.

Also, if you make all melee ranged, it creates a second problem of them being more capable than casters/ranged because all melee attacks are instant and can be cast while moving, while many (most?) caster attacks require the caster to be stationary.

The 3rd part of this is encounter design. If ALL characters are able to move out of melee, then mechanics have to affect a bigger area, which will change how fights are designed.


Yeah but we are talking about the 3 yard increment many classes got, not 30-40 yard range.


If you don’t want to play melee, don’t play melee? lol.

But it was enough to allow them to avoid many melee mechanics while still doing a melee rotation.

And some classes, like Paladin, benefited waaaaaaaay more than everyone else.

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Moving melee more toward being ranged probably isn’t the best idea. It would make melee even more favorable over ranged.

They already have no movement penalty, can’t be interrupted or silenced, and they don’t have cast times. They don’t need longer range too

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exactly the same as ranged staying in swirls to greed casts because they don’t want to interrupt a cast by moving. everyone does it.

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An increase of 1.5 or 2 yards wouldn’t be enough to turn a melee into “ranged” (or a Ret).


This is so stupid. Go run around the world and see how many people are playing casters vs melee. Game may as well be called world of meleecraft at this point.

Playing a caster sucks because the game is forcing you into this constant run and gun playstyle. Even basic raid encounters feel like playing chess where you need to think a minute or more ahead to anticipate movement and how to maximize uptime where the melee player only cares about chasing the mob/boss and sidestepping swirlies.


For this there are procs, skills that most casters have that allow them to cast on the move. Melees simply stop DPS when some mechanic happens in the middle of the pack of mobs. With the exception of Rets and DKs.

Not to mention that if there is a melee in the party, interrupt priority automatically passes to him than to the caster.

Melees have a lot more mechanics to deal with than ranged ones. Anyone who denies this is not playing the same game. lol

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sure, sometimes. and sometimes not.

which is fine since they don’t have cast times and don’t lose anything by kicking

i play both :slight_smile:

There are many mechanics that only target ranged.

Lol, melee need more adjustments. At the moment most mechanics affect ranged while melee just mongo faceroll their way through the encounter, losing no dps by sidestepping the occasional mechanic.

Whereas ranged have to deal with Blizzards swirly fetish (i don’t think they know any mechanic other than move out of swirly 1,2,3,4,5) and breaths/lasers of death. Casters lose all their dps while moving, unlike melee.

Wow has been world of meleecraft for a while now. Melee need to be brought back in line.

Like what exactly? M+ basically comes down to “don’t stand in bad” for both melee and casters


people who only play melee often think casters don’t have to move at all, ever. it’s bizarre.


Ret Pally is the best ranged class in dragonflight.


Who honestly cares?

If you run 10s its not important long as you respect the amount of cc you need. If you push you are already gonna meta slave.

Ranged moves, but because they are ranged, they have much more space to move than a melee that has to move carefully so as not to be on the tank’s side to take the frontal/cleave and also be careful not to attract another pack.

You who seem to only play ranged. lol