M+ ranged "meta" will only get worse in WW with the removal of talents that increase melee ranged

i play both.

When ranged move they typically stop dpsing.

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They’re also required to move further than melee sometimes

A frontal cone attack for example requires a small side step for melee to avoid because they’re so close. Ranged however are at the wider part of the cone and have to move further to avoid it.

Melee are also able to attack the entire time they’re sidestepping a cone, casters are not.

And yet there are always more melee than ranged.

I think the issue is that Bliz tends to fall behind in balancing the game, so the changes that occur (outside of EMERGENCY ret-pal nerfs lol) are always 1-2 patches behind when they are needed.

The other, more nefarious possibility, is that the imbalance is intentional. The goal being that if you want to win, you play the fotm class. And to do that, you have to gear and level that class/spec, which keeps you playing longer-- which translates into greater player engagement on their metrics.

The real solution is to give everything hitboxes the size of the entire view distance like FF14 does and remove ranged vs melee roles entirely.
(Not really)

While its a possibility, I consider it unlikely. I have never seen any game balance all of their classes, specs, roles, etc perfectly. So considering no one in the world seems able to do it, its most likely a reactionary balancing endeavor.

Mostly a form of Hanlon’s Razor.

Balance is boring.
Blizzard Balance ™, however, is a saying anyone who plays a video game knows.

I disagree

Could you expand on what you feel “Blizzard Balance” is? I want to ensure I am on the same page.

It’s synonymous with the worst possible balance imaginable to a laughable degree. Even people who don’t play Blizzard games refer to “Blizzard Balance™” when it’s extremely bad.

A balanced RPG is extremely boring. Go look at FF14, it has the least interesting classes ever made, they’re basically all the exact same with different animations.

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I have never once heard the term “Blizzard Balance” in my life.

So I sorta am gonna call you out on saying this is a term people use industry/genre wide.

This just seems like vague Anti-Blizzardry.

“I HATE BALANCE BUT BLIZZARD IS WRONG FOR MAKING THINGS UNBALANCED” When in actuality, things are not that bad. We typically have a couple of specs that need help, and 1 or 2 specs that need to be adjusted downward. With all specs able to complete content.


Making people switch characters is a common tactic employed by companies in gacha games. It is done for the purpose of ether making players play more, or frankly pay to win, in order to get the now buffed character up to the level of w/e you had before.

And as wow has incorporated things like mission tables, and other aspects of cell-phone games in the past, I don’t rule it out, as they have clearly done their homework.

I don’t rule it out.

But it happened before mission tables, etc all existed. It happened day 1 of WoW vanilla. It happens in every game, even ones not wanting that end result.

I have never seen anyone achieve balance.

So we sorta have to start with the presumption that there will be a meta and specs that need help regardless of the intent.

Could it influence which specs or classes get help during any time period that revamps, reworks, etc is available? Sure.

I find it interesting one person made the connection, the person starting the thread.

Then everyone seemed to be blasting him for not understanding how things work.

The only other person responding and mention Blizzard I could find through the first 6-7 pages stated

Nah is Blizzard balanced the game it’s be a dumpster fire just like D4. The classes are pretty balanced depending on the skills and abilities you choose.

So a Blizzard balanced game is pretty balanced?

Playing melee is super ez. Playing range is super punishing and if, on higher levels of content, you play from range, you’re basically trolling.

Then they are doing it wrong.
Because basically all the ranged specs have ways to continue dps while moving, even if only briefly.

Take a look back at the past MDIs and TGPs dating back to Legion…the majority of them have been 2 melee, 1 ranged. The only exception being Season 4 of BFA and the past 2 seasons since the introduction of Augmentation. Solution…delete augmentation clearly.


In M+. As an ele shaman. What are the ways I can ensure I can move while dpsing?

They removed it because some melee classes had it and others didn’t. Playing a rogue in high keys and then doing the same kind of keys as a DPS warrior was an insane difference… extended melee range was so busted. Just genuinely unfair.

With that said they need to do something about frontals, just isn’t fair melee have to be in range to kick, do damage, avoid ground effects, all while having to watch frontals in giant pulls with staggered frontal casts and tank movement.