M+ ranged "meta" will only get worse in WW with the removal of talents that increase melee ranged

is a 3 yard range not 40- yards like most range class. The extra 3 yards allow us to to be up next to the boss to do damage

That’s on you look at WFR do you see their range moving every other sec? No coz they position themselves in a good position to avoid that. Part of playing a range is to know where to stand in a fight so they don’t have to move as much is part of the class. Don’t like then don’t play range.

Don’t PUG M+.

Unless you are eyeing esports, don’t obsess over the meta.

Every class is “good enough” for most of the game.

Ambition is the fun killer.

I personally think a balanced game would be the best thing ever. ALL dps specs should do equal damage if you can 95% your rotation (assuming equal gear level). I’d add similar breakpoints at 80% and 60% for casuals like me. Then gameplay style/class fantasy drives class choice, not FOTM meta. Is such a thing possible?? 100%. Is Daddy Blizz capable?? NFW.
I’ll just have to keep playing my ret because I like her, fully knowing FOTM rarely favors us. :speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil::see_no_evil:

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I remember in season one, the greatest single increase in my DPS as feral was switching to the extended range talent.

There is so much “GET OUT OF MELEE RANGE” dance dance I just assumed the intended game play was staying right at the edge of melee range. I guess the intended game play is now die or do no damage until you switch to BM hunter.

Both melee and ranged have to move too much, stop making our characters move so much, this is not dance dance revolution

Just let me stand still and cast my healing spells, I hate having to move on caster healers especially. Oh you died? Sorry, had to move for 70% of the entire fight. I hate you yazma

For who?

The only people that would actually want an imbalanced game are people that care more about getting ahead by exploiting those imbalances.

For everyone else it forces them into a horrible choice. Play character they don’t want to or accept that they are systemically less effective and everything they do, every piece of gear they get, yields less benefit for them then it would for another spec.

Most people want a close and balanced game, If I pull a 90% parse for my spec I want to be neck and neck with someone pulling a 90% parse for their spec. Not getting nearly doubled by someone pulling a 60% parse.

I mean I out dps almost every range class on my DH with more stuns and interrupts soooo maybe not worry ehat the “god comp meta” is and just get good at your spec

I dont care about the meta, i care about fun and this change is just unfun. Maybe if hit boxes weren’t wildly inconsistent it might be okay but they aren’t and this change sucks

Ret can’t generate much HP without hitting Crusading Strikes, which you needed to be ~6 Yards to hit.

Awesome. Mechanics only happen once a minute.

Thanks. I thought sometimes they happened more often.


Between primordial wave, fire shock proccing instant LB, stormkeeper, spiritwalker’s grace, and nature’s swiftness Ele sham is one of the most mobile casters on the market.

So you are putting forth. That I need to lower my dps by sitting on procs and normal rotation abilities in order to be mobile?

Not what you followed this up with. As usual.

I didn’t say to sit on your procs. I said to use your abilities. Ele shaman can dance all over the room in comparison to a destro lock for example.

But I get the feeling this is just another “woe is shaman” argument where everything about them sucks no matter what.

This is true, but a mage or a warlock casting in the back is different from that warrior who has to be at point blank to do damage. Low damage? Group rages that mdps is bad because they have some self preservation.

It’s not even about the meta, it’s about who is a bigger headache for the healer and has a higher chance to get deleted because of a mistake.

More deaths, or causing more stress on any one role in particular can cause a group to stress out and disband.

That, and all the bosses this expac with massive wingspans that constantly hide the ground you desperately need to be watching for death pools.

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I never claimed you could do your full rotation while being completely mobile and constantly moving. I said that there are way to continue dps while being forced to move because of mechanics/pathing.

No, you time your own GCDs to the mechanics by knowing the timers and planning accordingly. That’s one of the ways a player can show skill in m+.

And the context of the conversation was that melee dps dont have to lower their damage, to line up procs, cds, etc for movement.

Which is a huge benefit.

And ranged dps aren’t usually punished for being too far to dps.

Which is a huge benefit.

One thing that no one mentioned is that casters do not suffer from mechanics that make you unable to attack the boss.

The first boss of Nokhud Offensive for example when he does the big circle on the ground, all melee characters have to move out and wait without doing dps. The melee classes that had the extended 3yard range on that boss can stand on the edge of the circle and still hit the boss.

I don’t mind if they remove the extended range but they should remove mechanics that make you unable to attack where casters don’t have that problem

Also another big problem that this game has for melee is the actual level design where crap on the ground becomes hidden under rugs or half of it doesn’t appear on the stairs which really doesn’t help melee classes