My dude check literally any content creator. Max, Tettles, IZEN, Bellular, Dorki, Growl. The best players in the world are all talking about how hooped this season has been, and they’re dropping numbers all day. Do some research beyond the numbers you went out of your way to find.
LOL are you seriously using “content creators” as data? They don’t have anything we don’t have access to. What data are they using?
You are literally a clown for citing streamers and weighing their opinions over actual numbers.
Did not disappoint.
When they’re the best players in the world, yeah.
so tiger woods is an expert on golf statistics? nice!
Just because they play at a high level doesn’t mean their opinions outweigh actual numbers. You are a literal streamer sheep. Thanks for the laugh. Btw Max might be top in raids, but that doesn’t mean he’s equally as proficient in M+. Which he isn’t.
I have no idea, bugged game maybe. I had some other bugs yesterday also where some macros randomly stopped working and needed to have the conditions changed.
Death log shows the tank taking 14M damage from crush, if that’s ‘normal’ for an M10, then it certainly isn’t normal in any sense.
Then you must have killed the adds at the wrong time which increases shadow damage taken on top of your tank not using defensives properly. Post the logs and we can know if it’s a bug or not.
Poor context, but I would likely take Tiger Wood’s golf opinion over some stranger on a forum’s.
but it’s not a golf opinion. it’s an opinion about statistics.
10s are easy with decent gear. 11s you really need to start to learn to manage pretty much every CD correctly especially your mitigation or you just die on typical aoe/party wide damage phases. 12s there is virtually no room for error as there is in 1s and 11s. That’s the big difficulty jump really, 11s to 12s. I’m 629 in my dps gear and I’m working on getting 11s down to a science so I can do more 12s and time them rather than complete.
Yes, personal accountability goes up in 12s, but I dislike this common notion that there’s no room for error in 12s. You can still mess up a good amount and still survive and time the key, it’s just that certain mechanics will now kill you that didn’t before. However, this starts in lower keys where the list of things that kills you grows as the key grows.
This is a great mindset to have.
I say virtually because of class differences in survivability and the varied level of gear people may attempt with, I don’t mean to say you have to be perfect, just that a misstep may result in very quick death and leave you like WHOA WHAT HAPPENED
I was responding to your example.
I don’t watch streamers, but if every top PVE streamer is (allegedly) saying ‘M+ sucks, etc.’ why would I think there’s nothing there to consider?
I see more negative than positive said about it, apparently top players are upset about the season, and I’ve had more keys fail this season than every season I’ve played in put together. For that matter, my btag list literally died this season.
But Sosari posts nunbers from wherever and I should ignore everything else? Lol
Maybe because it’s known that talking bad about Blizzard generates more views which directly translates to monetization and money in their pockets? Literally clickbait.
They are allowed to not like the current state of M+. That’s their opinion. That’s different from saying that participation is down when it isn’t.
The numbers are directly from RIO aka Blizzard’s API.
So they’re all liars and all of them believe this is the greatest iteration of M+?
Again, they can personally dislike something without the thing itself being a failure. They are not mutually exclusive. Them personally not liking it doesn’t make them a liar, but if they are saying participation is down, then yes they are. Or they are terrible at math.
I’ve shown you clearly above taking into account the differing length of seasons to showcase how in both +12 keys and up and overall that this season is performing better than previous seasons.
Hard numbers > Anecdotes.
If they are getting paid to make content and is monetized based on viewer count then yeah they have an incentive to fudge the numbers or misrepresent them. I’m not being paid to do this.
No, but you do enjoy arguing with people. So it’s fair to say you also have a motive.
This is acceptable.
There’s a difference from arguing with people with facts and data versus what you are accusing me of doing out of enjoyment.
If my motive was just to get enjoyment out of arguing then I wouldn’t be going through the work of pulling all of those numbers up, doing the calculations, and finding the exact run counts of where the +12 keys started. If this was the case I would make up circular reasoning arguments without any real data because that would be way easier and faster.
If we assume the % of uncompleted keys and raids is roughly the same season to season, since we have no idea what it is we can only assume, then all we really have to work on is the number of completed keys and raids.
Currently we are at ~22M completed keys, to be fair we can only really compare S1 to S1 of each season, in S1 of DF we finished with ~36M keys, down so far by about 40%. Working on the only data we do have, keys completed, we can certainly see we are down from DF, can we get another 14M keys done before S2 comes around? Highly unlikely.
For raiding between heroic and mythic we have ~7200 guild clears across all 8 bosses. In DF this was ~9700 just for mythic, ~28000 between mythic and heroic. Add in normal and now you have ~28,000 clears for TWW and ~54,000 clears for DF currently, or about half as much.
Based on the number we have, we can certainly estimate numbers are well down on what they were last expansion.
It’s not. Again. You are comparing a full season vs mid-season. We are 111 day in.