This isn’t the reason. I’ve compared some of my logs to others in the same key levels, most having around the same time completed in those keys, some being higher, we are doing better in many ways than other keys, like dispels, interrupts, damage done, damage taken and anything else I can compare easily.
Sometimes there are things you cannot cater for, like last night our tank was taking a double crush from the last boss in GB, and through defenses instantly dying, which we all noted should not be happening, first you should not be taking double crush on that boss, and second having mechanics that go off that cannot be interrupted or CC’d that all hit the same person and instantly killing them is a bad design.
And that’s where I see most of the issues come in to play, we can run 10’s easy, not die to mechanics in 0.1s where the healer does not have time or even the ability to top off players before the next incoming damage rolls through.
But jump to 11’s or 12’s and we find those same mechanics that we are surviving, now we just can’t. Mostly it’s the iLVL of the players who are falling over, but should that really be happening in only 2 key levels difference? That’s where the problems lie, you need to go from 615-620 iLVL in 10’s up to 630 in 12’s to have the same experience.
The whole change making M10 the new M0 and compressing the key levels means players are basically just sitting around spamming the same key levels over and over until RNG gives them something they can use to upgrade.
You could run 8 x M10 in a week, every piece of loot you get is hero level, get your character and your group you run with to 626 iLVL and now you can spam 12’s, you could do this for 2 months and nothing really changes. Maybe you get a better trinket that allows you to hit 0.5% harder, but unless you get lucky with vault and get some myth gear or run mythic raids, you can only get so much better and maybe jump another 1-2 key levels before your iLVL is the limiting factor to even go 1-2 more key levels up.
A player sitting at 620 iLVL will be able to only do X key level, but go up to 630 and now X key is like a baby key, it’s a little silly and a little too much of a jump between key levels.