M+ is NOT content! The problem with modern WoW

Raid and pvp.

As long as raids and pvp are the same way, too, and we all ride this boat down together.

PvP is just as bad absolutely no PvP gear should be gate-keeped behind ratings. That is why I mentioned it. Again you aren’t providing a solution. You are just ignoring the problem. Read my post again for the answers.

Again we want solutions, telling someone tough luck isn’t an answer. It’s just trolling.

So according to your very strict definition, shared by almost literally no one here, the only content in this game is . . . the weekly campaign questline.

MMO’s are built on repeatable content. Every single one of them.

I read it. It doesn’t convey any ideas worth repeating. You don’t like m+. You don’t like pvp. An opinion on raids is suspiciously absent, I assume because it’s a giant blind spot in your whole argument.

At this point, I assume you’re just trying to fit as many logical fallacies into one thread as you can while it’s on the first page.

I gave you real answers. If you don’t like raids or pvp, don’t do them. You’re done when you decide that you’re done. No need to kill a game off just because you don’t want to play it anymore.

I agree. That is common sense. I never said that though did I? There is a clear difference between content and activities in game though. M+ isn’t content it’s an activity. The game needs to do better with providing actual content for the players and then making sure we get players into the activities they enjoy.

I think M+ is fine, I just wish the game wasn’t so limited to only the current expansion’s dungeons.

Imagine if the dungeon pool kept growing over the years.

I agree with you to ‘some’ extent, but mostly disagree with your points. Having ‘activities’ as you put them does not take away from the content. I do agree that Blizzard have more work to do in making world content engaging, exciting and rewarding. However you are essentially saying “I do not like activities so they should not exist”. You are perfectly able to do every piece of content (as you put it) in the entire game without doing M+. You can do the campaigns, you can do LFR, you can run the dungeons on normal and heroic. Hell, if you can do all of that you can dip your toes into the harder ‘activities’ too.

Why do you want the best gear if you are not doing the ‘activities’ that require the best gear? You are not being forced to do M+.

Anyway, I’m not one to dismiss someone’s opinion, so I have a question for you. Hypothetically, if +15’s rewarded the highest item level gear and the vault didn’t exist, would this work for you? It means you could work your way up, do the +15, get the piece of gear you wanted, move on. It creates an end point. I agree with you that time gated RNG deciding gear progression (such as the vault) is discouraging.

A good MMO hasn’t been built in many many years. Although some are doing a better job now then WoW and that much is evident.

MMOs are built on a community, that community is created by people being able to enjoy and complete the content they enjoy. Or do the activities they enjoy. What we have in modern WoW is a community that is festering with toxicity because Blizz destroyed what an MMO is supposed to be.

I want the healing to begin. We can make some changes and get this MMO and WoW back on track to being a good game again.

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Oooh, evangelism. I haven’t seen this one since the political season ended. :popcorn:

The first step to change is admitting that you have a problem. Play Mass Effect. Play Diablo. Play SC. There are a ton of games you can play that fit that mold. MMO’s are not one of them.


To add on to the post above, I think the core of the problem is that Blizzard since late MoP/early WoD, have been afraid of people getting the best gear. They do not want people to complete their characters and achieve ‘BiS’, and there are probably reasons for this. Sub drop offs towards the end of the tier etc. However, I do believe that it was healthy for the game. My favourite memories of WoW were back in Wrath/Cata, playing multiple toons and having an end point to work towards on all of them. I had three or four toons raiding Heroic Dragon Soul (the old Mythic) at 7/8 or 8/8. The start of Cata was a lot of fun, grinding the heroics and hoping for that one drop to complete your pre-raid BiS. It encouraged alts far more than it does now. And yeah, many people took breaks between tiers, but it was probably helpful in preventing burn out.

If this is your issue, it is not an issue with M+. It’s a core philosophy that has changed within Blizzard, the idea that there should “always be something to work towards” to keep players subscribed. It’s the reason titanforging was so strongly disliked, people wanted to have an end goal, wanted to work towards BiS again. But right now, many of the best pieces of gear are from dungeons (like the Soulletting Ruby), and the highest possible version of that can ONLY be achieved through the vault, which is entirely RNG and time gated.

Blizzard have a way of doing things lately which is “okay the players want this, but… we’ll only do that if we also do this”, which contradicts the point of the first change.


I think you clearly misunderstand what the term “Content” means then. Mythic + is considered content as it is something you can do in the game. Content is anything new or current in the game that gives people to do.

Other content in the game
Story Campaign
Dungeons including Mythic +
Professions (Crafting and Gathering)
World Quest
Daily and Weekly Quest
World Bosses

If you do not like doing that content or in your case “Activities” then don’t do it. It’s your choice if you don’t want to do it. It’s not required to do Mythic + do much of anything else.

Personally I think the journey and game really starts when you have BiS.

This makes sense. It also highlights the issue people are having with alts. If there’s no end to power gains in a tier, there’s just the curve. There’s a bell curve inching to the right every day of where you are in relation to everyone else. Which is why alts suck. You’re stuck forever in the left side of that bell curve while your main fights to be in the middle, and as time passes and width dialates, you just flounder more and more. Miss a day, and your main is to the left, and can never catch up.

I don’t like the current system, but the OP is just asking for a single player rpg.

Sorry but you’re wrong.

Then you are playing a MMO wrong then. One of the big things about playing a MMO is to do quest, dungeons, and raid to obtain that BiS Gear. That is part of the journey.

I clearly understand what Content means and explained it to you and others many times in this thread. There is a clear difference between Content an a repeat ACTIVITY.

Your choice to listen or not is up to you. Scroll up for reference.

Most of this isn’t content so please refer to my earlier post to understand the difference.

Again it’s best to not have this copout response. What I mean by that is anytime someone says “just don’t do it” instead of fixing the problem is a copout and considered trolling.

If the entire game is now these activities and you have to do them. The only choice is to NOT play which doesn’t make the game better or actually fix what is wrong. Lets have solutions to creating an awesome game. No one should be opposed to that.

Please be better than this and actually try to fix the problems instead of telling people to ignore them and go somewhere else. That isn’t a healthy discussion.

No one comes into an Abombination thread expecting anything besides mutual trolling.


By literally only your own definition and no one elses.

I did and from the looks of it, mostly everyone is disagreeing with your statement and you are fighting for what you believe in. That is fine if you want to believe that, but you are just making yourself look more foolish by believing in something that is not true.