Majority are gear addicts, the rest are imma want BIIIIIG score.(io and blizzard score)
Remove Gear and the score …see what happens . It will be one and done dead .
Majority are gear addicts, the rest are imma want BIIIIIG score.(io and blizzard score)
Remove Gear and the score …see what happens . It will be one and done dead .
Wrong, there is stuff you can do in game that is an ACTIVITY and stuff you can do that is CONTENT. These are 2 very different things.
Curious of this statement. You do realize I want the game to have more content and more activities for everyone right? I am not sure what you are trying to say. I want the M+ players to be happy and the NON M+ players to be happy. Which means we need some solutions to fix the current problems.
This is true of any activity in an RPG. If there’s no reward, no one would do it.
MMORPG yes, but there are some crazies that would M +30 solo without reward because they can and are bored
Remove both the extrinsic and intrinsic rewards for doing anything and you will kill almost all of the motivation to do that thing.
This is not an actual argument, because this logic applies to almost everything in existence. People do things because they get something out of it. A sense of triumph (which is simply conceptualized by score - score is simply a representation of having done the thing) or because something tangible/usable at the end of it.
Wrong the game had dungeons, you did them and then you were done doing them. Hence completing the content and being able to move onto other content or activities.
If you did a Heroic in TBC for an item or badge for an item from the vendor. Then got that item. You now are done with doing dungeons which is a good thing. You had content that could be quickly finished and then move on. Which gives the player a sense of completion and actually is rewarding.
In SL you are never done with doing M+ so it’s an endless ACTIVITY that isn’t rewarding for most MMORPG players. You have a terrible system in the Great Vault with RNG gear that NO ONE likes. Get rid of weekly chest!
This is the difference! If you can’t tell me how many M+ you need to do to be finished with them then it isn’t content it’s just a repeat ACTIVITY. It’s just a meaningless hamster wheel that is bad design.
Again M+ could just be for people that enjoy competing in M+ give them titles and cosmetics. Let them compete in a season if they like that activity. Then let the players that want to do content complete it and be finished with it so they can move onto something else.
Lol well yeah, it’s a game about getting geared! Remove gear from ANYTHING that currently awards it, and pretty sure it will die off.
Reaaaaaally doesn’t seem that way though. The gear from M+ is key to progressing IN M+. Remove the gear (as you suggested) and that doesn’t happen anymore. You then push those same players to now do things they don’t want to do, making them unhappy.
A more reasonable solution is to add something else for others, that’s all. But, as we all know, the moment they do that (like with Korthia gear) people will still complain.
My preferred solution is to have a Tier system for quests and world quests, and more new chains in general. The chains should have a 4 tier (or however many) system which lets you choose a difficulty mode for the quest, kind of like how SC2 and WC3 have difficulty levels for the campaign.
If you choose to start a Tier 4 Quest Chain (and add the ability to REPEAT old quests on new tiers) you get stronger rewards because the quest requires more of you. Instead of collecting flowers, you will ALSO have to fight a deadly elite PER flower with a dodgable 1 shot mechanic, forcing you to know how to move. Another mob has a long cast that must be interrupted (or else you die), forcing you to find and use your interrupt button.
I think something like that would be much better for people who hate the current options. Make the world deadlier, but also more rewarding.
What an inflexible mind you have. “This is the absolute TRUTH. Period. End of story.”
What do you want Blizz to do? Give you new content every month?
NEVER going to happen.
Not true, take other game gw2 for example there is no gear progression there . There is no actual reward for doing raids just the challenge of doing it . Yet ppl just do it every week because for them its fun
This playerbase we have is different and fun = an OCD problem and getting stressed to point of raging
In WoD, heroics were content for a full 3 weeks. Maybe less. No reason to revisit that content for over 100 weeks after release. That’s awful design dude.
I thought you made an I quit post a few weeks ago?
This isn’t just my thoughts. I made this post because a massive part of the community feels this way. The game hardly has any content in it anymore and is just for people that like the activity of M+. The game should be so soo much more and it can be.
Design a better game with more to do like we used to have. Design a game that isn’t based on daily chores where you have to repeat activities for RNG rewards. It isn’t complicated. We can have a good game again some day but it will take some work to step away from these terrible systems and activities.
Blizz could make way more money with honey instead of…
Yet another terrible take from GD
You speak for yourself only.
Like what? Give SPECIFIC examples of different content that won’t become “non-content” in a week or a month. Blizz cannot mass produce new or different content every month.
That’s because doing it over and over again isn’t content. Don’t you want to complete something and enjoy the fact you are done with it? I very much would love to complete a dungeon and be done with it so I can move on.
Again if you like the M+ system cool. Just don’t force people into that activity and call it content when it isn’t.
Let me ask you a question. How many hours a patch do you want to spend in Dungeons? I personally want to spend about 20 hours tops. I want to complete them and be able to move on. Keep in mind I typically play games about 40-50 hours a week.
The problem with modern WoW is it’s a hamster wheel instead of a journey.
If Blizzard had the ability or the imagination…
They could kill the wow token remove gear from the upper reaches of m+ keep m+, but have high end transmog and mounts drop and maybe raw mats for crafting…
The economy part of the game is so so trashed it can not work.
This wasn’t an opinion. This is a fact, not up for debate.
When, exactly? Vanillas endgame was predominantly dungeon based, and you kept going back to them for crafting mats and resist gear, not to mention the drop rates meant getting any single piece of gear was in the single digits. BC, the formula got better, but you’re still farming badges and primals and other mags through the entire expansion. And so on and so on. The gear rewards from dungeons ran dry usually, by the end of the first tier, but you were never “done”.
Citation needed. You don’t speak for anyone but yourself. This thread should prove to you how wrong your assumptions are. And in this point, you can be done with m+ if you want to be. It’s completely optional content. And if you’re only in it for the gear rewards, you’re done when you have the gear, same as always.
That’s the same as it’s always been. I can tell you, on average, how many you have to do, but like every probability drop ever, there’s a bell curve on it. Like every raid, every dungeon, in wows history.
So could raids.
M+ is a pillar of endgame, equal to raids and pvp, according to Hazzikostas himself. In practice, raiding gets special treatment, but whatever. No point crying about it.
You can be done with m+ the same way you can be done with pvp or be done with raiding. When the rewards no longer are worth your time, or you’ve gotten everything out of it that you want. If you get gladiator or R1, you’re done. Unless you don’t want to be. If you get KSM and the portals, you’re done. Unless you don’t want to be. When you get CE, you’re done. Unless you don’t want to be.
You’re done when you decide to be. That’s the beauty of the system. You can be done at M0, you can get the various key level achievements an be done, you can be done after whatever drop you need, or you can be done when you hit the max you can do.
LMAO Abomb?! This guy has been trolling the forums since MoP. I remember you VERY well.
And this is literally all that matters. You got bored. It happens. What other people say to dissuade you of your boredom is irrelevant.
I took up soccer for a while, and it was fun. But after playing on a rec league for a few months I found it boring. It was great for health and fitness, but the actual activity? I found it stale after a while.
Now… if there was a version of soccer where the ball was on fire or where some god-mode challenger enters the fray for a 5v1 … that might spice things up. Soccer + anyone? Could have affixes like, “Razor Ball” and “The Field Is Lava”.