M+ is NOT content! The problem with modern WoW

Not sure which numbers you’re referring to.

Raider IO tracks every M+ run. In SL S1 alone there seems to have been at least 35 million runs between M+2 to 27.

Each run requires at least 5 players. Granted, the same players can be involved with multiple groups. Still, seems like a buttload of runs for a single season for something so unpopular, no?

I am not a stats major or anything so I could be misinterpreting their data.

If you completed a Heroic or Mythic 0 you completed the content. Now I want to move onto something else. Doing M+ over and over isn’t content it’s an ACTIVITY that many of us don’t enjoy and wish the game had some better design for MMO players.

Again M+ Raiding and Arena could be more enjoyable for the people that like them if we remove this toxic environment that they created. Just have M+ and Arena be for titles and cosmetics and if you enjoy competing in there go for it. At least you will finally be with others that enjoy it too instead of a mix of people that hate it.

Just modern solutions for modern problem.


Considering people do M+ above 15s which provides no tangible reward, I’d say it is in fact content.

…you’re just wrong. Every affix changes the content. Every key level changes the content. You can’t just make up your own definition to fit your views. If you don’t like m+, then don’t do it. Why are you fighting to have content that other people enjoy removed? Who made you the fun police?

Edit: c**:** the principal substance (such as written matter, illustrations, or music) offered by a website.

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Unsub, and hope they change it… ???

tltr, some people really have time to write long passages :sweat_smile:

Alternative facts!


That’s like saying Queing into different players for the 500th time in Arena is content. Which it isn’t. It’s an activity. You are having a hard time grasping what an ACTIVITY is.

M+ is a system that is a designed ACTIVITY for players that want to compete. Which means it isn’t content. Again if you enjoy the ACTIVITY of doing M+ cool! Like I’m not even mad at you if you love doing this ACTIVITY. Just please don’t tell the MMO player base that it’s content and expect them to be okay with it.


Citation needed. It’s the most popular form of end game by participation by far.


Glad to see I’m not the only one. I quit because i was bored, and people are like “but your not full mythic + 234234234 or full mythic raid gear”… I’m like I dont want to do normal raid, then do heroic then mythic of the SAME raid or do the same freaking dungeon a zillion times, thats not fun.


It is content. Once again, you can’t just go make up whatever definition you want to fit your views. I provided the actual, real, definition of content. M+ fits my definition of content, so its content.

This logic is bogus.

To give you an analogy, it’s like saying a bag is no longer a bag once it’s emptied. You can still fill that bag again with different things than were originally inside. Or, it’s like saying a bridge is no longer a bridge once you’ve crossed it, no mention of taking the path back or other people utilizing it.

Let players complete a task then move onto the next one which is how you attain a rewarding feeling in an MMORPG

MMORPG’s are different than single player RPG’s in that you make your own goals. Some people, that’s parsing, others it’s raiding, others it’s pushing keys or transmog or gold,etc. For people like you, it’s assuredly different.

If blizz laid out every single linear task for people to do, then they’d come under fire for being “on rails” and too constrictive and dictating to people how to play the game.

But the most important point of the post you’re missing, you have this critique over what isn’t content, but what actually is content to you? So far you’ve mentioned all the ways to gear up and all the things you don’t like, but what do you actually like?


Citation needed again.


You’re offering your own definitions for what “content” and “activities” are - or do you have some universally accepted gaming definition for these?

Ultimately this thread is a lot of words that could’ve been condensed down to:

Title: I don’t like M+
Body: I don’t like M+


When facts don’t fit your arguments, just make things up.

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A game with no activities is a game with no content though. Blizz has tons of valid criticism, but to say they have no content atm isn’t true. Aspects of said content have flaws, but it’s there.


Exactly there is hardly ANY content in this game anymore!! It’s just daily’s, rep or resource grinds and doing these repeat chores of M+ Arena.

Am I asking for too much to want content in the game where you feel rewarded when you complete it and can then move onto the next thing. Heaven forbid we get an MMO again instead of Choregast and SystemLands. These MEMEs exist for a reason.

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Whether repeatedly running Raids, PVP, Mythic+ is enjoyable is up to the individual player, its all a matter of opinion not fact.

Your entire argument is you trying to establish YOUR definition of content as gospel. To YOU content is something finite that you complete and move on from. To the next person content may be something that they can do over and over to push and improve at.


Like Wrath “content” where you raided or did Crusader dailies. Wait, that isnt right.


Except for {lists content}.

No. That’s a valid thing to ask for. Like, leveling for example. I don’t like the horizontal progression theme we’ve had the last few expansions.

The game has always had repeatable dungeons. It’s a staple of mmorpgs.