M+ is NOT content! The problem with modern WoW

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Ok there guy. All I’m going to say to that as it is off topic but funny.

Content isn’t an activity. Content is content and Activities are activities. I’m kinda tired going to eat just repeating myself on most of my responses to you and seriously everything you have asked is in this thread above. Since you like doing things over and over just read the thread and you will have your answers. I don’t like doing things over and over so I grow tired or repeating myself.

This is a contradiction. If you don’t like doing the exact same thing again why do you like M+ which is literally doing the exact thing over and over. A higher key is the same as a lower key, it’s the same thing.

I actually don’t think you like M+ because if you did you would be happy for it to only reward Titles, Mounts and Cosmetics. It would be a better place for you to compete.

For example I love BGs and WPvP as they are my end game activity. I don’t get any rewards for doing them. I just love doing them. I’m there for the fun and enjoyment of the activity.

The goal is to get people into what they enjoy. Without forcing people to do endless chores first and perhaps never get to do what they want in game. It’s bad design. Now for anything I didn’t answer here it is above please read the thread. Time to put you on time-out.

The people that don’t have the time/skill/energy/interest in grinding M+ over and over at higher and higher levels for a minor upgrade.

They want the loot system where if you spent enough time on it you are guaranteed the bis loot.

This is true. It happened to me on Classic last year. Raid logging. I am somewhat invincible… I cant die on 5-man dungeons. People there even thought of me showing off when the party wipes except me and I solo kited/kill the Boss. I was just an M+15 player and normal difficulty bosses and mobs wont be able to kill me. I got bored and left.

Another point, when I was casual I was never upset people doing much harder content then I was were getting better loot. Mythic plus and raiding costs a lot of gold to be able to complete. It’s a grind to become a better player. Having me and guildies completing a mists o in ten minutes over and over again doesn’t seem like it would be much fun.

So the argument is time invested? So can I sit AFK in Oribos and have a 252 IQD sent to me in the mail? That’s about the same level of difficulty a DOS 0 would provide to a toon in BiS gear

It’s really not that much gold imo. Repair bills may be higher in the beginning, but eventually trend down as the group gets more efficient.

Says the person who wants everyone to be bis in 2-3 weeks. You’ll have people quitting even sooner.

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I love spending 40+ hours a week in game, just want none of those hours to be in a M+ and we shouldn’t have too. M+ is toxic and always will be toxic the way it is. The Great Vault needs to go away and we need traditional vendors again. Everyone wins.

You understand it gets harder right? There are different affixes and team comps you can play around with.

A higher key is the same as a lower key?! How is that even remotely true, you get new affixes higher scaling and you need to research and learn new routes based on the affixes. Have you even played dungeons beyond M0 because you so wrong.

I mean maybe your server is different but food, flask, armour kit and augment rune per run is pretty expensive on my server when you are doing 10+ keys a week

You get out of M plus what you put in. If your walking into every run looking for something toxic to gooey it probably will. I have runs hundreds and hundreds of keys over this expansion. I can count my fingers how many toxic runs I have had. Ignore them and move onto the next key. What’s so toxic about it? Come prepared and you will be more then fine

For raiding we pay for that by selling the BOE’s that drop.

m+ I could see it adding up since people aren’t dropping feats or cauldrons for a group of 5.

I run anywhere from 1-4 m+ a week and am not losing gold.

What I will say is I’m not getting rich either. But it’s more in opportunity cost compared to someone who is farming rares and selling stuff on AH.

I actually wish they added this to keys above 15 be even more of an incentive for me to do it but dont remove loot from M+ because that just forces M+ players to gear through other activities they might not want to do. You’re suggesting a version of the game that suits you at the expense of others that might enjoy the current system.

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Yeah we do have feasts and cauldrons for raiding. Raiding is not the expensive part for our guild. We normally have 3 groups a night all running high keys. So 15 people using those consumable for however many keys we end up running can get pricing. Thankfully I just q for heroics as tank to farm augment runes and sell them to fund my mythic plus fun. So I guess mythic plus is helping with making q times shorter for heroics!

You get out of window licking what you put in. I can’t stress this enough as it has been said many times. Why do you want people to do something they hate! M+ for a lot of people is like licking windows. No one wants a new window or bigger window to lick each week. They just rather not lick windows.

If you like M+ coolzies… It will still be there for you to compete in for Titles, Mounts and Cosmetics. However many of us would prefer to never do one again, that would be SWEEEEEEET! M+ isn’t content it’s a repetitive activity and the problem with modern WoW is it’s a hamster wheel instead of a wonderful journey.

Think the end goal would be here grind dos 50 times heres your IQD.

They don’t want the RNG portion of it, they want their time to be worth it and feel rewarded for doing the exact same thing over and over again with no increase in difficulty and be rewarded bis loot, cause that was the way tbc worked.

Nobody’s telling anyone to do things they hate. In fact, there’s a lot of posts specifically saying to not do stuff you don’t want to. If you lack the self control to avoid content you don’t like, you’ve got bigger fish to fry.


Man you should have seen EverQuest. Days of camping a single spawn.

I personally don’t feel forced to do m+. I do it a few times a week.

I think the argument is more about how content delivery isn’t frequent enough.

I actually agree with this. I’m pretty bored with the dungeons and Tazavesh feels inaccessible.

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So we revert back to the old way and get bis in 2 weeks and raid log for the rest of the tier?

Roll multiple alts and just do the same thing over and over, eveyone has bis gear and just sits in oribos.

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