I feel like M+ has single-handedly led to the demise of queueable content. It’s great content for people who want to push challenges outside of raid, certainly, but it’s skewed the reward structure heavily away from the player that enjoyed queueable content.
This feeling has only been emphasized by the introduction of valor points. Once upon a time, Valor points served two purposes. For the progression player it was supplemental gearing, and for the casual player it was a path of progression at their own pace.
When I was campaigning for the return of valor in early Shadowlands, it was a return of those systems. A universal PVE currency to buy gear and/or upgrade it. Instead they introduced a system that only benefits manually-created group content pushers in an expansion that already struggled with character growth in all forms of PVE content.
9.1 introduced Korthia with the armaments system and research to upgrade it. This felt great. But it did nothing to improve the rest of the content for the casual player. So the game feels small. We have dungeons and LFR, but practically no reason to run them.
If 9.1 introduced a system where we could choose to do LFR, LFG, or world content and all avenues felt like they went toward the same goal, I think it would’ve felt better.
I have no problem with higher levels of difficulty providing more rewards. But this entire design just feels bad and disorganized.
In an ideal 9.1 world I could run a heroic dungeon or LFR and work toward building up my armament gear, or I could run world content and work toward building up my LFR/LFG gear, for example.
But right now everything is segregated poorly, unbalanced, mostly unrewarding, and if it doesn’t directly benefit people who push organized challenging content it’s even worse off than it is for those that do, which isn’t in a great place either.
I believe M+ could coexist well with the rest of the game, if they put some honest effort into revamping their reward structure to include most of the game. Putting stuff like Soul ash exclusively in Torghast is stupid for example.