NO, its raid log on tuesday and then help guildies in heroics for attunes in more INSTANCED content lol. Or its grind these INSTANCED dungeons for the ability to farm Heroic INSTANCED dungeons. or its getting boosted in INSTANCED dungeons lol. i think im making the point pretty clear for him lol
The problem with new- so called WoW is that we all got 17 years older…No big surprise*
Raiderio pulls their data from Blizzard and according to them, 1.7 million unique characters have timed a key in 9.1. That’s a lot of people even if you account for alts. And it’s not including untimed key runs.
Whether or not those individuals “enjoy” it is debatable and would be difficult to ascertain. But it’s sure getting a lot of participation.
No it’s not. TBC Classic though is a mess because Blizz somehow messed it up completely. One of the reasons why I unsubbed. Really impressive that Blizz somehow completely ruined TBC rushing the launch of it because Retail was suffering. So TBC is a bugged shell of the game it’s supposed to be.
Which is why many left both TBC and Retail. Complete mismanagement by Blizz and a detachment on understanding what the player base wants.
I don’t raid, never really have in this game. I only do it sometimes to try and get gear in there but I hate raiding. It’s definitely not something I want to do or waste my time on.
Mythic is not content at all. It is nothing more then replay value for instances that already exist. I don’t imagine that dungeons would have much replay value without them.
Correct M+ isn’t content.
Very true and most people don’t want to replay dungeons. There are some that do and that is fine but just remove the gear rewards from it. M+ should only be for those crazy cats that want to compete for titles or mounts.
You aren’t wrong but a lot of people want to do the dungeons and be finished with them so they can do the next thing. If you are never finished with dungeons then when do you get to actually play the game how you want.
Adding to that depend the affixes. Pride was horrible, mini bosses are better since no pressure when you get the buff.
Let’s say half since most affix just mess with melee and range doesn’t even care/or know they there volcanic? Tornados? Necro? So half population?
Raids, BGs, Arena, and M+ is the beat repeatable content ever developed in history of mmo.
I’m as big of a critic of wow as anyone but ya’ll out here trippin
It’s not content, It’s a getting a superman action figure, and then another superman action figure with a bat painted on it, and you’re supposed to accept it as new content. It isn’t, it’s a rubbish hamster wheel, and we are the stupid hamsters… well some of us anyway >_>.
What is or is not content is relative to each person. As a collector everything not collected is content. Those recipes in Molten Front for Blacksmithing I still don’t have? Content. The transmog from Blackwing Lair I still don’t have on my priest? Content. So to some M+ is content.
Literally everything Blizzard adds is content because someone wants it.
You’re going to run into trouble when you decide you speak for “most people”.
I don’t even know what any of that means. I don’t know any of the affixes nor do I ever want too. So personally it would be appreciated if they don’t try to funnel us into M+ and allow us to skip it. I’m not going to learn the affixes either. If I go in there it will be Yolo and likely kill my group because I don’t want to be in there, however that isn’t my fault. I just want the gear that I need.
This is how most of the player base is. M+ is a plague on the game that should be something for people that want to do it then leave everyone out of there that don’t want to do it.
This, i agree
I think it’s more that the actual he content is too easy now and too fast paced. It takes almost no time to finish it rather than lack of content.
Wrong, it doesn’t work that way. You could love farming for gold but that doesn’t mean it’s content. You could really enjoy doing it every day and coming up with new ways to do it. However it’s an activity you enjoy. You can’t mislabel your activity as content.
Except when it’s painfully obvious that most people dislike the game direction and have quit SL. M+ and these awful systems that puts you on a hamster wheel is why. There is no journey anymore, no wonderful sunset on the horizon.
Just do daily’s because you have too, do M+ and Arena because you need a vault. That isn’t World of Warcraft and it’s not good design for any game. Blizz needs to wake up to what most people want other wise lose another 50+% of the small players base that is left.
This lazy design they are doing has the Devs caught in their own hamsterwheel instead of creating something awesome and fun.
Yes a heroic should have some challenge to it. Then a Mythic should be a lot harder. Then if you so choose you can compete in M+ for rating, titles and cosmetics. (no gear though)
Making Heroics and Mythics trivial just because there is M+ now ruined the game. Unfortunately M+ and these chores went down a road to where it’s at a tipping point. Something has to be done. Otherwise SL will still be full of memes.
Nope, that’s exactly what it means and each different way of making gold is different content.
You’re right, it is important we define content as we understand it
There for you to do? Content.
I am not privy to the feelings of most of the playerbase, only those of the people who visit various forums.
Maybe to you it isn’t content and that’s fine but you aren’t going to get anywhere telling other players what they enjoy isn’t content.
Which is why it has been defined what content is in MMORPGs. There is a difference between content and activities.
Wrong it’s a different activity. In a game it’s an activity. This is just how it’s classified in game.
Has nothing to do with me there is a right and wrong classification of what is content in a video game especially an MMORPG. There is a difference between Content and Activities. If you are confused on that you might be as lost as the Devs designing the game. They have no vision and definitely haven’t designed much content.
Again instead of arguing over these points, why not fix the problem? If you like M+ fine but most players don’t want to do these activities. We got to address these issues and make it where the game can improve for both people that don’t want to do M+ and people that do. Not sure why anyone is against improving or fixing the game.
Might you share a link to this agreed upon definition?
Are you…arguing that activities aren’t content? Wouldn’t that mean nothing is content?
Yep, I admit it, I’m greatly confused, beyond measure and would appreciate a link to the official repository of MMORPG definitions so I’ll have an accurate understanding of what content is.
Content are things you can do in the game.
Activities are when you actively partake in content.
Quests, Raid, M+, and PvP are all forms of content. When I run a key, you can call it an activity, but it is still content at the same time. They don’t exist in a vacuum where one is and one isn’t.
It does work that way. What do you think “content creators” are? Asmongold isn’t literally adding more encounters to world of warcraft, but playing the game and in doing so creating experiences that are shared. That is the content, the act of playing is the content.
They’ve even trivialized world content to where you can pull like 10 mobs without breaking a sweat. With a few exceptions in the maw.