Great, just what we need. Anyone want to run a +15 Stratholme to farm the Lightning bolt trinket?
this was such a mystifyingly bad move on their part.
Well it would be just a Mythic 0 since M+ will be only for cosmetics and titles. However that would be great to use old game content again. Every expansion shouldn’t abandon the previous expansion entirely. Which is why we are kinda almost at the need for a reset and WoW 2.
Endorsed. 100% agree.
Yes. Because gear is inherently anti-PVP. PVP is about outwitting your opponent, not letting your gear do the work.
Only addition I’d make is that Torghast should be as much gear-progression as everything else.
You missed the joke, but that’s fine. Some of the broken things should be left in the past.
After 14s, the only reward you get is titles, dungeon teleports, and the satisfaction of being able to complete higher end content.
Your choice though.
I will agree with the PVP side of the house. Though I can see the other side of the coin. In PVE you get better gear to push harder content. You could look at PVP the same way, though with gatekeeping becoming a thing I can’t support this view.
Speaking of the hamster wheel, do you remember when there was a limit on how many daily quests you were allowed to complete? Now, we joke about the hours of chores we do every day.
Log in and need to get that mission table squared away.
Head to Korthia for questing…need to sit around for as many rare spawns as possible to maximize catalogued research currency.
Head into the rift to grab the four rift chests, Zovaal’s Vault daily, and the Maw rift rares.
Tuesday and Saturday, need to do the assault quests.
Only once all this is done can I begin to address things like…did I get my two flawless runs of Torghast done? Did I get my ten 15+ keystones done? Did I clear LFR and Normal Sanctum for every conceivable extra chance at domination gear?
Add in a raid schedule and people that need/want my assistance with various activities, I rarely have the time to do anything extra, if I want to stay current.
Wouldn’t be the first time. Was it funny?
some musings:
Blizzard seems to love expansion-wide paradigms that can be encapsulated in a phrase:
WoD was Savage, being alone in a strange new world. We get garrisons that expand on that concept, whether intended or not
Legion was Class Fantasy, and we saw this vision executed over multiple content forms: dungeons (character abilities introduced in that expansion interacted in those dungeons beyond just doing damage), mage tower (solo content), raids (class/spec specific skin quests), quests in general for additional artifact skins (outside the balance of power I mentioned).
BFA was Faction Identity, and this permeated all forms of content that was introduced. It pivoted mid-stream, which was probably a narrative hail Mary that I think was at least controversial. We saw raids engage this (we even changed from one faction to another in a raid!), and obviously warfronts and islands and lastly visions - based entirely around our faction capital cities.
Now Shadowlands seems to be entrenched in the Choice Matters paradigm. Choose a covenant, choose a soulbind, choose conduits - but without the QOL swapping ease we’ve experienced in prior expansions (minus Azerite traits, perhaps a precursor to conduit energy…). Legion had some of this initially, so this concept may - like the change in mid/late BFA - also morph into a less weighty choice.
I’m going to be honest, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone miss a joke quite so spectacularly.
I guess if folks like you and OP want to conflate “content I don’t like” with “no content at all,” I’m not gonna stop you, but I’ll let you know that I find it incredibly funny.
Dungeons and Raids aren’t content but runing from quest to quest doing the same thing over and over again?
Or you’ll run something once for some bit of gear that you are going to junk for gold as soon as you get the next piece, and the piece after that, and the piece after that. That’s “content”?
No thanks. I having a blast running dungeons and raids. Hell I’d rather they make more dungeons and raids, even if it meant that the rest of the world was just a lobby to meet up with my friends to run more dungeons and raids.
WoW is a theme park and thank the gods for that because if I have to bee-line it through yet another set of mandatory quests with horrible storytelling I’ll gladly just go do something else that’s actually fun.
Old dungeons are content? Or just the first time you run them and then they’re an “activity”? I need clarification here please.
Old dungeons are content? Or just the first time you run them and then they’re an “activity”? I need clarification here please
I mean you answered it yourself because it’s been clearly stated in this thread many times.
Every dungeon is content the first time you do it. Then the goal is to complete that content and move on. That feeling of completing content and moving onto the next thing whether more content or your favorite activity. That is how a good MMO is designed.
Mythic plus is content, but its not new, innovative, or appeals to the audience at large. Its more of a niche project that the devs rely on more and more.
Yeah it and the AFFIXES are weak sauce attempt to SKIP making content. Another great job.
Saying you aren’t forced to do something is malarkey and you know it!! You absolutely have to grind this stuff and people don’t want to do it. It isn’t fun and it’s in the way of being able to play the game.
You 100% have to do M+ Arena, Raid because the game is now designed around that and these convoluted terrible grindy systems which players hate. You need to get that weekly vault done and it feels bad. I can guarantee you many people would love to
I’m sure I have missed the answer to this, and I’m not trying to be contrarian (though I can appreciate how it will come off as such): what is the grind for? What are you claiming is the thing the “you” have to grind for?
How is this different than running Wrath Dungeons hoping for something to drop, running the ICC dungeons for the hilt to drop? Running ICC for Ashen Verdict rep even after killing some bosses just for rep to increase the ring reward? Running Wintegrasp to open up VoA to farm a chance for a piece of gear with Archavon and crew? Running dungeons for badges, care of Timor?
If I understand your claim correctly, it’s that the above Wrath examples can be completed, I believe, and thus perhaps the above was a purer form of “grind?” I don’t agree that they can be completed anymore than current, re: ilevel (there is a ilevel cap to gear, no more titanforging in SLands, as an example).
Your claim of “you are forced to grind” is missing the what we’re grinding for. And then how is this different from previous examples of content use/gear grind. Wow is largely a vertical character progressing model, although the systems introduced Legion and beyond do have some horizontal progression, I feel. At max level, we continue leveling our gear. Some MMOs have mostly lateral progression where players don’t level gear but we progress in additional abilities/skills. So the stratification or the feeling that “I need to grind to keep up” is decidedly minimized in those games and the need to “re-run” content/activities/stuff, whatever, is also reduced. Unless for cosmetics.
Its more of a niche project that the devs rely on more and more.
I’ll agree with that. They don’t know how to innovate or make M+ interesting so they gate keep gear in there instead to funnel people in there, which is a lazy design move.
Honestly just think the Devs are stuck and don’t have any good ideas or vision for the game. Not to mention actual Devs that left the company have said Devs don’t have a vision for the game. Kaleiki stated that.
Ion’s in my apartment right now and he says if I don’t do my Korthia dailies, he’ll smash all my star wars figurines with a crowbar.
make sure you save ur pots too
Then the goal is to complete that content and move on.
Move on to where? And Why?
Whats wrong with enjoying the game play of a dungeon or raid more than once?
Why does the majority of the game have to be made irrelevant the moment you’ve done it once?
The fact that content become obsolete the moment the next patch rolls around is one of the biggest reasons why I wouldn’t log in. I hate that I can’t go back and just keep doing older “content”. There’s nearly 20 years worth of a game with only the last year of it being viable for any amount of enjoyment. WHAT A WASTE.
Every dungeon is content the first time you do it.
Ok, then old dungeons aren’t content. Because they’re old and have been run before. Right?
But you just called them content…
However that would be great to use old game content again.
So are you saying they’d need to somehow change the old content into something else so it could be new content otherwise it would just be an activity?
What about pans? Ion gunna cook some food?