M+ is NOT content! The problem with modern WoW

the game seems to revolve almost entirely around dungeon play now days, I for one do not want to sit in a fricken dungeon 24/7 on a mmorpg , every bit of fun outside of instance play has been stripped away or neglected or nerfed , this is the main reason I am letting Warcraft go once my sub runs out.


Arguably most don’t like raiding and do M+ instead , so what’s your point , m+ is content , just like raiding , how is it any different from doing the same thing every week ???

No, see, content and activities are not the same thing. The OP clearly differentiates them.

By his asinine reasoning, if it’s repeatable, it’s labeled as an “activity”.
If it’s not repeatable, it’s “content”.

In summary of this logic, no expansion in the history of World of Warcraft has ever had content. Maybe you could argue quests are content, but you could always make an alt and do them again, so they must be activities as well!

You clearly lack basic understanding of how any of this works, so I’ll explain it to you. Yes this is condescending.

MMO content involves goals set by the players themselves. WoW gives you the basic templates for what you think you’d like to do, and the player sets goals for themselves to complete. Content is fully completable, in that how much until the player is satisfied is entirely up to YOU THE PLAYER.

Example, I can say “I want the season 2 M+ mount.”

I can get +15s done in time for every dungeon, get my mount and decide I’m done. BOOM. Completion!

Or, “I want to get Ahead of the Curve.” I raid until I get it. BOOM. Completion.

See? You’re actually complaining about something that does not exist…

If you want a game fully on a set of rails, go play one. It’s not hard.

Wrong M+ is an activity Blizz wants to force us to do because they don’t design actual content. Not to mention many of us from the upvotes between both threads don’t want to ever do M+ again. It’s a very unenjoyable activity that has now taken center stage for WoW’s design which is 100% wrong.

Which is why players get very tired easily especially after BFA and they say enough is enough. This is why SL lost so many players. Times have to change for Blizz if they want to win back the player base. I’m really routing for them to fix this game. It’s why this thread exist.

Lol let me put my 2 cents here. Playing Ff14 atm ,time let on my sub runs out on 23. I still read these forums because I used to love this game for years .
Now let me get to the point, when SL was released I enjoyed new dungeons , I hated dungeons in BFA. When I got to 60 I done 3 things, daily chores , raid 2-3 times a week and mythic plus. By Feb I was raid logging. Doing same content on harder difficulty was boring so left mythic at plus8.
I returned for 9.1 hoping for some new content, and the only new content we got was new raid and Korthia. And to get my gear set for raids guess what? I have to do same old mythic over and over again.
If you guys like to play same thing over and over again u can play sports. Or diablo 3 with its never ending seasons.
So no, its not a new content, it’s old and boring asfk.

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Nah, I think he needs to go full on Dnd.

Multiplayer, endless content, unique experiences, and a gm that he can actually talk to.

You don’t get to decide what is wrong for the majority of players.

And boy aren’t we lucky this is the case.

This is why you don’t actually argue any real points, you don’t have any.

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To be clear, you are technically correct when you say m+ is not new content if you’re using the word “new” to describe dungeon content in 9.1 versus dungeon content in 9.0. Beyond the seasonal affix, no, they are the same dungeons.

That said, it is still content. Castle Nathria is still content in 9.1, but it’s simply not new content.

Difference with m+ is the gear is still relevant.

If your complaint is the game is lacking in inspiring content, I think most people would agree with you.

However, if your conclusion (as is the troll OP’s) is that m+ to blame, you’re wildly misguided.


The majority of players aren’t here anymore. At what point exactly do you address the problems with the game design in WoW? Another 50% of player loss? Well I think this fall will be very interesting then. That will happen if things don’t drastically change in game.

I’m routing for Blizz to fix the game and they need to with all the great games out there now. People jumped ship and are just treated better which is why I do main another game as well. I come back for a month at a time try to help Blizz get their act together because I would love for WoW to be a great game again.

At least since WoW is in rapid decline and has stiff competition the Blizz has no choice, design a better game or be devoured by the rest of the gaming industry.

Yet again you illustrate your lack of comprehension where statistics are concerned.

If you halve a population, the remaining half would still consistent of majorities and minorities.

OP’s either dumb or a troll. In either case, thread’s really not deserving of as much attention as it’s getting.

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Imagine that instead of new raid we would get Castle of Nathria plus mode. That’s what mythic keys feel like.
Everyone does TOF so we do the same content with harder difficulty over and over again starring at level 50.
I agree that higher mythic should not be a mandatory content they should bring titles, cosmetics and mount.

If we get new raid every patch ,why are we doing same dungeons.


It’s not exactly what it’s like because of the new affix combinations and the seasonal affix which is completely different. This allowed for very different routing options.

M+ is content the same way Timewalking is content. Oh scaled up surely. But it is still just a new coat of paint on the same old. I find it confusing when people complain that a raid gets stale after 6 months, but are perfectly happy with the same dungeons for a full expansion. Maybe Blizzard should just randomize mechanics in raids so they only need to release one mid expansion to keep people happy. :upside_down_face:

Rotating dungeons would be amazing for the game. Sadly that would cost all sorts of development time and wow isn’t making money hand over fist … o wait, they are. Ya … they are milking us, with the least effort possible.
I would much prefer 14 total dungeons split 7 per season on a rotation, then 10 total for the whole expansion.

That’s a fair point to an extent. Though, I don’t see any issues with m+ having its own set of rewards. If you like the m+ system, you play it. If you don’t, don’t. Long-term, there’s no need to do m+ if you aren’t a hardcore mythic raider and you don’t enjoy m+. If you simply want to do normal / heroic raids, you are in no way pressured to do m+.

What people like about m+ is that it’s repeatable pve content, which the game was lacking before its inception.

Again, however, m+ requires significantly less development time than does balancing covenants and these borrowed power systems.

If you believe the game needs more content, I’d agree with you. The issue is not M+, however.

We can have different afflix combinations on raid bosses or trash just as well. Different wings , different timers. I could elaborate but I don’t want to give Blizzard another dumb idea.

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You are trying to combine M+ and Raids under the same roof. They are both end game PvE, but they are their own entity. I have really been enjoying M+, but I don’t raid.

Dungeons are tied to the expansion’s story, much like raids are. It’s unrealistic to add a new rotation of dungeons every patch. They added Tazavesh, which was well designed with a lot of great mechanics. Meanwhile keeping M+ exciting to those who enjoy it with new affix combinations.

Let’s just add mythic plus mode to all dungeons starting from Deadmines.
If Blizz like to reuse old content so much, let us have variety.

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So, if the content isn’t new to the patch, it’s comparable to content from previous expansions? Bit of a reach.