M+ is NOT content! The problem with modern WoW

Because going back to more open world focused content is going to end up exactly like that. Mobs will be farmed by bots or certain guilds willing to hard farm it. Making it a monopoly again.

I would be completely done with the expansion in a week. Is this really your proposed solution?

And this whole crap about instances… I really think that you should go play another game. Simple as that. I’ve only been playing the game since legion, and it’s been clearly moving in the direction of competitive play, both pvp and pve.

That open world rp crap you want is gay. Go play ff14. Theres nothing but uber casuals that couldn’t hack it in wow

You understand assassins are open world content that have absolutely nothing to do with world bosses, correct?

You also understand that it would be fairly simple to allow a world boss to respawn and provide buffs to anyone who kills it?

Asking for more open world content does not automatically mean “vanilla content”. It means “more open world content”.


Sorry let me rephrase this. The last season of BFA had higher participation than 9.1. At no point should 9.1 start be less then the last season of the prior bad expansion. That is a massive yikes and shows how badly SL is missing the mark and how much 9.1 flopped. Every metric is down.

Not sure why you are arguing by the way, this is the worst situation this game has ever been in. Don’t you want to fix it and get the millions of players back? Or do you want this game to continue to fail? Honestly don’t get it.

It didn’t bring the players back is what it didn’t bring. It didn’t resolve any of the issues with 9.0 and just added extra steps and a whole new system which Blizz said they weren’t going to do!! Literally the very first patch of SL Blizz lied!! They introduced a terrible domination socket system that NO ONE wanted. People wanted Tier Sets!

I’ll dismantle your entire post here.

If you want completable content then you need to stop playing MMOs. MMO content is designed to be repeatable and a ton of us love M+ and Raiding on a very regular basis.

World of Warcraft is a power grind ON PURPOSE and we like this.


The guy who is literally playing BC Classic has no right to complain about repeatable content.

Wasn’t aware open world had a sexual qualifier.

Beyond this misfire, yes, instanced content is the most difficult and repeatable content, and removing it would be a detriment to the game.

You can rephrase it as many time as you want, but it’s clear you don’t understand what you are saying. No matter how you say it, you are comparing participation number from end of season bfa to the beginning of 9.1.

Your fundamental misunderstanding on statistics is the big yikes here.

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Many players before you have voiced valid complaints about the game.

The most fundamental problem with SL is the development and balancing investment in borrowed power systems and chore-based content. This comes with an opportunity cost.

End-game and class design suffers because devs have to balance covenant abilities and conduits instead of designing cool new dungeons or baseline class mechanics.

Players are overwhelmingly tired of doing chores. If you want to fix shadowlands going forward, the solution is as simple as doing away with needlessly complex borrowed power systems.

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Ok I guess I can’t rephrase it to make you understand how catastrophic it is. This was reported on Bellular too and everyone was shocked at how bad the participation is. I don’t know why I respond to you honestly. I’d be better talking to someone who understand the conversation.

SL is the biggest loss of players than any other expansion, understand everything fine. This isn’t going to end how you think it will if Blizz doesn’t change direction and salvage this bad boy. But seriously I’m tired of your trolling so not gonna feed you any further.

That sounds like a very biased assumption.

I know this is an Abomb thread and your trolls are usually pretty awesome but…

Part of the reason why this is being discussed so heavily, m+ in general, is because it hit popularity. It has mostly hit their vision over a very long period of time starting with little bits like challenge modes/5-man hardmodes for what will be tried+true “content” going forward lol >.>

As others described it the whole low budget, slapping a timer on it and rewarding efficiency different game mode deal could even be a positive - Challenge Mode was extremely unpopular and unseen in comparison with m+, but it could’ve still existed. If it doesn’t take much resources to put out… reliable.

I swear, the amount of energy WoW players invest in being stressed out over Blizzards success or failures never fails to astound me.

And that’s not a compliment.

Not to mention nonsensical. If it was statistically accurate, there’d be no argument. “Facts” are funny that way.

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Content isn’t repeatable, activities are. M+ isn’t content it’s an activity like doing BGs.

Literally the purpose of an MMO is to complete content. It feels good to complete something and be finished. That is just basic game psychology.

Oh, I’m the one trolling because I challenged your erroneous opinions being passed off as facts? Typical behavior to call others trolls for having differing opinions.

Stick to opinions, your views aren’t facts or universal truths. Your sources are streamers and when asked for real number you can’t pull anything.

The fact you still don’t understand the fallacy of comparing end of season numbers to start of season numbers is mind blowing. You should stop replying.

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Is this really the hill you want to die on?

I’ve had a suspicion for a while but at this point I’m convinced you’re trolling.

If we are defining content as “activities you can do” (we are by the way)…

Then M+ is an activity is you can do.

Content does not have to be a “one and done” deal. Your entire argument is opinion based.

If you wanna die on this hill, die on it. You’re just going to look incredibly dumb for it.

And I bet a global pandemic with months-long lockdowns (which in many areas are no longer in place) had nothing to do with higher participation in season 4 BFA which started in January 2020. Nope. Not a bit.


A suggestion for you.

Go replay Skyrim. I say this because the only game that will make you happy is a single player RPG.

ESO, GW2, WoW, FF14 etc etc etc…

Name all the MMOs you want, they are all like this.

The issue is not with WoWs content, the issue is that you don’t enjoy MMOs. Now please continue to be in total denial on purpose. Which to me looks a lot like a shameless self-roast.



I’ve said the same thing multiple times. OP is describing a single player rpg, not a mmo. He should stick to games like Divinity, which I thought was an amazing rpg.