Sources. The majority of the player base quit?
You are comparing data from the end of a patch/season to 9.1 which is still in beginning stages.
The point is you don’t speak for the player base. You can’t make claims that it is the majority. I asked for sources and you can’t pull up any. It’s your opinion and nothing more.
To summarize this thread:
‘“Content” isn’t “content” if I don’t like it.’
“Whatever I believe, the majority of the player-base believes as well. Trust me. No, you don’t need sources. I know what every player in the game believes”.
“Once something has been completed a single time, I should never have to do it again. Still, I want to have a full schedule week over week doing things I’ve never done before. This is a reasonable expectation”
“Blizzard, please hire me.”
You are wrong.
Blizzard if you want the game to crash and burn contact this person.
Why doesn’t it add mini games? Mount racing? Some kind of card mini game? Jumping puzzles?
I see tons of opinions, many in conflict with each other. I’m asking you which ones you think are plausible
It already is crashing and burning even without Abombination’s advice.
It can always crash even faster!
And maybe it should.
Maybe WoW would actually get some good content for once.
Nope, you would see even worse content or no content if it crashes bad. These things are driven by revenue.
Don’t you worry about revenue.
They get plenty of revenue from wow tokens and cash shop mounts.
So, you are suggesting the game is successful right now then? If that is the case no reason to change anything then.
No we are comparing it too BFA which was a bad expansion. So the end of BFA had bad participation now 9.1 which was the longest content drought in history for a .1 patch didn’t bring players back and the participation is worse than the end of BFA. That is a massive yikes no matter how you look at it.
SL is definitely the worst expansion in history and we haven’t even hit the midway point yet. I do think this ship can be salvaged though but that will only come from massive changes to win back the majority of the player base that left. If that is possible anymore.
I do think the Devs and Blizz need to apologize to the player for making an unfinished bad game 2 expansions in a row and say it won’t happen again to win back the player trust. That would be important and we seen how that worked out so well in FF when they did that.
Players really do need an apology from Blizz and the Devs, it would go a long way to start the healing process. Then do a lot better with their actions.
As a video game, no.
As a shoe-selling business, yes.
The only thing that matters is revenue! Just ask the stock holders…
Exactly, and that revenue must be increased and the game must suffer for the revenue to increase.
I’ve said it. Mythic+ is a tool design to distract the player in-between content patches.
player: I got nothing to do!!! Blizz: You can always run… M+?! player: Oh I guess there is content I’ve haven’t done. Blizz: yes. YES! muhahahaha!
This is why the development team has to make bad choices a lot. It comes from the top of the company.
Your own words right here, “end of BFA”. You are comparing data from the end of a season to the beginning of another one. If you can’t see the fault in that, you should stop looking at data and statistics all together.
9.1 brought a
New zone
New raid
New sockets/sets
New mega dungeon
Hours of story line quests
Again, you seem to be unable to differentiate the difference from opinion from facts.
So you want to go back to how it was in Vanilla? Where only certain guilds/factions had monopoly on world bosses? You know, the ones that spawned once a week and the first to tag and kill got the reward while everyone else got nothing?
Hmm, interesting.
How does him saying that the game needs more open world content lead you to these questions? Talk about leading…
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