M+ is NOT content! The problem with modern WoW

No, it wasn’t. Try re-reading the conversation. Your ideas of your own intellect aren’t necessarily shared by other forum goers, myself included. Hence, irony being a very fitting word.

If you want to do something above a 210 ilvl, you have to do a bit of work. You may even have to engage in content that requires a modicum of skill. Oh, the horror. Still, normal/heroic raiding will offer gear higher than 210 ilvl. In fact, you can even get 226+ ilvl simply by looting chests and doing dailies in Korthia! :slight_smile:

I’m not claiming victimhood. Simply stating who started it. Again, reading comprehension is a useful skill.

Korthia is decent for a short term ilevel bump. I don’t have many toons for whom they substitute stats well, and are certainly far from ideal. Unfortunately they fill a need left by the abysmal loot rates employed by this expansion.

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Good thing that doesn’t apply to me. Hence, yes it IS garbage content.

M+ has zero rewards after 14s. Stop acting like there is some insanely hard wall to over come. You really think I do 10-20 keys a week for gear?
I do it for the challenge. To say I can do them, which is the whole point of M+.

This is part of the problem. People focusing way too much on secondary stats. Any major Ilvl bump wins. Korthia gear will go up to 233. It currently goes above your “210”. Someone who is just raiding normal or even heroic will be more than equipped with Korthia gear alone.

What are you sharing? That you got KSM? That doesn’t mean you have skill, especially if you didn’t go any further than 15s.

Do me a favor and define irony.

So you’ve admitted you do actually have to do M+ and are now shifting the goal post to attack a straw man regarding people evidently not wanting to work hard. You’re really not good at this.

Quality of Korthia gear has been adequately addressed in my previous post.

Yes, this clearly is also not an insult of any fashion. Gaslighting is a fickle thing, but doesn’t work when it’s so blatantly obvious.

Let’s not forget Tazavesh normal, or LFR. Yeah, not solo content, but certainly dirt easy that everyone can do em.

Ah yes, Taz. You can also get fully geared from running Taz normal. Not to mention Taz Hardmode drops 233.

So to your point, Nihilis, there’s Taz and Korthia gear. A normal and heroic raider can completely avoid M+ if they wanted to.

As an example, when you immediately claim someone doesn’t possess the faculties necessary to engage in discussion, when making such a claim will immediately cease any meaningful discussion from taking place.

Irony. Get it?

Nope, m+ is not necessary to do the content you or the OP want to do.

If you want to push more difficult content, then you may start doing m+.

“You’re really not good at this.”

Korthia gear is more than sufficient to down heroic bosses. You will also get heroic gear from raids as you complete them.

What I’m not following is you’re a 227 ilvl who has cleared 10/10 normal. Exactly what other content are you trying to do that justifies complaining about needing to do m+? As far as I can tell there’s no need for you to set foot in a m+ dungeon.

Oh, and sorry, I’m just wondering why I’ve continued this conversation for so long.

It’s obvious you have no experience in any meaningful capacity where skill is concerned in this game, and would rather argue in the forums of a game than play the game itself. That said, this is a superb waste of time and ima head out. Enjoy your 7 keys :joy:

The game disagrees. Got my 15’s got my valor that can be upgraded up to the max and I got the ugly smokey mount that I’m never going to use. Why would I continue doing this trash content that awards nothing else and is nothing but a hamster wheel for the dim-witted, easily amused crowd?

Here, educate yourself:


The combination of the two I would say could potentially substitute. The but here is that in a bis vs. bis progression environment, the stat weights really do matter. Can you do Taz once a week and roll the dice on Korthia gear? Yes. Will you be competitive with other prog folks spamming m+? No. How do I know? That’s the kind of guild I’m in.

I would ask you to make up your mind, but even if you did you’d flip flop a moment later. The individual I’ve quoted above you has made more succinct points on your behalf without gaslighting insults, so he’s the one I’ll be addressing from this point forward. I don’t engage arguments made in bad faith, such as yours. Nighty night now.

"m+ isn’t content bro, once you go in and kill the boss, going in again is just like. a waste of time.

I’d much rather pvp. I love going in the arena and killing my opponent. And when I’m done, I can queue up and do it again. It never changes and that’s why pvp is best."

A-bomb 2021


You know how to inspect a profile and either have ignored my achievements or are simply trying to lobby empty insults. I must agree, you are indeed a waste of time. Good day, sir.

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You’re bad at the game. Good day, sir.

My achievements prove you wrong, mister 0/0 SoD X’D

It’s not a “potential” substitute. It is a substitute. What ilvl do you need for Normal and Heroic SoD? There’s no need to run keys unless you’re pushing Mythic SoD. Running +14/15 will outgear Normal SoD and on par with Heroic. It is a substitute, no other way about it.

Your guild is a bit try hard for Heroic raids.


Such is life on a tiny server. Thems the dice, but we get by.

Ion’s in my apartment right now and he says if I don’t do my Korthia dailies, he’ll smash all my star wars figurines with a crowbar.


My understanding is you are annoyed at Blizz for not giving you new “content” at the rate that suits you. Never going to happen.
There is no way Blizz can create new “content” (as you define it) at the rate it will be consumed by players.

I haven’t read all the thread but have you given specific examples of new and different “content”.