M+ is killing WoW

Most of them are just addicted to the game. They try to convince everyone that M+ is compelling MMORPG content, but the reality is, it is a really badly designed skinner box.


Or…it’s fun?

I haven’t needed gear for weeks yet I enjoy doing keys.

Want to know what I stopped doing since not needing gear? Raiding.

And I’m someone who enjoyed raiding as well.

It’s not any deeper than it’s just a fun piece of content.

And if someone doesn’t find it fun, who cares they can not do it. I don’t enjoy pet battles or arena, so I don’t do them. I don’t want them removed.


Honestly… I feel like there’s nothing rewarding to do in WoW. The various hamster wheel grinds to try and get mount / outfit drops is frustrating at best.

Locking mounts (looking at you Shark bait) behind mythic difficulty that can only be attempted once per week sucks. It’s just like a raid mount! Oh. Joy.

There are still some raid mounts I don’t have yet… which is crazy because I used to farm them all the time.

I’m sorry but I just don’t see the point in WoW anymore. The hamster wheel has become so repetitive that there really is nothing to do that feels rewarding to me, in WoW.

It truly is a badly designed skinner box. I believe that 100%. I still play this game because I fell in love with the lore, the characters, the world, the idea of this living online community… but now it’s just depressing. This game used to be built for fun once. I feel like the mobile monetization and engagement metrics overlords have perfected moving the carrot out that it’s just bland now.


do you have any clue how many pre-planning meetings and briefings these devs have to sit through before they even get to the point of making changes in production??? like, have you any idea how time intensive rebalancing can be and that it’s maybe not just someone saying, “ok spreadsheet says this number so let me plug that into the table”???

like seriously, do you know? because I don’t, so I’m just asking.

Killing wow? M+ is the only thing keeping it alive.


If Blizzard banned all paid carries in all forms, the player base would collectively lose their minds.


so your telling me the balancing team and the art department is the same? Also last I check we didnt have any rebalance on the dungeon in weeks now since they’re pretty happy at where the dungeon balance is now.


They could remove every M+ and port them over to a M+ only game and take all the players that enjoy that facet of the game an I probably wouldn’t notice a thing.

No M+?

Hey look all

The 1 person who post the same thread on every level 10 alt they have complaining about mythic + ruining the game, while they live in LFR and complain they can’t get into groups.

You says that and yet Mythic + season 1 28,000,000 keys run
Season 2 is at 12 million barely half way through the season

You talk about the only people defending m+ are people selling carries

Wrath is literally nothing but people selling loot with gdkp and just wait till ICC hits.

Classic is dead, the only people playing classic are the private server kids who beat the “challenging content” in 45m and act like they accomplished something doing it 15 years later.

Mythic + ain’t going anywhere, mythic + is content and a challenge, should try it sometime might actually get past 750


M+ is what’s keeping me here. You won’t see me getting on my soap box over stuff like this. If you don’t like a certain aspect of the game… Then simply don’t participate in it. It’s that simple.


I’m going to write blizzard a letter requesting a M+ version of Wailing Caverns. But instead of the new WC, it’s the original WC. :slight_smile:

M+ makes wow sort of fun for group content. 5 mans are so much easier and less of a hassle to deal with then raiding.

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Oh, don’t forget all the dudes raid logging in classic wrath.

but I really love M+
and I am a casual player
what is wrong with mehhhhh


Blizzbots when someone gives criticism on a game they pay a monthly fee for

I find it sad that you argue so vehemently against an aspect of the game you don’t even participate in. Let me guess, you’re going to now tell me “I used to”. The thing is, whatever it is you do in game now that you enjoy, I hope Blizzard leaves it intact and actually improves it. Wouldn’t it be nice if you felt the same way about the things I enjoy in game. Hmmm…


I’ll admit when I am wrong.

Mythic difficulty was introduced in WoD (Patch 6.2)

Mythic+ keys were introduced in Legion (Patch 7.0.3)

So, I was half right…

Man, brawlers guild was legimately fun.

Have some drinks with friends just pumping away at it and it was always packed with people.

Idk maybe they had the numbers saying it wasn’t popular but that would be #1 on my list of “they shouldn’t have abandoned this”.

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your post just boils down to you not liking M+ and want blizzard to remove it.

no thank you. i like M+ i can do them on my time and get the gear iw ant out of them while doing them on my time

the entire point of M+ is to generate an endgame grind for almost zero dev time

M+ has literally no new content, just more difficulties of the same content - just numbers tweaks

every game imaginable could easily generate this kind of repetitive endgame content but it is an activity that would entirely die without having the best possible gear hanging at the end

M+ is poor quality endgame entertainment for most players

if you want to see how popular M+ really is, just make the rewards cap out at LFR levels and watch participation plummet to nothing

LFR has massive participation with crap rewards, M+ wouldn’t even justify itself as an endgame activity if it only gave crap rewards like LFR