M+ is killing WoW

I agree with this, but I think it is a real shame that Blizzard has eroded away the motivation to raid by making M+ so lucrative. Why put all those resources into making huge raids if everyone is just going to spam the same 8 dungeons per season?

They got a real dilemma on their hands, and they know it. Any attempts to bring M+ into line with the other end game pillars is met with fierce resistance from the community.


Do you have any data to back up this claim?

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Yes, look at the raiderio data for each patch. M+ is by far the most played of the 3 endgame pillars and it’s not even close. Even the people who raid a lot still spend more time in keys.

It’s also plain to see for anybody who plays the game. It provides something to do that’s social. The whole guild might be hanging around outside of discord but the second a few people join a voice channel it gets swamped, someone streams a key, everyone laughs or comments or whatever, then they join the next one, then another group forms, etc.

Without M+ you’d have a lot of guilds that exclusively log on for raid and nothing else. M+ provides an incentive and means of experimenting with new builds, alternate items, etc. It’s dynamic and fun. Quite simply it’s what WoW is about more than anything else these days.


I’ve seen some toxicity as of lately, but the toxicity was my fault because as of lately my dps has been trash because I’m learning a new spec. But most of them are just passive-aggressive. Though, one angry whisper I got was someone yelling at me that I kicked them out it was pretty funny.

But the people that say “m+ is toxic” they’re probably the ones being toxic towards other people or they’re taking constructive criticism as a toxicity

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you’re wasting your time. he’s not interested in any opinion that doesn’t agree with his own.


Mythic plus has alot of problems but undoubtedly it’s been proven to be the most played content in world of warcraft on launch.

Mythic Plus saved WoW. Wow would have maybe 500k or less subs left if it wasn’t for M+


I honestly have no idea what I’d b e doing right now in WOW if m+ didn’t exist.


It should be about fun. What people are missing is this game is actually not that fun.

We are playing for gear which is fine… But it seems to be not really for fun. Because what are you going to do with that gear? Other than do more of the same?

I did mythic plus because it made raiding easier which I found fun. I’m sure there are others who find mythic plus fun… And others who do what I did. Or those who Do one or both and don’t find either fun except the gear itself is fun…

The problem isn’t, why is blizzard doing this to us? But why are we doing this to ourselves?

Because I have a feeling we spend a lot of time doing things we don’t find fun

I think there are some human studies that could get some interesting insight if they were to study this game


yep, I’ve changed my play habits a lot as a result of thinking about this sort of thing. i just quit doing things in game i don’t enjoy. rep grind? no thanks. raid? barely. pvp? no chance.


Tell you this: ALLTHETHINGS.

If you have 9k achievement points and you’re telling me here and now that there’s nothing to do in WoW and blaming M+ then idk guy, we literally have thousands of stuff ready to be collected which means a whole lot of hours worth of content.

There’s nothing to do in wow.

6 post throw away alt.

This reads more so as someone complaining about M+ either because they cant get groups, they can’t do high content, or such.

You would be still playing, as with many people in this thread, because you enjoy WoW. The game would have been just fine without M+.

This idea that game needed an endless content loop of recycled content to save the game is just utterly hilarious.

It is just something people parrot on these forums, despite not having a shred of data to back this stupid rhetoric up.

It is all anecdotes about their play habits.


Ofc that’s why we got a new patch like a few days ago and ThERE’s NotHiNg to Do.
If you’re too lazy to move your mount from Valdrakken that’s not Blizz problem tbh.

I don’t think I would continue playing, I’d probably play for another month or two, but overall, I’d want to do m+ it’s the only thing I do these days. I don’t want to play wow just for battle pets, player housing, PVP, etc. Raiding is fun, but I still prefer m+

I’m joking lol. If you notice my achievements I only have 8k I have a bunch of stuff to do in WOW lol.

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My bad then, EU forums ptsd.

This is actually how a lot of people still play the game despite M+ being in the game. I think that M+ popularity is very exaggerated on this forums. Most of the people that post here are hardcore WoW players, so it is no wonder that sentiment here is that M+ was some kind of savior of the game.

Meanwhile, WoW was not in danger of dying one bit, the vast majority of people still buy new expansions and quit 3 months in, M+ is only keeping the die hards busy between patch cycles.

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I used to be more into achievement hunting and mount collecting but I came to the same realization. I wasn’t having fun doing that.

So I just log in and do what I want. I still only have 1 renown maxed this far into the expansion because it’s nothing I care about. I just do what I’m having fun with which is mostly story quests, trying out each event at least once, then mythic+ and raiding.

And it suits me just fine.

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I’m not sure what you’re getting at.

You’ve mostly been seeming to advocate for less things to do so you can log off and play other games.

Which…can’t you just kind of do that anyway?

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I don’t think these same people realize… but m+ is really just an easy way out for devs. How hard is it to recycle the same content with new affixes with just the next up key range? Recycling current and old content is what m+ really is. It’s the increased hamster wheel duration. It’s the same ol’ scheme to keep you coming back.

“We wanted loot to feel more rewarding so we reduced the amount you get” = we need you to spend more time on the hamster wheel, please enjoy.

m+ is not interesting to me. I don’t feel the need to grind the same thing over… and over… and over… and over… for a chance to get that drop that increases my ilvl points by 2 just so I can do this again to increase it by 2 again because I’m looking for that next hit.

The m+ crowd are really only here for the next carrot on the hamster wheel.