M+ is killing WoW

What world content?

There’s a reason the only thing people ever want to do in Classic is level a new character on a fresh server - and it’s certainly not because of the engaging content at end-game.

Oh wait, I forgot you can kill a couple thousand furbolgs for reputation. Great content.


Huh? I’m not miserable over a game lol. I don’t get my self worth as a person from a video game, unlike a lot of players that love M+.

I love WoW, and I will voice my opinion on these forums and try to advocate for this game to get back to its RPG roots instead of trying to be a boring e-sport.

The fact that people are relying on M+ to keep them busy in the game says a lot about how awful WoW has gotten.

MMORPGs started out as immersive worlds, and I know WoW has always been a instance centric game, but lately that is all there is to do. So many other MMOs on the market have evolved past WoW when it comes to non-instance content, games like GW2 come to mind.

WoW still has a lot of hold on the market because of the IP. WoW has the best combat cept for maybe BDO, and the art style is timeless, but as far as evolving as an MMO, WoW has been stagnant for years.


I’m saying you’re miserable as in a whiner trying to bring other people down, not that you’re unhappy. Trying to convince people that the thing they enjoy is awful and needs to stop is miserable.


I’m not, though, you just can’t handle someone criticizing something you like. This is pretty common among a lot of millennials.


By all means, provide any meaningful criticism. Your nonsense boils down to “I DON’T LIKE IT, CHANGE IT, WAAH”. The game mode you don’t like is immensely popular. You are throwing out BS arguments to support your PoV. You can not like it, that’s fine. Trying to get other people to not like it for no reason is pathetic.


I agree with you in some points, but they still can bring more new dungeons and keep M+ at same time, Legion is the proof of that. We got a new dungeon every major patch, including the last one. In total 4 dungeons was added later (considering Kharazan as 2)

Legion was the best era in terms of dungeons. Quantity, variety of themes, unique mechanics, it had everything. I miss that days.

I used to want the same thing…to repurpose old content mats.
But thinking about it, it will be a disaster for players who want to level old professions by sitting at the AH buying the mats…because people like me who flip will know theyre needed for more current content…so we’ll be here constantly buying anything listed cheap and jacking the price to 10x what we paid for it.

Trust me. I flip. If I think i can make gold off old mats being needed for current content I’ll be doing it…and Im absolutely sure Im not going to be the only one.

It might kill the ability to buy old mats off the AH for new players who arent already loaded with gold

Great observation.

But it’s funny coming from you, since you’re one of the biggest offenders of this.

This is blatantly false.

Players are mage boosting their alts not leveling them by playing the game!


If you dont like m+, dont do it.

HAHA!!! Like I said, you can’t handle people criticizing something you enjoy. There have been loads of posts offering explanations for why people don’t enjoy M+.

Only in the minds of the people that like M+.

I’m not trying to change anyone’s mind here. Seems like I hit a nerve with you. Maybe some time spent away from these forums would do you good. Perhaps you could run some M+ instead of wasting your precious gaming time on these forums.

Edit: Ironic that you’re posting on a Classic character too.


m+ is the best feature ever added to wow.

Your opinion :slight_smile:


And shared by more people then not. They also dont go around attacking others for liking a certain type of content.

When did M+ come out?

WoD? Isn’t that when the game really started to bleed subs?

I’m sure it’s only a coincidence…

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m+ was not in wod, you tried though.

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I mean you’re a troll spreading misinformation, it’s easy to call out and mildly amusing watching you try to come up with any kind of point (which you’re still failing to do.) M+ is run more than raid, classic raid, pvp, whatever you want to reference. You’re on here trying to tell people its awful for some reason and complaining about people that run it. A quintessential miserable person. Anyways, enjoy whining about stuff that’ll never change.


no! that’s not good enough! i have to make sure other people can’t do it either!


Without M+ I wouldn’t be playing WOW at all.


M+ just leads to me burning out and stop playing.

It’s too good loot wise in vault to not do it for raiding. Once I beat raid with AOTC, there’s no reason to raid anymore.

Same dungeons over and over and over and over quickly lead to burn out, and not wanting to login and do dungeons anymore.

Game for me has been way less enjoyable since M+ got added.

I do it because it rewards good loot which helps clear the raid faster, even though I hate it. But getting AOTC quick just leads to me no longer see a point in raiding and take breaks inbetween raid tiers. M+ is honestly too good to not do it, and it makes you able to blow through content faster but then lose reasons to play.