M+ is killing WoW

lmao is that a thing you think is happening


Nothing is killing wow. Post on your main, so we can see the REAL story

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Mythic + is the only direction you can go in group play in todays age(pve that is). What would you suggest they do for pve group play? Build villages? Group crafting? Group jump puzzles?

All of the comments defending mythic+ all fall under the same fallacy as the plane designers in WW2: Survivorship bias. Planes coming back from missions with their wings shot up lead military leadership to believe that wings were primary targets for anti-aircraft fire, and sought to re-inforce those areas. The truth was that the planes that didnt make it back were not targeted primarily in the wings.

You see the majority of the surviving population playing m+ and say that it is a good thing for the game, allowing it to survive. the rest of us see what was abandoned and lost, and realize the focus on m+ is a big part of that.


It takes a lot of work to release one balancing patch slightly adjusting boss damage numbers every other month or so.

This is such a stupid argument. You could apply that reasoning to literally any facet of the existing game — oh, you see, pet battles are why, because, sure, um, y’know, people play it, but how many people quit because it exists? We can never know.

Absolutely asinine.

I think this is the case so much. There is such an extreme bias on these forums for defending M+, and a lot of these players don’t realize that this single system has probably alienated a ton of people from retail WoW. Which left a very pro M+ crowd.

Classic Wrath has a huge population of players, and now Vanilla WoW is seeing a huge resurgence again. I would be willing to bet that these versions of the game probably rival or even surpass retail’s pop. People are tired of the toxicity in retail.

Look at this Reddit thread on toxic gaming culture for online games. Retail WoW and OW are mentioned a lot.


People keep saying M+ saved WoW, well I think they’re wrong. Blizzard’s MAUS have declined year over year and their sales for DF weren’t even mentioned, first time in the game’s history there was no info on how the expansion sold, which means the sales figures were ugly.

Edit: I have a sneaky suspicion that a lot of the pro M+ posters are actually selling M+ carries, this is why they get so defensive when people try to bring up the negatives of M+.


i have a sneaking [not “sneaky”] suspicion that people who hate m+ hate puppies and steal candy from children :angel:


I love stealing candy period!!!

Edit: These forums are so much better when you block posters with 8k posts or more. Welcome to my list mate!


Best comment.

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If we go by the forums everything is killing wow.

The lack of borrowed power
The use of borrowed power
no m+
Raiding being to hard
raiding being too easy


Raiding is killing the game…think about how much new content there would be if we skipped making raids altogether.


This is a hilariously uninformed comment. Retail is at least 6x bigger than WotLK classic according to recent server population and 5x if you include classic era. You are basing your assumptions off of no data and it shows in how out of touch with other players your takes are.


Show me your sources then, I’m all ears. I’m going off the raid parses for both versions.

Classic https://classic.warcraftlogs.com/zone/statistics/1018

Retail https://www.warcraftlogs.com/zone/statistics/33

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“you can’t look at logs to show m+ is popular, it could just be people on alts”

“of course classic wotlk is more popular than retail, just look at the logs!”


go to ironforge pro for WotLK, Warcraft tavern pop for classic era, mmo-population or wowrealmpopulation for retail.

Wait, those are your sources?? Sigh, just sigh.

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Ya, you know the whole game instead of comparing classic that only has raid and retail that has actual variety…

What variety? The game is just M+/Raid for PVE. The world content is abysmal. I’d take Classics world content over retails any day.

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Sounds like you just don’t like the game and should maybe try something else out instead of being so miserable.